Is fem*id attractiveness a meme?

>I don't care about your white race gramps this brown lady makes my PP hard!
Next minute

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The guy in top right (whoever he is) looks like a butch dyke lesbian.

The guy on the bottom right still very clearly looks like a white Caucasian male

>mad yid Manlet

yeah okay, fag

>Doesn't know Dolph Chadgren

Dolph Lundgren? Fucking zoomer

This is an interesting thought


post body

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The girl on the bottom row is way cuter. Why should I sacrifice my happiness just for my son's jaw?

Bill's vaccine is made from recombinant rat parts, which is a special genetically engineered human-rat chimera. the recombinant mouse has human blood, human organs and a human immune system, including the glands, and these chimera mice grow all the medicine inside their bodies.
>year of the rat
you wanted to be part rat, right? it's mouse model number 28B11.
>you are now aware that one of the biolab samples that we caught the chinese spies trying to smuggle out of the united states was an (((antibody mouse)))
recombinant mouse. here is the thing, if you value your humanity at all then you don't want mouse DNA inside you just to make you immune to viruses which aren't real because viruses don't exist. The other half of the vaccine is made from fetal stem cells taken from abortions which are cultured out in huge biovats.

Does your religion forbid killing people?

Does your religion forbid killing babies?

Does your religion forbid drinking blood?

Does your religion forbid human sacrifice?

Then you can't have Bill's vaccine without even getting into the recombinant mouse problem. The vaccine is easily the most satanic and evil thing they have every done. once the rest of you have taken it, you will no longer be human and will pose no spiritual, intellectual nor evolutionary threat to their species whatsoever.
In order to make sure you understand the threat to humanity, to your entire specie, the Global Consciousness Project dot is now pink. Do not waste my agency. You are not being warned about this for no reason.

Arnie's other son is more handsome than both.

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Hollywood actor.
Like 6 foot 6.

The chick on the top is clearly older, while the one on the bottom has lots of makeup and a flattering angle. I bet if you had a pic of both of them in their prime, the blonde would be hotter.
Parsley, ____, rosemary, and thyme

Well of course, he's fully white. I'm just saying that some are short selling themselves and their genes for the sake of f*moids, a certain type of woman no less. Truly fucking pathetic!

but is he swole? the spic basterd looks like a greek god


Oy vey!

Why don't they work out

Top is a numbskull failed actor, bottom is an intelligent mathematician and game journalist. I know who I'd pick.

Dolph studied chemical engineering. Lower IQ than mathematics sure, but not retarded.

>Implying i want my kids to look like cavemen
Its balls deep in Alizée for me

If I have a family I want my sons to look like either Gravettian WHG or ANE cavemen. You're a retard if you want even remotely feminine-looking sons.

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Have you ever wondered if these Hollywood actors browse Yas Forums

Tom Hanks' cringe gay son has been here recently.

Legit makes you think

>Not wanting to dump every nut you could ever produce into a prime Alizee


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Also bros, look at the physiognomy of Dolph's mom. She's not very robust at all. She more reflects the darker girl in terms of bone structure and skull shape. Further proof that it's mostly from your father's side that proves how much of a Chad you are, and that stagnant, passionless pairing creates genetic fuck ups.

Attached: Dolph's mom.jpg (187x269, 9.34K)

Imagine being this much of a nigger

You will lose

Further Dolph posting now.

Attached: Dolph.jpg (500x741, 43.56K)

Are you an asian "Man"?