I wasn't aware that you can have your paycheck garnished if you don't pay your student loans. The government is making a killing off student loan debt as a secondary tax revenue, aren't they.
I wasn't aware that you can have your paycheck garnished if you don't pay your student loans...
It's so you can't game the system and declare bankruptcy right after college, which gives loaners the ability to loan to any nigger that wants to go to college for da wahmen.
>be a bank
>lobby to have a law to reduce the risk of lending
>give politicians a few extra bucks to bribe it into being
The greatest cuck in our history.
Banks are the only group that can create wealth out of nothing. Dangerous fags
Revolt against the government
Thats why they offer them to begin with. They can put you in massive debt while still getting more money out of you. Also makes colleges filty rich in the process.
That's what grinds my gears the most. The colleges are making good money, and they just increase costs on stuff that doesn't even make the education get better. And then the tuitions go up, too, for some damn reason.
Suck it up buttercup. Freedom ain't free. You pay back your debt like a real man. DEUS VAULT!
if you cant pay your loans, their are programs available to help. you only get your pay garnished if you nog out and totally ignore them for years, long enough to have a court settlement against you. so, not only did you ignore the loans, but you ignored the court proceedings as well. stupid. just pay them 5 bucks a month until they work something out. but don't stop paying and ignore them. that's theft.
>that's theft.
it is. you were the one that asked for the loan and went to school. you took the money. you said you would pay it back. now you're pretending like it never happened. get fucked.
The government is not making the money, they just have the guns that federally insure the loans. The banks own the government
I didn't ask for the loan. I was forced to get it if I wanted to go to college. It's funny that when it comes to a loan, there's no education period or a "are you sure" program before you take it out. These loans were obviously targeted at kids who couldnt afford higher education, and are the bulk who cant pay it all off so soon. Those loans were deliberate.
>they just have the guns that federally insure the loans
Like the dollar?
you weren't forced to go to college and you chose to not earn a scholarship or finance it yourself. you implied that you would use your time in college wisely and gain the skills required for employment in your chosen path for life. this is all you. you chose this.
>i wanted
on the upside is taking 15% of a barista's take home even that much?
>be a university
>lobby to have school loans blown wide open
>raise tuition still pay TA's shit
>tell students they should work to get loans forgiven
2nd greatest wealth transfer in history
I was top of my class and attempted over a hundred and fifty scholarships. I got zero. Apparently, you have to know some people to get the best ones. Found out later. And no high school kid could finance a $10 a year college education. I saved myself by not going to a expensive college, but it still sucks.
why are universities, supposedly proponents of altruism and higher education willing to give students an "are you sure" year or two?
>employment and money based on grants not student interest
no wonder colleges have a high degree of jews
I meant, there was no programs or even an attempt to say "do you know what youre getting into." It was all sold to me as "you want to go to college for your family do you? Take the loan"
>you chose this
just like the little girls in the UK chose to get fucked by the muzzies that groomed her? because thats what this is, its literal grooming for loans. Every high school in america has a "school counselor" whose entire job is to drive it into 16 year old kids' heads that they MUST go to college if they dont want to be a ditch digger. DONT WORRY ABOUT THE COST, THERES FINANCIAL AID (that they dont tell you are actually loans).
I went to community college and have zero debt, I almost didn't because of what I was told. And told, and told.
Any debt can garnish overpayed taxes.
This is how the racket works. They say its financial aid at first. You go in, fill out all the applications, get accepted and everything seems to be ready to go. Then you get into the office and they say "you can only get this much as a grant per year. However, if you take out these loans, it will pay for the rest and housing." Uneducated 18 year old me accepted it. After all, what could go wrong. I needed to go to college. I was already here and signed up and everything. Parents and relatives are excited. I told everyone. What kid wouldn't think twice.
You must be a bank shill. Or a yid.
My point is that universities are equally culpable as the banker. You expect a bank to be a cold and unforgiving business. The university plays you as badly but it really is worse because you are entrusting them with your education.
no it is the (((companies))) who "manage" all the different aspects of student loans, as well as (((derivatives))) who are making money from the perma-debt.
Look at who owns / controls these companies and you'll see why they will never allow students to get debt relief.
>i wasn't aware
you must be really clueless to not know any court can order your wages/income garnished/seized for any (((reason)))
I could be like all the angry students who went on occupy wall street, or be one of the people protesting to forgive all the student debt, but it would be fruitless of an endeavor. The trick to fighting back is through using their own financial system against them. Or at least, learning how to play the game they set up for us.
>you must be really clueless to not know any court can order your wages/income garnished/seized for any (((reason)))
It's moreso I wasn't aware that student loan debt was equivalent to enforcement as child support.
Yup, and on the government's balance sheet they list student loans as an asset.
PS, don't pay back your student loans they can also garnish social security too!
Expecting any person age 18 to make a good decision about their entire path life is a good idea how?
People can't even purchase alcohol until they are 21, but they are allowed to take out $100,000 in loans for something that they don't know if they will like or want to do until after they are done. In what bizarro world does this make sense?
Would you trust an 18 year old with $1,000 of your money? Probably not. Then why is it considered normal for a government agency to give tens of thousands of dollars to an 18 year old for school?
why didnt any of those pukes ever protest a university?
so you get a college degree whose incumbent debt steers you towards work that doesn't net a garnishable paycheck. hope you majored in chemistry walt.
libtard thinking at its finest
You wanted Bernie to win the dem nominaton didn't you. Admit it.
Some of them have multi-billion dollar endowments. Harvard is basically a hedge fund with a college attached.
Then what they do is blow the money on contracts for companies owned by friends/family - cleaning, landscaping, parking lot maintenance, building maintenance, new construction at inflated cost
They also hire endless overpaid admin/backend staff and IT and non-jobs in myriad SJW areas.
Corrupt as all fuck.
Like you said - people know not to trust banks. So colleges in that regard are much worse.
>People can't even purchase alcohol until they are 21, but they are allowed to take out $100,000 in loans for something that they don't know if they will like or want to do until after they are done. In what bizarro world does this make sense?
I never thought of it like that. It's funny how we are responsible enough to get into debt, but not buy a car or drink or smoke.
This is actually a good question.
No I don't. Im just making an observation of how I got tricked into a non forgivable loan.