Asians vs Whites

Who is superior? And who will survive the African horde in 2050??

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chankoro incompetence let a bioweapon breach containment so whites.

But there are more asians.

>And who will survive the African horde in 2050??
Asians. Cause we're more racist than whites.

>Who is superior?
>And who will survive the African horde
?? Slavs and Asians we will just nuke it

You're also poorer.

This does seem to be the case. Perhaps an alliance is in order.

Quality > quantity. Whites have always been a minority.

Based. I prefer an Asian controlled future over a jew /nigger/shitskin dominated future any time of the day.

>White poorfag doesn't know

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Bioweapon caste:
>mix of Africans/mulattoes/quadroons/nafris
Slave caste:
>mix of SEA/poojet/euro/asian/MENA
Enforcer/work caste:
>mostly east asians, some east asian/euro mix, a few poojets
Entertainment caste:
>white / african / mulatto
Low tier lord class who everyone thinks rules the world:
>mixed jews/european/asians
Ultimate hidden god class

>I prefer an Asian controlled future over a jew /nigger/shitskin dominated future any time of the day.
Lol. Not happening. Jews have been influential since the Mycenean empire. They've initiated the adoption of Christianity in Rome, the sack of Rome, the Crusades, the Rennaissance, Imperialism, Colonialism, and now American Imperialism - all for more shekels. We can't compete with them. Their motivation for more shekels is just too high.

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Asians are culturally superior in the modern era and our racial equals.

That's for us Asians and its also the rich ones you guys ha e way more poor people lol nice cope tho

Whites are responsible for more advancements however asians will win in the long run due to their social cohesion

Pew pew

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And that can be changed so....uncertain

Plot twist, the civilized races of man wipe out all subhumans together - and it's already begun.

"Anglos" are jews.

>Doesn't understand median denotes the midpoint.
>Doesn't know that there are less than 18 million Asians in American while there are 270+ million White Americans
>Still claims there are more poor Asians than poor Whites
When I see low IQ posts like this, I don't even feel bad that Jews are going to mongrellize your race.

No plenty of the old aristocratic bloodlines still exist. We just either failed pathetically at defending you from (((them)) or sold you out. Ask yourself why Patton was assassinated.

Insects are resistant to ionizing radiation

>who will survive the African horde in 2050??
Eastern Europe and China.

You know for Xi's master plan to take over the world, he sure seems to turn a blind eye to all the wmaf happening in his own country. But at this rate nukes will be flying by the end of the year

>continue to subjugate blacks
>the few blacks they have live as second class citizens apart from rest of society, patrolled and scrutinized
>literally zero fucks about muh migrants
>progressive causes are totally ignored

>what is diversity hiring

That's how blacks were treated in western countries as well. What makes you think the Chinese are safe from subversion? I think they will be hit by demoralization even harder than Europeans once it happens.

We don't need niggers, robots do you speak it?

Most Asian Dr.'s and by Asian I mean ME just buy their degrees, forge them or bribe officials. The only reason White people don't know this shit works is they're too retarded to try it. It's why I'll never go to a non-White Dr. You can never be certain they're actually qualified unless they're a Westerner.

>Asians need diversity hiring
Why are leaf posts consistently low quality?

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whites are to self hating & anti-white. asians > whites any day of the week.

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why can't we team up and wipe out the other races?

It's hilarious how unaware most white people are of how things happen in other countries and cultures. I'm a bit redpilled about it because I've lived among them, but for example, to the average white Canadian, the idea of bribes are not even an occurrence while in other cultures they are so commonplace nobody even winks.

The current Chinese regime can't be sustainable, you're seeing it come apart in real time. When it breaks, you never know if progressives could be waiting

White men>asian men
Asian women>white women
But if white men and asian women breed they create hapas who are somehow the worst of them all. Truly god has a sick sense of humor

Asian countries handled it better than white ones.

>inb4 jews and niggers
that's a problem whites created for themselves

Educate yourself

It's not that whites are too retarded, it's just that odds are higher they'll get caught out if they lie. They also aren't tight because they aren't one ethnicity. Meanwhile Paks, Arabs, Chinks each coache their own on how to lie and cheat. Plus pozzed HR never question their fake credentials because they don't want to be "racist".

Exactly. Whites were pretty openly racist until after WWII.

Asians, the Jews cannot subvert them.

Fuck off Chang. You bugs all cheat, that's why there are quotas.
Most Harvard students are Jews anyway, not whites.

You do realize that number is artificially inflated by self-selecting high SES asian immigrants, right? It's the same deal with Nigerian immigrants. All it means is that the Asian families in America come from the top economic echelon of their country of origin. Well I didn't expect you to know this. Asians can't into nuance.

>bans blacks from stores
>open racism towards blacks is acceptable

>REEEE don’t criticize or point out anything wrong with our precious blacks

gee I wonder

White women are better than asian women. People only like asian women because they are "le smart", but that's not a quality you care about in a woman because it often means they pursue education and career over love and family. Asian women are highly traitorous to their asian men also and certainly not a good example.

Asians are kicking whites ass in America in average annual income and performance in schools.

By 2050 my country will be made up of nothing but light skinned niggas
I suspect Slav and Asian women will be queuing up miles around the block for are luscious curls and big juicy sausages. The only shots fired will be the cum from our poopy coloured cocks right up inside those pale pink sugar walls

This. Even with an aging population, in 50 years, Japan will still be Japan, China will still be China, etc.

Both whites and asians have small penises, women who despise them and incest fantasies.

Asians would be too if the Jews migrated east instead of west.

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>Pathetic leaf cope is pathetic.
I honestly don't expect anything from leafs but low IQ posts now.

Also an accurate post.

>You do realize that number is artificially inflated by self-selecting high SES asian immigrants, right?
Pic related. 210+ million white Americans. Less than 18 million Asian Americans. So that's more than 21 million poor White Americans and less than 2.2 million poor Asian Americans.

It's ok though. I never met white people who can math.

Here's the pic.

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