Now we know

Why he had everyone talking about Clorox and Lysol for 24 hours.

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Other urls found in this thread: Budget And Emergency Deficit Control Act Of 1985--(Part C).pdf

The relevant section of the statute. Budget And Emergency Deficit Control Act Of 1985--(Part C).pdf

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Basically, he just took their appropriation and handed it all to Mnuchin.

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What does this mean even?

What does this mean to normal people who go outside?

I tried, I just don't understand pilpul.


All the funky restrictions SanFranNan & crew put in the bill (including their own pay raise) are null & void:
> Emergency Appropriations
were just re-allocated to discretionary accounts. i.e. Trump & Mnuchin dcide how the $$$ will be spent.

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thank you

Demorats fucked again

Hahaha get cucked Demonrats.

are you sure that is what this means?
Yas Forums arm chair lawyers are frequently wrong


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miga are seriously fucking moronic cultist at this point

Read the text of 251(b)(2)(A) for yourself. Its not that hard to understand.

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damn this is tig if brue

They’ve been like this for about two years now. At first it was annoying but now I feel for them. We were all like they were once, and they don’t want to give up hope and face the reality that Donald is, in fact, ZOGnald. It’s like a little kid refusing to believe there’s no Santa.

Incel detected

What it looks like to me is that the emergency appropriations aren't required to be in compliance with the the Balanced Budget Act. What am I missing?

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>What am I missing?
The part about "adjustments to discretionary spending limits."
Mnuchin will adjust his little heart out, and report it afterwards ...

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So? Who cares?

>Who cares?
She will overreach even further next time

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that's so odd. your response is so non sequitur, so out of nowhere, that it instantly makes me suspect your motives. now i'm starting to think this whole "miga" thing is a forced narrative by america's enemies..... hm.

Explain what you think this means.

miga has always been a shill campaign

>hurrr we know Yas Forums hates jews, so if we convince them trump likes jews theyll hate him!!

Top kek

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Please be real

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