Reminder that boomers forced you and your kids to learn atleast 2 years of spanish in highschool so they could insert...

reminder that boomers forced you and your kids to learn atleast 2 years of spanish in highschool so they could insert their immigrant wageslaves into the economy

Attached: 1470430099423.jpg (600x500, 138.8K)

My middle school offered Italian, Spanish, and German.
My high school offered Italian, Spanish, German, French, and Japanese.
This was in West Virginia of all places.

>come on barack, hillary's having a hard time, just put her in one of your memes!

>Go away bill.

I was forced to take 8 years of that beaner shit and then 2 more in college. I gve my teachers hell for it and got c’s in all the classes. Fuck those scumbags

4 years of college to work at McDonalds and 6 years to have paid vacation

My Spanish teacher in middle school called me stupid for failing her class constantly in front of the whole class. I always got A's in English. I became racist that day and started to realize women are worthless.

My middle school offered Spanish, German, and French.
My high school offered Spanish, German, French, Mandarin Chinese, and Hebrew.

i did band instead
fuck beaners

i took french

Mine was spanish or mandarin, I have been teaching myself german on and off since high school but sadly it was never an option at school..

I had the choice of Spanish or French in middle school, the choice of Spanish, French, Italian or Chinese in high school. Took French throughout all of it. You must be in Texas or California

The schools in my district all offered multiple languages in theory, but they were exclusive to whatever special "gifted" program you were in during middle school. French and Italian were available to the best tier, and Spanish was offered to everyone else. If you didn't take Spanish in middle school (because it wasn't mandatory to take a language for everyone), you were given the option of German in high school but forced to continue the previous language you already started. Completely retarded.

cheated my way through that shit. gave em hell
no way my kids are gonna go through that shit
also i go to a 80% white high school in california

I don't remember anything about spanish, then again I only passed with C-.

This, I took german in HS.

Planned to become bilingual and moving to germany, but merkle happened.

Ich kann nicht sprechen sie duetch sehr gut.

That does sound retarded.

No one learns Spanish in high school. They just cheat off their Mexican friends.

So you are telling me I have them to thank for all the hot Latina pussy I get because I’m white and speak Spanish m?

you have to be 18 to post here

I took ASL, fuck the beaners.

I understand hating spics and all that but I don't understand the retarded hatred burgers have for anyone that speaks more than one language.

fuck u i turned 18 last month

what? i chose french

at least you learned something in the end

Its not that peopel speak more than one language it's the people they only speak their native language and the fact that there are so many of them that phone services, labels, forms, etc, are all printed in multiple languages to appease them.
It is a MASSIVE drain on time and resources having to account for multiple languages.

Das ist ganz einfach zu sehen.

no you fucking onepost kike
it's so you can tell us off you commie piece of shit
chinga tu reputillo y malbaratado rabino jijo de la jijurria
Google translate that motherfucker!
we aren't sending nobody either, the dregs go by themselves because hollywood infected their brains
>beaner OUT!

Attached: lecherita huele a suero limpio.jpg (1060x1600, 250.04K)

bill looks like he's been doing meth for years


is this clinton??

You guys complain about spanish, I literally see this shit all the time in Canada with French. It's not unique to spanish. Advertisers will advertise to anyone.

Jesus Christ he looks like a mummy

Hurr durrr european language dum

I took German in high school. Show flag
Sage , no (you)

You took german so you can get a qt islamic gf?

reminder that everything beyond the rio grande is mexican clay

I took Latin lol. Alea iacta est