If Bill Gates is so powerful, why doesn't he just have Alex Jones disappeared?

If Bill Gates is so powerful, why doesn't he just have Alex Jones disappeared?


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Naked tyranny makes normies concerned, it's much smarter to orchestrate behind the scenes rather than kill everyone who dissents. The Kikes (not that he is one, just naming the exemplars) learned this lesson a long time ago.

Because Alex Jones isn't that powerful. If a homeless guy yells shit at you, you don't care because everything in the world will protect you from him unless he directly tries to attack you. Same shit here. Bill looks at everyone else around him as if they were as filthy and powerless as the homeless guy.

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Because he's the archetypal conspiratard nutjob. Ordinary people laugh at him. If anything, being shit talked by Alex Jones probably ups your credibility in the eyes of mainstream society.

What if the homeless guy has a placard and bullhorn and gathers other people around outside your workplace to protest against you, accusing you of plausible wrongdoing? And it’s recorded and spread to all reaches of the internet and world?

Why is Hitler there?

I call it "the Fox Mulder effect."

Because murder is illegal and he has billions to lose. Are you fucking dense ?

The system is on your side 100%, because the gathered people are equally filthy and homeless. You laugh about it at the water cool with your buds about how you kicked his can of nickels into the storm drain which is why he is mad.

Alex Jones is way too small for Bill to even CARE about. Hell, the US Congress went after Zucc and he didn't even care.

Hitler was revived for his 131st birthday. Where the fuck have you been?

>why doesn't he just have Alex Jones disappeared?

That's the kind of small time shit the clintons do. Bill gates is playing on a whole different level; he wants 7.3 billion people disappeared.

So if Alex Jonestein is protesting Bill Gates does that mean Gates is NOT working on a mark of the beast vaccine?

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He represents Yas Forums. Do you need a Ben Garrison-style label to tell you that?

Do you not know about Ruby Ridge and Waco?
Militias exploded in size.
Feds learned instead of killing people, its better to co opt all their movements and then entrap them.

based horsey and his clever musings

Alex Jones is a "poison the well" agent. Watch what he does because he's supposed to make the opposition look ridiculous.

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If Alex Jones is so influential, why hasn't Bill Gates been arrested?

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This. They’re hoping he is dismissed as a loony

Please post the original.

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Kill Jones ... and you risk turning one man's religion, into a crusade...

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>Not realizing that Jones is just the other side of the same ZOG coin.

The Chicoms have come after him many times, but Mossad has kept him safe and on the air broadcasting is message of (((truth)))

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The infowarriors would run wild on the new world order.

>Alex Jones is a "poison the well" agent. Watch what he does because he's supposed to make the opposition look ridiculous.
This, but he mostly just wants you to buy the damn products and remember that it's the Chicoms that are behind everything, and not the Jews.

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It would be to obvious. They like leaving guys like alex alive cuse they can label them insane. They are afraid of the guys that are normally not conspiracy theorists.

It’ll turn him into a martyr

Alex Jones is known as a conspiracy theorist so most people don't exactly believe him right now. If he suddenly disappears after talking about Bill Gates, then it would bring more attention and questions to the situation and what he was saying.
Why would Bill Gates off Alex when he's safer leaving him be?

Based Trump will lock him up just like he did with Hillary

Naked tranny's are the worst

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no one ponders why Alex Jones is cartoonish blow hard, a massive stereotype, offensive to delicate normies, intellectuals and the like.
scares the old folks.

people operate on this super simplistic understanding and expectation of state craft.. they expect everything to be "on the level" or its pure Insanity.
blows me away how simple...the simple folk think this is.

Bill Gates is Jewish though

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