The religion paradox

If you study all the great empires (Rome, Egypt, etc) you'll notice that they always fall shortly after abando ing their religion. How do you deal with the fact that religion is complete bullshit while at the same time necessary to keep society from collapsing?

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Other urls found in this thread: - Great Jewish Masque - Arnold Leese, 1878-1956.pdf

read the bible newfag

>while at the same time necessary to keep society from collapsing
This is untrue. This cause-effect fallacy is what fags invent to advertise their religion. "We've had no rain since the prayer stone tipped over."

Societies collapse fue to moral failings. Most people can't make their own moral code, so they follow a religion that tells them how to live. Ergo, religion is what keeps it from collapsing.

Just because someone isn't afraid of a god doesn't mean they will fail morally.
Show us societies that collapsed due to moral failings.

Rome fell after becoming christian. America has been declining after being jewed and rejecting the christian religion.

>Rome fell after becoming christian.
About the times of the Roman-Jewish Wars of the first century, Jewish propaganda terrorist invented the impossible Rabbi Jesus and the Christian religion because it was a way for diaspora Jews to enter into Europe. They invented a mythological anti-Caesar as a super-Jewish hero for a growing mongrel population. This pro-semitic religion would include that Jews are the superior race and are God's favorite so that Europeans would be encouraged to cross-breed with them and start worshipping the Yahweh. Hirsute Jesus, empowered with the magic of the Yahweh, would be an example of the benefits of Jewish heredity. Jesus would be portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and cross-breeding with Jews would yield white children. The ( then all-Jewish ) church propagandist wanted to entice white people to cross-breed with the immigrant Jews and spawn a new race of rabbis that would worship the Yahweh. This would benefit the immigrating Jews but would be detrimental to the native white race.
The early European Christians were angry hirsute mongrels. Jesus was the invented mascot for the enemies of the white race. In Europe, they hated the fascist establishment. They hated white privilege and pedigree. They set fire to the great city of Rome, the pride of white civilization. They were savage, stupid, and violent. They were called Cretins ( Christians ). They raped and destroyed propery. They were the Christian Jews, Jewish Christians, and assorted hirsute Christian racial misfits. They hated law and order, free speech, capitalism, and science. They hated the traditional gods and customs of all white people. When they seized power, they changed the Roman calendar. They falsified history. They changed the name of Yahweh to God. Yahweh is the Judeo-Christian god who is basically genocidal against all non-Jewish people.

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This bot sure works overtime.

I become religious. Nothing wrong with a beautiful lie if it ensures a future and keeps the now from self-destructing. Atheism leads to nihilism, the great cancer, the only cure may be a placebo, a sweet morphine dream as we drift off, but it keeps us going.

I'm not even an atheist, I'm very spiritual and believe in the divine. But I cannot measure the masses with the same stick that I measure myself. Most people will become nihilistic after rejecting christianity.

> they hated capitalism
Capitalism didnt even exist back then you moron.

>complete bullshit while at the same time necessary to keep society from collapsing
How is this a surprise to you? If you tell children they need to behave because otherwise a giant wolf will gobble them up, would that have a better outcome than letting them do whatever the fuck they want?

Roman empire having even pagan gods were the peak of humanity, they achieved the glorious beauty yet after few hundred years they accepted Jesus into their hearts, it collapsed shortly after

>Abandoning degenerate p*ganism preceded the fall of Rome
Do you even Eastern Rome bro?

>Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

It’s over and has been for at least a century. The average citizen just isn’t aware of it.

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immorality was all the time, trough all human history, no more, no less in average. But of course all rules can't be formalized, it is what morality for. Great empires are sort of ancient globalization too. It is growing up to some limit and then fail. It is not so bad in general but falling is not to the starting point but lower. And it is hard to disassemble it accurately so you can say that certain limit is stable and good enough. For example how you will reorganize money system easy?

The objective of existing of state is to protect private property, health and safety. Not increasing of GDP , flying to space or controlling something.

OP has never heard of the :noble lie"

The answer to your question exists within the definition of religion. If we were to consider the comparative difference between Semitic religion vs European, you will find the absurdity you describe as "bullshit" in the Semitic tradition being a spiritual "realm" separate from what can be known through the natural world. The bullshit you smell is the "messenger of god" who is chosen to know the "truth" that only he/she can access. Indeed this is bullshit, but it is not European spirituality despite what christcucks want you to believe. The Abrahamic temple is a foreign invasion of the European mind. Our true spirit is still expressed by us through the institutions we occupy and awaiting patiently to be recognized

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I mean, you're not wrong, I still believe that the hindu religions or buddhism get you closer to the truth than any other. But I dont know if there is such thing as a European religion unless you go back to ancient Rome.

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Or maybe, just maybe, people start losing their faith in religion after societies are already going to shit

stifles the greatest minds but keeps all the retards in line, plain and simple

That is my argument. What we have come to know as philosophy is a vulgarization of our natural intuitive expression. It defines the European expression of being through the limitations of knowledge expressed through language unique to us as people. It has always been there and always will be.

1. Abrahamic text, as they exist now and from what we know now, are symbolic fiction not historical records or anything close to historical
2. The temple tradition still practiced within this doctrine is foreign and comparatively antithetical to European ontology. Its origins are Egypt and Babylon from the Bronze Age. It presupposes a spiritual realm separate from the natural world that can only be known through messengers of god that are worshiped and followed as leaders. The practice of intuiting knowledge is considered by this temple tradition to be "magic" (hence "Philosopher's Stone") and is considered a "sin" for those (priests) who are not given permission. This tradition denies the agency of its followers and therefore will never be accepted by European people without force or deception and never has. This is why the Cult of Progress was invented, to carry the Abrahamic tradition into the modern world and it is failing which is why they have to censor us.
3. Abrahamic text is an ancient form of political propaganda to justify the legitimacy of political rule. The myth of Jesus was constructed around 400-500 AD to fulfill the purpose of political propaganda which is why it was made to correlate with previous known salvation myths such as: Odin, Mithra, Dionysus, Horus...

4. The story of the NT was falsely compiled and attributed to one person to falsely fulfill the prophecies of the OT because it is true that submitting to OT doctrine will eventually result in a spiritual revelation to challenge or replace it. This is a very very easy prediction, which is really not even a prediction, because it happened many many times frequently, and these people were executed publicly just like the story says. There was even a record of a person by the name of Joshua around 100 BC who was executed in Judae after returning from Egypt for the accusation of practicing "Black Magic" or philosophy. This has nothing to do with Jesus because so many people were executed for this it is likely many were named Joshua.
5. The story of the NT was constructed to prevent the rise of a new leader that would challenge the dynasty that consolidated under Constantine after brutal civil conflict and instability. This civil conflict was likely not very civil and more likely an invasion since a large percentage of Rome was occupied by people not from Europe. The result of this "civil conflict" likely ended with Europe being occupied by foreign Bronze Age royal dynasties and merchants who forced their temple tradition on all of Europe. (see Babylonian Woe)
6. Jews are fake. Not a race, not a people, not even close. (see The Great Jewish Masque)
7. Believing anything #1-6 is in any way remotely beneficial to European people is absurd.
8. Believing anything #1-6 is required to practice a spirituality conducive to an enlightened state of being for non Semitic people is totally unjustified after the Bronze Age empires collapsed, or anytime really.
9. Believing anything #1-6 will grant you legitimacy to do anything but be a slave to foreign people is deceiving yourself unless you are an agent of some royal dynasty who sold their people like slaves to merchants

The Great Jewish Masque

Attached: The_Great_Jewish_Masque copy.jpg (360x248, 6.54K)

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The King James Bible was written by Francis Bacon

Attached: King_James _Bible.jpg (400x440, 24.69K) - Great Jewish Masque - Arnold Leese, 1878-1956.pdf