What's behind the rise of white men marrying non-white women...

What's behind the rise of white men marrying non-white women? I often see British and Irish men mixing with every race of women imaginable

Look at white demographics, the birthrate and fertility rates are continuing to decline, and lusting over non-white females is not gonna help the white race

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My 74 year old dad married a flipapino younger than me. I don't care, whatever makes him happy and pisses off my sister is fine with me.

I can't get anywhere with a white woman in conversation and it appears there is an undercurrent of hostility. Don't know how that could be.

White women think they can have the whole world while keeping themselves in balance since that's what they've been told by we all know who. White men just want to be happy with what they can get knowing their own limitations and limits imposed on them.
I think the Asian/African/Indian dependants that latch on know they're only doing it for the money, compared to what they make back in their home countries getting fucked by some middle aged balding pudgy white bloke is worth pulling themselves out of poverty by the power of their pussies. Everyone knows it, if I see a man dating any Asian woman who isn't from Japan as I'd consider it to be a near Western tier nation, is being strung along for the content of his wallet. White women are not immune from doing this, gold diggers are synonymous in California looking for an old rich white guy to write them into their will.

It is over.. we lost.

They are more loyal to white men sadly. Our own bitches are the worst when it comes to that

im a white girl who exclusively dates asian guys AMA

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Why is that do you wonder?
Oh they're poor and like getting a visa too if possible. What's wrong with white women though? Oh they get affirmative action and don't need no man. Neat. Good thread I think we just solved mysteries.

white women have all the power in that area. Most men want to have one woman for life and make children. healthy average looking White women don't want to breed anymore and our only option is fat white women who cant create a child because theyre too unhealthy or a skinny non white woman, what would you chose before dying alone?
Like someone else here said money is another huge issue, many people who would like kids can't afford it so they don't do it. Young white men are being cucked by boomers who wont die and hold on to their positions. By the time we have anything were like 40 or older

>What's behind the rise of white men marrying non-white women?

Tits or gtfo larper and include timestamp

I'd date an Asian girl. But by Asian ii really mean Japanese.

user sums it up pretty well here.


ciara is that you?

>It is over.. we lost.
The only solution would be to take women's rihts away.
But cucks like OP would block that and defend feminism like the simps they are.

because associating with white guys is seen as a social liability outside of very small circles of ultra conservative, racist white women. the jewish media apparatus also does a great job of demonizing and emasculating white men in all forms of media.

I would never marry some 3rd world flipper or SEA girl, but I can understand WHY white guys do it. I went to Thailand for 6 months (1 month in the Philippines) and its like having a cheap buffet of young hot pussy. I fucked 65 hookers in 6 months and i probably could've fucked more if I felt like it. Usually I paid $45-60 dollars. In terms of cost/benefit analysis, even though I know what I'm doing is pathetic, sad, and I'd rather have an attractive white girl, what it takes to get laid in the US isn't worth the effort anymore. Social media destroyed the sexually marketplace. I can't compete with 10/10 6'4 chad with rich parents. I did fine until about 2012 (im 29) and then it just evaporated overnight.

I just see western women (especially white women) as a potentially life destroying liability with limited upside. Id rather just go pay $60 dollars and get exactly what I want, when I want, and be on my way.

If you're an old anglo piece of shit, I'm sure some of these guys actually want to settle down with one women but they're just brick layers or other fucking nobodies in their home countries so they can't attract and maintain any quality women in the west. I guess as long as they can accept and internalize the reality that they're nothing but a walking ATM for their wife and her family, more power to them i guess.

Asians and whites are natural allies.

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It cuz all y'all white hoes only want dat BBC.

Now y'all go and steal the all them women from the yellow man. You crackas aint got no shame.

Try being chad, or black.

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You only feel that way because you are a weak excuse for a white man.

Because white women are worthless. They are disloyal, wanna be men who slut around. Only virgin losers that have never had one wants one.

this is slide

Tits or GTFO.

"White" isn't the problem it's culture in this case. Asians are taught by their parents to be submissive. That's culture not race. Come to the country. Plenty of good polite white women all over the place who want to work hard and serve their husbands.

"Sorry white boy, only BIG VSIVN BVLL gets the Latina!"

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because non-white women have submissive, conservative personalities while still being strong and self-sufficient.

White women are entitled, snobby, and generally difficult to get along with.

Lot of 'Nam vets have gook honeys/wives. So too do guys who were stationed in Korea and Japan .

How come your mom left your dad? Did the betabux only go so far?

pretty cute desu

Low test. When I'm high test I goa fter white women. No fap.


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>This man has a child
>This man had a wife
>This man convinced another woman to sleep with him while he was still married
I don't know what was happening during the 70s through to the 90s for all of this to have happened but it must've been a nightmarish series of events

Take a stand. Its known that most shills are normalfaggots, wherever they derive from, this is a constant. Alphabet soup agencies, liberal groups or just free radicals trying to troll here all have one fundamental weakness. They lack the mental fortitude to stand GOREPOSTING. Let us all rise up together and purge this board of shills or at the very least make it difficult for these faggots to continue to shit all over a once great place of learning. GOREPOSTING liberates, GOREPOSTING defies, GOREPOSTING is our first defense.

GOREPOST NOW! Simply add some tasteful gore to your otherwise benign post and save your board today!

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They can't get White women. Not all White women can.

Don't put your personal failings on the rest of us you little wretch. You're either with us or you have joined the enemy.

I mean, have you *seen* latinas?

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Most of this place is hispanics who think they are white. I have no idea why. They are like hapas but worse.

Exotic pussy is erotic pussy.

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>Come to the country

Country girls are all alcoholics and have a bitchy "one of the guys" attitude.

Wrong. White women are actually the most racially loyal, you retard

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OP is a British woman perhaps?