It would be preferable to not join forces with jews or muslims but to overcome it by ourselves.
>inb4 rabbi/shlomo
How do we defeat Christianity?
Other urls found in this thread:
>posts literal anti-Christian propaganda image developed by Israeli kikes who hate Jesus
>6,000,000th anti-Christian thread of the day
Yep, it's a kike thread.
>How do we defeat Christianity?
You can't.
Philippians 2:10
>That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
You can't defeat Christianity. The victory is already won. Look around you. All of this? All of this is merely grace for you to bow your knee and declare that Jesus is Lord of your own will - before His glory is revealed and you submit, trembling and terrified at the wrath of His righteous judgement. You can't defeat Christianity, because you can't defeat Christ.
But you can oppress it. You can kill His followers. And that, I think, is what you're really asking: "How do we kill the followers of Christ without getting in trouble for it?" To that I simply answer, "wait". The day will come again in the West where your kind are so completely given over to the lust for violence and destruction that the elect will not be spared. And then you will finally have what you want - a word without Christ.
I pray you repent before that happens.
the islamic messiah is jesus
surely it is possible to win.
Act 5:38 - “And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing;
Act 5:39 - “but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”
>Salvation is for the jews first
>Islamic messiah
>will establish a physical kingdom in this world
>"My Kingdom is not of this world"
You are of your father.
What are you sliding tonight Herschel?
Christ is salvation, and came through the jews. Salivation for all
The elite have been trying to figure that out for thousands of years
By killing yourself you filthy fucking kike
Romans 1:16
>For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one who believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
seems like a breakaway civilization is unironically the best choice
notice how anti-Christian threads are never anti-God, and always anti-Jesus. why are they so afraid of Jesus Christ?
you cannot defeat Jesus Christ. Bow your knee today, and avoid the wrath to come. we are living in the end times. Repent.
>race-traitors defending christcuckery
Easy question christcucks: how do you justify worshipping a god who demands the torture of babies?
We can't. They don't use logic at all.
Just wait for kikes to turn those sheeps into their good slaves for eternity, there's nothing we can do about it. It's sad I know, but brains don't grow on trees so...
no one is really anti-jesus per se. It is a rejection of his divinity and the christian religion itself. the religion was constructed by (((Saul of Tarsus))) by taking various local religions and meshing them together. He didn't even know Jesus and completely co-opted Jesus' teachings. The moment where he falls down on the Road to Damascus is his revelation that he can use this Jesus figure to create the ultimate guilt-trip PSYOP against the Roman Empire. Ever notice a difference between the Gospels and the following stories? The people in the Gospels actually knew Jesus. Another reason people reject it because it is Jewish. The old testament is nothing but a Jewish origin story and the fact that it is not relatable to Europeans who descend from Indo-Europeans.
so no thanks, we will not 'bend the knee' because some kikes said so.
You know deep inside, the truth is YHWH
You do realize once atheism started to become rooted in society we've had Women's Rights, Spanish Flu, WWI, WWII, Cold War, 9/11, ISIS, and now SARS-COV-2 right? The further we stray from God, the more despair will take over.
Ahh, thought you were on about John 4
>"You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews."
Whats wrong with being through the Jews first, then to gentiles? Since both are now a part of the tree?
Basically this thread
Aryan Salafism is the way to go
Spanish Flu? You realize most of Europe was Christian back in 1918?
Why is it always Christianity the target of these kike threads?
Kikes will never destroy Christianity. Jesus will destroy kikes.
Because kikes serve Satan, and Christianity is the truth.
Yeah, what would Israeli archaeologists know about the people who lived in Judea 2000 years ago? That seems like a weird stretch, why archaeologists from THAT country of all places? They could've picked archaeologists from Portugal, or archaeologists from Costa Rica, but they just so happened to pick archaeologists from Israel to study the group of people who used to live in Israel....
You shouldn't bump slide threads. Learn basic imageboard functions, brother.
When will the jewlarpers realize that Christianity is what allowed the kikes to take over in the first place? To date, the only nation that ever went on a full-scale Jew genocide was the pagan Roman Empire. Hitler was too nice and tried to make a deal with them. Look how that turned out: betrayed by so-called "Christian" nations.
It's all so tiresome.
I literally said that Atheism started to take root.
christianity has defeated itself you moron, there is not a single person on earth who calls themselves christian who actually follows what jesus commanded
Screaming "GNOSTIC" at people who actually make arguments is not an argument.
A preposterous hot take that doesn't even understand the basics of Christianity. The Bible also tells you that silence is golden. Follow that advice.
Bill's vaccine is made from recombinant rat parts, which is a special genetically engineered human-rat chimera. the recombinant mouse has human blood, human organs and a human immune system, including the glands, and these chimera mice grow all the medicine inside their bodies.
>year of the rat
you wanted to be part rat, right? it's mouse model number 28B11.
>you are now aware that one of the biolab samples that we caught the chinese spies trying to smuggle out of the united states was an (((antibody mouse)))
recombinant mouse. here is the thing, if you value your humanity at all then you don't want mouse DNA inside you just to make you immune to viruses which aren't real because viruses don't exist. The other half of the vaccine is made from fetal stem cells taken from abortions which are cultured out in huge biovats.
Does your religion forbid killing people?
Does your religion forbid killing babies?
Does your religion forbid drinking blood?
Does your religion forbid human sacrifice?
Then you can't have Bill's vaccine without even getting into the recombinant mouse problem. The vaccine is easily the most satanic and evil thing they have every done. once the rest of you have taken it, you will no longer be human and will pose no spiritual, intellectual nor evolutionary threat to their species whatsoever.
In order to make sure you understand the threat to humanity, to your entire specie, the Global Consciousness Project dot is now pink. Do not waste my agency. You are not being warned about this for no reason.
>The Bible also tells you that silence is golden.
no it doesnt, again, perhaps you should read your bible
i know the bible well, and i know christian doctrines well, and i know that christianity does not follow jesus
exactly, there would be no jewish banking dynasties if it weren't for Charlemagne the christcuck who legitimized nu-Rome
>no it doesnt, again, perhaps you should read your bible
Yes, and I'm sure you know all about it.
>i know the bible well, and i know christian doctrines well, and i know that christianity does not follow jesus
According to your own foolish and atomised understanding of the Scriptures. So childish.