This. So. Much

This. So. Much.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Israel will have a hard time fitting the whole west hemisphere

Open borders for Israel. Israelis must feed and shelter all Palestinians. Israeli state must declare official apology for conducting 3 separate false flag chlorine gas attacks in Syria. Israeli state must apologize for allowing 9/11 to transpire in order to sell Axis of Evil wars.

Not wrong at all. all white nations are anti-white, and they need to collapse.

>Mehta was born in Kolkata, India, to Gujarati parents and raised in Mumbai, where he lived until his family moved to the New York area in 1977.[2][7] He is a graduate of New York University and the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop.[2]

>The Gujarati people or Gujaratis are an Indo-Aryan ethnolinguistic group native to Gujarat who speak Gujarati, an Indo-Aryan language. Gujaratis are prominent entrepreneurs and industrialists, and many notable Indian independence activists were Gujarati

>Orthodox Gujarati society, which was mercantile by nature

reminder that the upper class of India (brahmin) are essentially Jewish level IQ and significantly more wealthy than the average american. these people are raised by servants that they consider beneath them, but get extremely pissed when they are disrespected in America. the pretty ones don't have this problem but the ugly ones stay angry about it for life

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Hey, traitors are what they are. Stick with them as you see fit.

fucking indian faggot again with this thread

Imagine being raised in a racist faith. What a hell by and for faggots.

>sins of the father

Imagine thinking the world is an equal place. Might is right you absolute goddamn faggot.

says the fucking faggot on the internet in english

abloo one white man wa smean to us, so now we can utilize all the good they brought and never mention how much better air conditioning and plumbing made our lives because someone called us names and told us wiping our asses with our hands was barbaric.

You forgot your memeflag poojeet.

I don't give two fucks if they respect our borders. We respect our borders enough not to let them in. Never forget immigrants need America, America doesn't need immigrants.

The same reason the British didn't respect your borders pajeet. We have power and they don't. If you can't defend your territory you should blame the weakness of your own people not the strength of your conquerors.

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Ropes for the traitor. Don't argue long with them.

>We've argued at length that you disrespecting our borders has allowed you to fuck us into the ground

>Don't respect your own borders so we can fuck you into the ground

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>Now in the 21st century over 40% of the hospitality industry in the United States is controlled by Gujaratis.[75][76][77] Gujaratis, especially the Patidar samaj, also dominate as franchisees of fast food restaurant chains such as Subway and Dunkin' Donuts.[78] The descendants of the Gujarati immigrant generation have also made high levels of advancement into professional fields, including as physicians, engineers and politicians. In August 2016, Air India commenced single aircraft (no transfer) flight service between Ahmedabad and Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, via London Heathrow International Airport.[79]

They are some of the most elite liberal scum in this country. They are the most successful slice of indian-Americans. Keep in mind their income:

>Households headed by Indian immigrants had a median income of $101,591, compared to $51,000 and $56,000 for overall immigrant and native-born households, respectively

that is for indian only, NOT Gujaratis, who are likely significantly higher on average

Nicely suggested that he continue to undermine you.

Poo. In. The. Loo.

It would be so much easier if we had a racist faith.

Yeah, and they operate death traps and are total assholes. Appearances, not substance.

Kek by writing an opinion article.

Muslims never respected ourborders. Shouldn't have started it in 700AD.
Sausage in all places.

this is the only answer,

Because low level life forms dont count.
Do you care what a chicken feels?
Its same with blacks and browns
they are animals

Fuck off pajeet.


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The west didn't respect their borders because their shithole home countries don't have the means or integrity to enforce their sovereignty. Whether from overwhelming military force or just some spook with a briefcase full of cash, they all roll over backwards to foreign interests. However, most if not all western nations do have the means to enforce border controls. And immigrants should have no say as to how we choose to enforce it.

Reddit typing, gtfo and kill yourself

>a man goes into a bar with a turtle under his arm
>goes to the bar and orders a drink
>another man at the bar asks him about the turtle
>"oh i use this turtle for tricks"
>the second man intrigued asks if he could see a trick
>he puts the turtle on the bar unzips his pants and pulls out his dick
>he waves his dick in front of the turtle and the turtle bites down on his dick
>the man stands there for 5 seconds pulls out a pencil from his pocket and pokes the turtle in the eye and the turtle let's go
>the man turns to the bar patron and goes
>"bet you 10 dollars you cant do that"
>the bar patron sits there
>"ok I'll do it, just dont poke me in the eye with that pencil"

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based af. whites are fucking cowards who are ashamed of themselves. They are a potemkin village. Thats why they have the incessant need to try and step on others and percieve themselves as the master. These cowardly cuck beta chimps couldnt even master themselves. 2020. Still cannot fathom their own mutant simian realty. They need to larp every waking second because the truth is too much to grin and bear after all they have said and done.

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so we must fill them with niggers? wtf kinda logic is that?

Says the faggot in an african country

I thought they didn't have borders back then and the west articially created them