Post ancient conspiracies, talk about relevant events, etc.
For me, I would like to talk about May Day predictions. A new one should be released this week, I'd like to decipher this one on release. Remember, the finders were directly linked to this group, uncovered in our finders generals. This group is British and "Protestant", which means they are anti-Catholic (Christ) and likely satanic.
Illuminati Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Real illuminati have left long ago, but not before being controlled at a 0 dimensional level. So now you have successful transhumans chain linking 0 point chess across muh space time continuum
Transhumanism is filthy garbage. You only get one shot at life; all of those decapitated heads underground in Pheonix's desert, I would destroy them all if I could.
Thats the new illuminati. The old illuminati is long gone lol. Old = technological
New= spiritual / occult
aka adreno chrome Visions, which is there fave. Aka pineal gland sauce. It is the most potent psychedelic known of yet. Like 10 times more than Dmt. It also keeps you very healthy and young. Cons are extreme addiction.
But i see the new illu no different. To materialists who desire for lust.
The pyramids man
can someone find the clip with sundar pichai saying the world is ran by 100 old men in some interview
1645 London: Ashmole founds Invisible College, Rosicrucian in inspiration.
1660 From the Invisible College is born the Royal Society; and from the Royal Society, as everyone knows, the Masons.
1666 Paris: founding of Academic Royal des Sciences.
1707 Birth of Claude-Louis de Saint-Germain, if he was really born.
1717 Creation of the Great Lodge in London.
1721 Anderson drafts the constitutions of English Masonry. Initiated in London, Peter the Great founds a lodge in Russia.
1730 Montesquieu, passing through London, is initiated.
1737 Ramsay asserts the Templar origin of Masonry. Origin of the Scottish rite, henceforth in conflict with the Great Lodge of London.
1738 Frederick, then crown prince of Prussia, is initiated. Later he is patron of Encyclopedists.
1740 Various lodges created in France around this year: Ecos-sais Fideles of Toulouse, Souverain ConseU Sublime, Mere Loge Ecossaise du Grand Globe Francais, College des Sublimes Princes du Royal Secret of Bordeaux, Cour des Souverains Commandeurs du Temple of Carcassonne, Philadelphes of Narbonne, Chapitre des Rose-Croix of Montpellier, Sublimes Elus de la Verite....
1743 First public appearance of Comte de Saint-Germain. In Lyon, the degree of chevalier kadosch originates, its task being to vindicate Templars.
1753 Willermoz founds lodge of Parfaite Amitie.
1754 Martinez Pasqualis founds Temple of the Elus Cohen (perhaps in 1760).
1756 Baron von Hund founds Templar Strict Observance, inspired, some say, by Frederick II of Prussia. For the first time there is talk of the Unknown Superiors. Some insinuate that the Unknown Superiors are Frederick and Voltaire.
1758 Saint-Germain arrives in Paris and offers his services to the king as chemist, an expert in dyes. He spends time with Madame Pompadour.
1759 Presumed formation of Conseil des Empereurs d’Orient et d’Occident, which three years later is said to have drawn up the Constitutions et Reglement de Bordeaux, from which Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite probably originates (though this does not appear officially until 1801).
1760 Saint-Germain on ambiguous diplomatic mission in Holland. Forced to flee, arrested in London, released. Dom J. Pernety founds Illuminati of Avignon. Martinez Pasqualis founds Chevaliers Macons Elus de 1’Univers.
1762 Saint-Germain in Russia.
1763 Casanova meets Saint-Germain, as Surmont, in Belgium. Latter turns coin into gold. Willermoz founds Souverain Chapitre des Chevaliers de 1’Aigle Noire Rose-Croix.
1768 Willermoz joins Pasqualis’s Elus Cohen. Apocryphal publication in Jerusalem of Les plus secrets mysteres des hauls grades de la mafonnerie devoilee, ou le vrai Rose-Croix: it says that the lodge of the Rosicrucians is on Mount Heredon, sixty miles from Edinburgh. Pasqualis meets Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, later known as Le Philosophe Inconnu. Dom Pernety becomes librarian of king of Prussia.
1771 The Due de Chartres, later known as Philippe-Egalite’, becomes grand master of the Grand Orient (then, the Grand Orient de France) and tries to unify all the lodges. Scottish rite lodge resists.
1772 Pasqualis leaves for Santo Domingo, and Willermoz and Saint-Martin establish Tribunal Souverain, which becomes Grand Loge Ecossaise.
1774 Saint-Martin retires, to become Philosophe Inconnu, and as delegate of Templar Strict Observance goes to negotiate with Willermoz. A Scottish Directory of the Province of Auvergne is born. From this will be born the Rectified Scottish rite.
1776 Saint-Germain, under the name Count Welldone, presents chemical plans to Frederick II. Societe des Phila-thetes is born, to unite all hermeticists. Lodge of the Neuf Soeurs has as members Guillotin and Cabanis, Voltaire and Franklin. Adam Weishaupt founds Illuminati of Bavaria. According to some, he is initiated by a Danish merchant, Kolmer, returning from Egypt, who is probably the mysterious Altotas, master of Cagliostro.
1778 Saint-Germain, in Berlin, meets Dom Pernety. Willermoz founds Ordre des Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cite Sainte. Templar Strict Observance and Grand Orient agree to accept the Rectified Scottish rite.
1782 Great conference of all the initiatory lodges at Wil-helmsbad.
1783 Marquis Thome founds the Swedenborg rite.
1784 Saint-Germain presumably dies while in the service of the landgrave of Hesse, for whom he is completing a factory for making dyes.
1785 Cagliostro founds Memphis rite, which later becomes the Ancient and Primitive rite of Memphis-Misraim; it increases the number of high degrees to ninety. Scandal of the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, orchestrated by Cagliostro. Dumas describes it as Masonic plot to discredit the monarchy. The Dluminati of Bavaria are suppressed, suspected of revolutionary plotting.
1786 Mirabeau is initiated by the Illuminati of Bavaria in Berlin. In London a Rosicrucian manifesto appears, attributed to Cagliostro. Mirabeau writes a letter to Cagliostro and to Lavater.
1787 There are about seven hundred lodges in France. Weishaupt publishes his Nachtrag, which describes the structure of a secret organization in which each adherent knows only his immediate superior.
1789 French Revolution begins. Crisis in the French lodges.
1794 On 8 Vende’miaire, Deputy Gregoire presents to the Convention the project for a Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. It is installed in Saint-Martin-des-Champs in 1799, by the Council of Five Hundred. The Duke of Brunswick urges lodges to dissolve because a poisonous subversive sect has now corrupted them all.
1798 Arrest of Cagliostro in Rome.
1804 Announcement in Charleston of official foundation of Ancient and Accepted Scottish rite, with number of degrees increased to 33.
1824 Document from court of Vienna to French government denounces secret associations like the Absolutes, the Independents, the Alta Vendita Carbonara.
1835 The cabalist Oettinger claims to meet Saint-Germain in Paris.
1846 Viennese writer Franz Graffer publishes account of a meeting of his brother with Saint-Germain between 1788 and 1790. Saint-Germain received his visitor while leafing through a book by Paracelsus.
1865 Foundation of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (other sources give 1860, 1866, or 1867 Bulwer-Lytton, author of the Rosicrucian novel Zanoni, joins.
1868 Bakunin founds International Alliance of Socialist Democracy, inspired, some say, by the Illuminati of Bavaria.
1875 Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, with Henry Steel Olcott, founds Theosophical Society. Her Isis Unveiled appears. Baron Spedalieri proclaims himself a member of Grand Lodge of the Solitary Brothers of the Mountain, Prater Illuminatus of the Ancient and Restored Order of the Manicheans and of the Martinists.
1877 Madame Blavatsky speaks of the theosophical role of Saint-Germain. Among his incarnations are Roger and Francis Bacon, Rosencreutz, Proclus, Saint Alban. Grand Orient of France eliminates invocation to the Great Architect of the Universe and proclaims absolute freedom of conscience. Breaks ties with Grand Lodge of England and becomes firmly secular and radical.
1879 Foundation of Societas Rosicruciana in the USA.
1880 Beginning of Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s activity. Leopold Engler reorganizes the Illuminati of Bavaria.
1884 Leo XIII, with the encyclical Humanum Genus, condemns Freemasonry. Catholics desert it; rationalists flock to it.
1888 Stanislas de Guaita founds Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix. Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn founded in England, with eleven degrees, from neophyte to ipsissimus. Its imperator is McGregor Mathers, whose sister marries Bergson.
1890 Joseph P61adan, called Josephin, leaves Guaita and founds the Rose-Croix Catholique du Temple et du Graal, proclaiming himself Sar Merodak. Conflict between Rosicrucians of Guaita’s order and those of Peladan’s is called the War of the Two Roses.
1891 Papus publishes his Traite methodique de science oc-culte.
1898 ALEISTER CROWLY initiated into Golden Dawn. Later founds Order of Thelema.
1907 From the Golden. Dawn is born the Stella Matutina, which Yeats joins.
1909 In the United States, H. Spencer Lewis “reawakens” the Anticus Mysticus Ordo Rosae Crucis and in 1916, in a hotel, successfully transforms a piece of zinc into gold. Max Heindel founds the Rosicrucian Fellowship. At uncertain dates follow Lectorium Rosicrucianum, Freres Alnes de la Rose-Croix, Fraternitas Hermetica, Tern-plum Rosae-Crucis.
1912 Annie Besant, disciple of Madame Blavatsky, founds, in London, Order of the Temple of the Rose-Cross.
1918 Thule Society is born in Germany.
1936 In France Le Grand Prieure des Gaules is born. In the “Cahiers de la fraternite polaire,” Enrico Contardi-Rhodio tells of a visit from Comte de Saint-Germain.
This is the best explanation.
- The Power Behind The Scenes (Mystery Babylon)
- The First Beast (Rome)
- The Second Beast (USA)
- Revolutions, Tyrants and Wars
- The Secrets Behind Secret Societies
- The Hidden Agendas
- The New World Order
- The UN & Occult Agenda
- The Islamic Connection to Freemasonry/Rome
- The New Age Agenda
- BOOK OF REVELATION: Seven Churches
- The Truth About Death & Hell
- Ancient Prophecies Prove Jesus Is Messiah
- Life, Journey and Teachings of Jesus Christ
- Sanctuary, Sin, Law, Ministry, and More:
FULL SERIES (all 36 lectures in order):
>Post ancient conspiracies,
Ancient conspiracies? No, just economics.
Everything you need is here:
alright let's get some discussion going here
who's on the path that good guys are winning and the illuminati is being destroyed by trump and Q team + white hats
who's thinking it's all doomy and gloomy and bill gates is gonna chip us all and hillary is going to come out to run with biden or michael obongo
where we at in the world what's happening
indictments soon?
never happening? controlled opposition? where do you fags sit on the fence and why
Q and Trump are ravaging them
Following the signs it shows good guys are winning and winning heavily
Anything else is trying to poison the well
It's clear the globalist are reatreating to China now that they've been ousted from the US
EU is rising up too by the looks of it with the EU collapsing and nationalist parties gaining favor and refugees being stopped
Fed and the entire central banking scheme they used was stolen out from underneath them using the stimulus bill
He used their meme virus against them and got war time powers
We're in the middle of the greatest human revolution of all time
1000 years of peace and prosperity are coming
Trump has been shitting on them recently
Gloves off Donald is going hard
Day after day he's slowly dismantling everything around the deep state