Is Falling Down red pilled?

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It was prophetic in more ways than one.

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kryptokike movie
whitey takes responsibility for all the bad in the world, kills a nazi, refuses to do anything about the jew, lets his wife cuck him


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The only redpilled character in that movie was the nazi

For a Hollywood movie, it's about as redpilled as one could expect

It's a demoralization brainwash that says if you try to fight back you wont win, which is exactly what happens to the main character.

>It's a demoralization brainwash that says if you try to fight back you wont win, which is exactly what happens to the main character.

But the same thing happened to the based black man in the movie.

>no damnit i said double cheeseburger!!!!
>kills you
woah hes just like me

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One of the greatest movies ever made.

Blackpilled is a smarmy homo and he's analyzing it wrong.

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No, it's exactly the end goal of your tribe and their whores.

t. brazilian survivor

What about taxi driver?

no. it was just honest about things we can't be today. you could do that before 2000.

Reality works like that, you know.

It's yet another cringe jew movie to convince rednecks to get shot and killed for stupid reasons.


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Anti-White male movie but damn was it easy to relate to.

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>is muh 30-year old movie redpilled?
And if it is, who gives a shit?

Another based and redpilled classic kino: Demolition Man.

No, it's fucking gay and jewish. There are some funny scenes though.

It's a movie where the white man is angry about the way the world has changed and autistically tries to force his own version of order on the rest of the world. Look at his relationship with his wife and kids, its top tier cringe the way they are scared of him and he completely lacks self awareness or awareness of how they feel. Its 100% set up to make him look like a crazy person.

People who say the movie is red pilled are just jews poking fun at Yas Forums or mental midget retards who only see the surface level of the movie.
>hahaha he killed a brown person because brown is bad lolololol

What has Sweden done for the world since the TEC-9?

if you're still asking if something out of hollywood is "redpilled," you still have a LONG way to go
None of it is. NONE. OF. IT.



Volvo 240, the most Aryan car you can drive.

He took care of the Chulo Jew.

The surplus store guy was just a gay LARPer.

Why does the bad Nazi guy look like a kike?


not much recently

One of my favorite comedies.

Taxi Driver was good, best film for babbys first redpill or introduction for normies.

Alot of Jews like nazi shit.

no, its a violent movie and anyone who is inspired by it should seek mental help!

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The only redpill this movie offers is how people who think they are redpilled are more often than not, highly bluepilled cucks. If you relate to this movie, you are nigger tier

actually this makes it redpilled. People trying to promote Nazism unironically are usually shills, feds, gullible kids, and edgelords. Glorifying Nazism is part of the D&C strategy because it is unrealistic and creates bait for leftists and normies to grab on to.
I loved this movie. It's about a normal working class guy getting fed up with the modern world. It was prophetic. All he wanted was a return to normalcy and common sense -- no schizo ideology one way or the other, no blatant criminality, no degeneracy.

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Its literally made by Jews
Its not a movie redpill its a movie about getting redpilled

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>Is Falling Down red pilled?

It's just a bad movie, about an asshole who has a shitty day, in a shitty life, and loses his shit and goes crazy.

It's not very philosophical, to say the least.

the fact that anyone who claims to be "redpilled" thinks a hollywood created anything is "redpilled" is tardpilled

>What about taxi driver?
cringe as fuck

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>economically viable

Look at the times

Is The Matrix red pilled?

lol is that supposed to be Tom Metzger?

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National socialism you fucking John Doyle faggot.

Bill's vaccine is made from recombinant rat parts, which is a special genetically engineered human-rat chimera. the recombinant mouse has human blood, human organs and a human immune system, including the glands, and these chimera mice grow all the medicine inside their bodies.
>year of the rat
you wanted to be part rat, right? it's mouse model number 28B11.
>you are now aware that one of the biolab samples that we caught the chinese spies trying to smuggle out of the united states was an (((antibody mouse)))
recombinant mouse. here is the thing, if you value your humanity at all then you don't want mouse DNA inside you just to make you immune to viruses which aren't real because viruses don't exist. The other half of the vaccine is made from fetal stem cells taken from abortions which are cultured out in huge biovats.

Does your religion forbid killing people?

Does your religion forbid killing babies?

Does your religion forbid drinking blood?

Does your religion forbid human sacrifice?

Then you can't have Bill's vaccine without even getting into the recombinant mouse problem. The vaccine is easily the most satanic and evil thing they have every done. once the rest of you have taken it, you will no longer be human and will pose no spiritual, intellectual nor evolutionary threat to their species whatsoever.
In order to make sure you understand the threat to humanity, to your entire specie, the Global Consciousness Project dot is now pink. Do not waste my agency. You are not being warned about this for no reason.

"I'm going home.."

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Road house is redpilled. Brad Wesley is the most redpilled of them all.

It SEEMS redpilled, but look at who made it, it's a Jew blue production, through and through, and it's one of the most insidious bluepills ever made, because it's painted red on the outside.

The character played by Michael Douglas (Jew) is extremely based, and even somewhat red-pilled in some ways, especially for a Jew production, but the whole movie is really designed as a way for Jews to gloat about how when he wasn't looking, the Jews took over and perverted everything his ancestors fought for and handed down to him, and now he's too alienated and out-of-touch to do anything about it, and even when he exercises his power as an aryan warrior, what the Jews Historically fear most, he wins a lot of small battles but no matter how many small battles he wins, the war was already lost for him before he got started. His doom was sealed from the beginning. That's an inside joke for Jews, they don't believe in honorable battle, they have no respect for warriors, they only respect trickery and subversion.

It's also no COHENcidence that after winning against spics, niggers, gooks, and rich old yuppies on the golf course, who kills him? Another Aryan warrior who's almost a mirror image of him. "Look white man, we don't need to fight you, we've got you idiot whites so divided and controlled, you'll fight against yourselves while we sit back and laugh and make money and stay in power no matter which of you wins." Jews practically jizz their pants over that.

It's also no COHENcidence that /ourguy/ works for the defense industry, he even gets the nickname "D-Fens." And throughout the whole movie, the only character who actually tries to HELP him in his fight is a NAZI, and he betrays the Nazi and kills him. What does that Nazi say to him over and over and over again? "THINK ABOUT IT."


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Based schizo saving lolis from niggers and kikes.

Corona Avenue

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kek. Literally knew a Jew who converted to Christcuckery and looked exactly like that guy. He was always ranting about the kikes, niggers and war. Looking back I can see why he was so angry, he knew the truth because he grew up with it, and it drove him mad.

That says Corona Street clearly user....

Thank you for the rare quality post user. Fuck the retard who won't listen.

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mfw I realized that Pepe Silvia was the dyslexic reading of Pennsylvania

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The director is an agnostic gay liberal lol