I thought that i was transgender for the last 13-14 years and I want to detransition...

I thought that i was transgender for the last 13-14 years and I want to detransition. I wish i could have just accepted myself the way I am and didn't pretend to be something im not. I'm not a woman and will never be one. To detransition mentally/socially seems even harder than it would be to detransition physically. I've thought of myself as a woman for the last decade and a half and thus my entire social life and personality/sense of self is under that pretense. It's got to the point to where i genuinely do not know who I am anymore. What kind of person am I? Like i seriously don't know. How do I develop a male personality? How do you act like a man? I'm so lost/pol/ I don't know who I am anymore. I've tried to explain what I'm going through to people in my life but nobody listens to me, they won't stop using female pronouns for me and wont stop calling me by my girl name and just say that "you sound like a woman you look like a woman and you act like a woman" they wont accept me as a man and I feel like i will have to completely cut everyone out of my life because they keep treating me like a woman and it hurts so much anytime someone refers to me by female pronouns because i know that im not really a woman and never will be. How do I be a man? Help me please.

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Find Jesus

I gotcha senpai

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What the fuck, is that real?

How did they teach him to do that?

Gas this Christcuck before the tranny OP.

The FUCK!?

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Im not a fucking tranny I'm a man fuck you :(

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user to figure out who you are, think back to what made you happy before you changed. Sit back and have a good think about it. As for people not wanting to call you a man. Be assertive and tell them abit louder until they listen. Goodluck.

I have a bad case of the shits

>To detransition mentally/socially seems even harder than it would be to detransition physically
This is your problem. Your let what you think will be easiest dictate what you do, think and feel. You transitioned to a women because that was easier than coming to terms with what you were and accepting that you were a man, now that youve had a moment of clarity and face reality, you're talking about how hard it would be to just be a man again, as if there's a decision to be made. You're still caught up in this idea that being a male is how you act, not what you are. You were a male, you are a male and you will always be a male, there was never an alternative and the sooner you get that through your head the better.

If you are a man. You detransition and get on with life. Whether you get into sports or follow the theatre, lift weights or become a fatarse doesn't make a difference.

"acting like a man" just means following the example of men you look up to.

I honestly don't know its been so long I have pretty much considered myself as a girl since i was like 11 years old and now that im 25 i never really had much time to develop a male personality I've been like this for longer than i haven't. The turning point for me was listening to a hitler speech i swear to god im not making this up, listening to a Hitler speech made me realize that I've been living a lie for so long. He was talking about how the hitler youth are the future and they are "the blood of my blood and the flesh of my flesh" and it made me want to have a kid of my own and I never cared that hormones could cause sterility or ever seriously wanted to have kids before that and that Jews have literally tricked me into ending my aryan bloodline. My ancestors must be fucking disgusted by me. Thousands and thousands of years of fighting for survival everyday just for some stupid faggot to flush it all sown the fucking drain. I am a fool.

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Ok user please listen to me. I normally advocate the suicide of trannies but you are different , you actually realised the truth. First of all , you are already a man. You never stopped being a man , you just had a problem in your head. You have a long and difficult road ahead of you but you can do it. Have faith in yourself. Get a new appartment if possible , to disconnect yourself from your previous life. Dump all the girly things you have bought , start dressing as a man again. Take a look in the mirror then , you will feel better for sure.

Start hitting gym. Eat like a man. Do a couple of cycles. Do you have your penor?

i think im gonna need a timestamp

Continuing : you should propably start hormone treatment , get yourself back to a regular male physiology. Going to gym for unaerobic excercise is also very reccomended. Do you still have your dick? If no , surgery asap. If yes and it has shrunk , consider an enlargement surgery it will greatly boost your self esteem. Do you have boobs? Propably surgery as well. If you lack the money , consider taking a mild version of your story to gofundme. Remember the persons who told you it was a bad idea? Propably your father , right? You can go to him once you get into a decent shape and announce to him that you are trying to change again. This will feel like a turning point and give you courage. Soon enough you will have new friends and time comes propably a girlfriend. Once you are in decent shape , consider hiring a beautiful prostitute , take some viagra and fuck her , see how it feels before you embark on an actual relationship with a woman. Women get alot of shit here but irl there are many exceptions which can give you peace , affection and care. Dont an hero bro , I am online every day , just post again and I will propably see your post again if you need more help

I swear if I see that fucking cat one more fucking time

Yes my main concern is that hormones have made me sterile I don't see any reason not to just off myself if that's the case.

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And you know what man ? Damn straight feels good to having been born a man. Superior gender by far.

join the 41% you freak. do it. a shotgun is sufficient

To add to this guy, stop all hormones (if you have to ween off them then do so, but get off them as soon as safely possible), start eating right and work out. Hormones affect how you think and feel, by doing the above you can help reset them and get your entire body functioning as it should once again. You'd be surprised how much exercise and eating right helps (and rebalances your hormones).

As for interest, look at this as an opportunity. You're no longer pressured to be interested in what a woman would, or act like a woman would. Explore all hobbies and find what you connect with. Likewise with fashion dress plain until you figure out your own tastes. Take your time with this stuff and let it come to you. There's no rush so have fun trying different shit out, and don't hesitate to say "eh Na, that's not for me". For the love of god don't immediately make X a part of your identity.

And lastly like I said earlier, look at men you admire and emulate them. Children become adults through emulating adults. Boys become men the same way.

Jesus Christ, maybe you can start by not being a bitch ass faggot. if people are calling you a woman, it's because you're effeminate bitch and you pretty much asked for it. "call me by my proper pronouns! Wha Wha"

Alright, now if you want to be a man, you're going to take some fucking responsibility and right your wrongs. You're going to apologise to all you're friends and family for bullying them to excepting yore degenerate stupidity and you're ready to be a man.
You're going to build your body up and eat right. You're going to quit porn and mentally fix yourself.

Then you're going to think back to when this shit crossed your mind. some root cause analyst. Probably going to be porn addiction or abuse or some shit. The reason you're going to do this is because you're getting your story out. You're going to share it Facebook, Yas Forums, reddit and whatever media you can. You're going to wore everyone of this shit, this disease.

If you're not going to do any of this, then I suggest you buy a new pair of panties.

Buy a sex doll. Project your trannyness on it. Work on being more masculine to balance yourself.

We gotcha mate, you'll be alright. If it gets overwhelming just meditate and try and clear your mind and not think about anything.
Ironically as much as the shills flood us, and we would hate you, we don't. You're among friends.
We do call people faggots and polacks and shit though. Because that's honestly just how guys talk.

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You ain't going to do shit, faggot.

Do not fucking do that.

Join the 40%, tranny trash.

Do it. No woman should be saddled with a closeted fag her whole life.

I feel sad for you user and will pray for your soul. Society has fed your delusions for profit instead of telling you from the beginning that you were a delusional faggot. You can't trust the establishment user. You sound like you're pretty deep into the shit, so I can't make you any promises at this point, but it's never to late to repent. Stop being a faggot and accept that you're a man. Shit, do yourself one better and become ten times the man any of these other faggots will ever be.

Hmm thqt an be tough but again there is salvation bc you seem to be tying masculinity to the product action vs the root of it.

If you are indeed sterile, look no further than from living your our truest self. We hear not of Plato or Confucius' heirs, yet our world today is ruled by the blood of their ideas

Yeah just to clarify my point , I dont know if cutting off estrogen hormones is enough , thats why I reccomended taking the opposite to counteract it. But if you know for a fact that he doesnt need that , I am with you.

There is no "transition."

Embrace the suck.

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Christ that's a long time to be a tranny for. Honestly the emotional trauma you're gonna go through trying to detransition is tenfold that you've already gone through.

Honestly my advise would be to keep up the charade for as long as possible and then if you decide you really really don't wanna be trans anymore just join the 41%.

If you really really want to go through the immense trauma of learning everything you know is false - maybe start by meditating and learning about how your mind works.

Unironically just be yourself. If girly shit makes you happy, that’s fine, you just need to uncouple it from the delusion that that makes you a woman. Man/woman is purely biological.

I like unicorns, but that doesn't make me gay.

Neck yourself and get it over with faggot.

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nobody has fucking explained how this is real wtf

Do you actually want to be a man or are you falling for Yas Forumspoganda? I find it highly unlikely or a LARP that a transitioned tranny would want to go back after 15 years.

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Solid advice there, listen to it OP.
I went through something similar but stopped at 14. Being a man (not just a person with a dick, an actual man)
means choosing the harder paths. The rewards are greater and there is no feeling in this world like looking back at that thankless, harder path and knowing you not only walked it but stomped it.
No one is gonna give you a reward just for breathing by being a man. No one offers help. But you dont need it, the reward is conquering that struggle yourself and not needing recognition or ass pats for it.
Find good men to surround yourself with that work hard and do your best to emulate them. Develope your own sense of right and wrong, and figure out a life goal to strive towards. Be that a house and 2.5 kids, or a business owner, or an off the grid hippie growing your own food every day. Dowsnt matter what you do, so long as its honest and brings you the inner peace only a good man looking back on his life can have.
Cut ties with the toxic people in your life. It only hurts for a little while but the relief at the end is so, so worth it.

Its either that or suicide.

You have to be a retarded nigger to think it's real.

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>But if you know for a fact that he doesnt need that , I am with you
I'm not entirely sure. I do know the body is pretty fucking good at fixing itself when you are putting bullshit into it. He hasnt give any specifics about what he's done to himself, or his lifestyle.

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Well, you're going to need to ask yourself one question. Is living with the shame and awkwardness of having been so thoroughly duped going to be too much to deal with?

Thanks for all the support guys it means alot to me for you guys to actually try to help me with this. Sorry for not replying to all your posts but I'm just trying to process it all. I'm going to throw out my hormones, buzz my head and start lifting. In a few months I'll go and get my sperm tested to see if I still have some gas in the tank and if I do I'm going to knock up as many women as I can to help turn the birth rates back in our favor. If I'm sterile I'll consider becoming a hermit like ted and living out the rest of my days isolated in nature.

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You'll be fine. Get therapy with a non-Marxist, non-feminist male therapist if you can afford it (if you can't afford it buy a few hundred bucks worth of xrp and wait till the end of the year).

You can also use LSD - very carefully and in the company of someone wise and sympathetic, who has earned your trust - to reimprint your sexuality, with a willing female partner. That's quite drastic and a bit risky, but can be very effective in bleaching and rewiring circuits.

Another thing is using oxytocin with a willing partner. Also risky in that in addition to imprinting on pussy, you may forge a deep emotional bond. Do this with a woman you want to settle down and breed with.

We learn by doing, user. And we learn by playing. Take the approach of a method actor, start with internalizing exaggerated images of masculinity - men you admire. Read "What is a Man?" and "The Way of the Superior Man." Contemplate maleness deeply.

There may be times when you are a whimpering little bitch and just want a daddy to hold you. Guess what? There is a part of that in every man - it's called the "inner child" and it is something to keep hidden and controlled, but not something to be despised. Read Bradshaw's "Homecoming" on this topic. Tldr: You are your own daddy now; rise to the occasion.

Look also to archetypal psychology for masculine power to tap into. Become The Warrior. Take a martial arts class and make it a part of your life. Contemplate the reality of war, the disposability of manhood, the gravity and the horror of real life mortal combat. I'm not saying to commit acts of violence, but this is a big piece of turning on the male software that is the legacy of your ancestors.

Expect to go through a period of rage when you realize that Jews and Marxists mind-raped you. Use that rage, control it, channel it. That is male power - not the rage but the taming and focusing of it, on acts of will - not reactions.

>they won't stop using female pronouns for me
Are you a fucking sissy?

Do you still got your winky?