Be me

>be me
>black mid 20s fairly redpilled on sjws
>discovers Yas Forums...

I’m now convinced the Jews(not whites) are the enemy of Africans. Even X knew this. They were the ones who took us out of our contries and into slavery. The ones who perpetuate a disgusting image in the media with ghetto Thug culture, violence, drugs and materialism.

And if you wanna go the “WE WUZ KANGZ” route, It would give them a perfect motivation for bringing down black people while using a lot of Egyptian imagery in the currency and monuments.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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i dont care, you arent based
i'd rather replace the 494k blacks we have with jews

jews are more attractive than blacks and are higher iq

judeo-german alliance soon

Adam Hunter ftw

Based and BLACKpilled.


Knowledge is the only thing that will save you

You are part of the problem. If the nazis ever come back, you’re for sure getting the rope.

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they will turn on you.


go back to Africa

wagwan brudda how big is ya bbc

Didn’t learn from history did you? You know why you haven’t? Because you’re either a kike or some turkroach. Fuck off you imposter. Get rid of all non-whites in Germany

You’ve opened your eyes for the first time. Welcome, brother.

Not much to do in Africa, hard to call it a home if I’ve never been there. Plus its hot and xbox live might be terrible out there.

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based nigger, you hang from pretty tree, like an eucaliptus

Now you're finally getting it. Just don't get caught up in any self-hatred shit because of what you read here. Be a beacon and an example for your community and rise above.

go back to africa

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This is "Our Nigga"

Majority were G*rmans. The *nglish lived in the North with the Fr*nch and the Native Americans all happy and stuff creating auperior Canada. The Southern States were Sp*nish and G*rman. Nuff said.

I’m not really sure if you’re Larping or serious but, what is the purpose of hanging me anyway? If I’m a law-abiding citizens and no harm to anyone then why is it your problem?

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Thanks bro, good to see some positivity here.

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What do you propose to do about it? Go back to Africa? Take the Southeastern US as your New Wakanda ethnostate? Or just chimp out at Jews? Or maybe something else entirely?

>They were the ones who took us out of our contries and into slavery.

Absolutely correct.
The Jews left Spain, colonized the Caribbean and injected the new world with the "Plantation System" and African slaves as their source of labor.
They had so much success with plantations, the jews brought the system and slaves to the american south.

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You in particular because you failed to check my numerals
also checked

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Then you realized you didn’t know shit.

Think about what kind of person would shitpost a thread about a black man waking up to the Jewish menace

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whoops accidentally meme flagged

Belated Check’d

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Your duty is to recover what's good in Black culture, to know it, to promote it, and to shun the fake culture imposed on you to keep you down.

Get to know your real stars, Louis Armstrong, Sydney Poitier. Get to know your thought leaders, Clarence Thomas, Malcolm X. Be uncompromising and don't forget that you are right.


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Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I guess my whole point of this we should have the knowledge of the (((forces at play))) that are causing these hostilities between us.

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Orrrr don't have Jews nor blacks in your country. It's easy to figure out .