Can any oldfags tell us about the political situation surrounding Hurricane Katrina in August/September of 2005...

Can any oldfags tell us about the political situation surrounding Hurricane Katrina in August/September of 2005? Is it true that Katrina killed Bush's social security reform plans and led to the big GOP loss in 2006? What was Yas Forums like at the time? How did they cover the storm?

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I remember seeing video of military taking an old lady's .38. She wanted to guard her house, which was not flooded. They took her gun. Looking back, that was probably faked by the news. I voted for Kerry purely because of my hate for Bush. Now I'm old enough to know Bush, Kerry,Obama...Same shit pile.

A full two weeks of warnings that the levies won't hold and everything in the 7th ward or whatever would be underwater.
>You will die if you stay, just leave.
And they all stayed and a bunch died. Lots of looting and murder and chaos.
In the end it was the white man's fault. His racism was just too powerful.

I don't disagree with this user. It was the taking of the gun I had a problem with. Old white lady probably 60 years old. Looters probably murdered her after that. She wasn't in a flooded area.


Based ID colour

Cringe ID colour

The worst of the storm didnt even hit LA.. The LA response to their own problems was a disaster that the left/media spun to blame on Bush.

Top quality post.

Katrina was again, a fuck up by the left. The governor and the mayor were hard core Democrats who murdered their own people for political points. Remember Puerto Rico? Katrina was the playbook the Democrats used.

FEMA can only be deployed after being requested by the state governor, which requires them to declare a state of emergency. The mayor and governor both stonewalled and delayed aid, and the infrastructure was neglected for years under Democrat rule. This is nothing new, and the Republicans are partly responsible for them being allowed to pull this shit off.

I wasn't on 4chinz at the time, I started around 2008
But Katrina was a pretty big deal. Most of the country knew it was a big ass storm and some people would probably die, but the reality of it wasn't on most people's radar.
I'd say it was easily the biggest thing to happen up to that point, since 9/11.
Lots of shady shit went down in the aftermath, they tried to take people's guns, there was a ton of looting, that kind of thing. Cameras weren't allowed.
One funny thing was they tried to shelter a ton of nignogs in the Superdome. That turned into a hellhole in the aftermath.
Then in the wider culture it ultimately degenerated into a "muh poor black people" narrative.
>Bush hates black people!!!!!!
FEMA also got a lot of flak for this.
Growing up, it was a mix of snarky white kids talking about how we shouldn't have built a city there, and a bunch of blacks bitching about muh oppression.
A joke in my inner city St. Louis school about a new black girl was that she "floated up here after Katrina".

So yeah, it definitely hurt the neocon shit that had dominated the country's politics since 9/11. It was probably the beginning of the end for them.

A lot of you youngfags have no idea how fucking powerful the neocon shit was in America after 9/11. I (and most of Yas Forums too, btw) was a hardcore leftist at the time, because the dumbass righties back then really were truly vile scum. Hard to believe now, I know.

this should be the entire wikipedia article
nothing more, nothing less

and Yas Forums was less into trannies, but still loaded with pron. shitting dick nipples were a thing, so maybe i'm wrong..

Bush was a cuck who wouldn't kill the looters.

>A lot of you youngfags have no idea how fucking powerful the neocon shit was in America after 9/11.
Look around you, fuck ass.

The neocons were fucking nuts I know.

We're now in a leftward swing before people come back to their senses hopefully.

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I had some feelings.
Me an a buddy were directing in boat and chopper rescues from online comments posted by people who were trapped, I cold called private jet companies to fly down for medevacs.

Pretty much
Add to the fact new orleans had a ton if false warnings throughout the summer which caused people to not listen.
The 9th ward levees were filled with newspaper, and the cops and niggers fought it out in the streets after it hit.
I spent a year in new Orleans rebuilding houses 4 years after it hit, place was still a shithole then. Pretty sure it still is in some places.
AMA anything

I remember Katrina quite well. To be perfectly honest, all the white residents left a week before the hurricane. All that was left were the old whites and niggers. Once the hurricane hit, the niggers went full ape... looting, shooting... bush deployed National Guard and media called him racist for doing so.

>Yas Forums was classical liberal
Fucking liar. Stormfront had massive presence and didnt really leave until the fappening

This is now a Nazi thread.

Nice hue my dude!

Yuck, fuck off

Was on a FEMA USAR team, but did not get to deploy. My friends who went got a a lot of work, mainly evacuating people from high points (roofs, balconies, and some overpasses) by boat. They said they had lots of incidents of young men trying to jump in the boats ahead of women and children. They would stop them, and let the women and children in first. Some of the guys being rescued got pissy about being told to let women and kids on first. One guy told me they were shot at on a few occasions. He is a former special ops guy with combat experience, so if he says they were shot at, I believe him.

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The New Awlins Bantus were herded into the Superduperdome and it quickly turned into Bartertown, but dangerous. They wouldn't eat MREs, wanted Popeyes. They just couldn't seem to handle getting their feet wet. HBO made specials about the hugh manatee for years, decades.
Joplin, MO gets literally leveled by a huge tornado that takes out downtown. But 99.99% of them are pale complected ... so they are back on their feet in a few weeks. Everyone forgets about it, because that's what white people do and Bush II was bad, he suggested the Bantus just give themselves bleach enemas to whiten up their bungholes.

Get out, underaged.

>Bush, Kerry, Obama, Drumpf

>the reality of it wasn't on most people's radar
The official National Weather Service bulletin included such phrases as
Anyone who didn't know exactly what was coming brought all of their suffering on themselves.

its always a dickless faggot hiding behind a meme flag making these loaded comments lol

can i ask faggot, why do you pretend to be a women when no sane man would accept you as one? do you get ghost boners like those who lose limbs?

Lets not forget that the levies were known to be a huge issue for decades, but was kept shelved due to cost - spend money now on people who will vote for me than spend money for aq project that will only benefit people years from now..

How many cocks have you taken at once?

Bush doesn't care about black people.
-Kanye West.

>A joke in my inner city St. Louis school about a new black girl was that she "floated up here after Katrina".

This was the worst thing to come out it. Katrina trash was shipped all over the country, mainly in Texas and the southeast. Pretty much most of them stayed where they were, or setup connections.

Where did I say Yas Forums was "classical liberal", fag?

In 2008 Yas Forums was definitely leftist. That's where that stupid "fuck with Scientology" plan came from, because Scientology was every faggot teen atheists fucking religious strawman. The nazi shit was ironic and meant to piss people off until it turned real within the last 5-10 years.
We all got Ron Paul fever around 2010ish when moot kept deleting pol and the boards before it. Then a slow morph into unioronic right wing shit around 2013.

Stromfront was a honeypot then too.

Pick one, Pikey inbred

this, blacks wouldn't leave, then blamed the president when they had a black mayor. Then they all got moved to houston and dallas.

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meme country with a meme flag

Nigger Belize

I have noticed a significant rise in far right ideology not just here, but across the white world.
I can’t pinpoint the exact year, or a reason why? Maybe it was around 2013 when nonwhite immigration levels were reaching irrational levels?

>Cameras weren't allowed.
Fuck that, I'm recording anything and everything in case of a happening. Just stuck on what kinda camera to get

jesus faggot, i have more land in my back yard than your little back water nigger hole

Based leaf

This is a good summation of what happened. 80% of New Orleans flooded, and 110% of it was the fault of the crackers.

Whiter than you, Tyrone

Worst part is the Karen governor of the state of Louisiana did nothing and Bush was blamed.

Same thing with covid19 -- do nothing givernors demand feds do their jobs for them.

Anyone else think the reason the death toll was so high was because black people couldn't swim?


>I was just pretending to be a retard, the post
A real man would admit his fault, son

I think its just the internet. It was a new technology that wasn't controlled (largely). Truth has a way of getting out and humans are naturally attracted to truth, even if we try to get in our own way.
It just takes time for people to figure shit out.

(((They))) are fighting to change that now.

It wasn't wholly leftist, I and others were arguing against left commie supporters in 2007 and 2008. Around election time, there people were painting Obama as a hero and a commie villain unironically. That was in those Yas Forums threads where participants would draw a single grid square in mspaint to cover the original portrait.

I went to New Orleans and few years ago and it's still fucking destroyed lmao wtf

These seems pretty on point. Well written, friend.

Also there was strong opposition to tranny tumblr faggotry even back then.

Bush and Kerry's campaigns were literally funded by the same exact organizations and people.

Thanks bro, it memes a lot to me

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Media pulled a fast one and tried to blame Bush for the hurricane, just like they’re trying to blame Trump for the virus. Bush wasn’t a good president by any means, but blaming him for a hurricane was low IQ bullshit

dumb fucks never thought to, you know, leave the city? knowing this retarded shit country, they were probably just too fucking obese.

>Gigantic hurricane slowly lumbering toward New Orleans.
>Like really fucking slow.
>Like, you could have walked to Canada between the time the evacuation order was issued and the time the first squall lines started making landfall, fucking slow.
>But now that video recording technology has become dirt cheap everyone wants to stay at home and get their 15 minutes of fame because of that one idiot that filmed Hurricane Andrew from at home more than a decade earlier. Also niggers want to loot.
>As was predicted weeks earlier the civilian infrastructure was completely obliterated by the storm surge. So the best big daddy government could do was air drop MREs (more shit for niggers to loot).
All in all, a bunch of retards who thought they could out-flex a category 5 hurricane got their Darwin award. Fuck the bleeding hearts.

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