DRPK state-run television thread

They're gonna announce Kim John un's death tonight, get in faggots kcnawatch.org/korea-central-tv-livestream/

Attached: youngKimJongUn.png (473x591, 407.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


90% of the program is pictures of trees

I saw Kim Yo-jong's brief statement. The part that interested me the most was when she said she was looking for a "Western toilet slave." Does anybody know where to apply for the position?

>Everything is about Kim today
>Mfw Yas Forums thinks he's alive
>Mfw he's dead and were all trying to deny the truth


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young kim jong un looks like one of those faggots that would offer to race me in their honda civic.

Youtube stream:

YouTube for same stream youtube.com/watch?v=CW0TLBUvBV0&feature=emb_logo

Won't it be in gook language though? How will we understand them?

>They're gonna announce Kim John un's death tonight

No they aren't.

There is literally no reason to believe that he's dead. No doubt about the fact that he underwent heart surgery but there is not a single thing indicating that he's actually dead.

This, the're gonna talk about him for a while until they tell the truth.
This is the start, get ready.

He's dead, CCP shill.
You killed best Korea.

If he died, knowing North Korean news, they wouldn’t announce until much later

She's gonna be mine bros

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China sending a delegation is pretty big.

and orchestral music

comfy af

Who is it covered?

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This. It's most likely going to be announced tomorrow if it isn't he's alive.

great things are about to happen (to her)

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You are all currently watching a documentary about the `Samjiyon Revolutionary Museum
They are showing the Grand Monument of Samjiyon which is a 16m tall statue of 27 year old Kim Il Sung. they are interviewing artists and historians about the history of the Samjiyon area, revolutionaries and Mount Paektu.

ask me anything

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These threads are spam. There are at least 20 threads about this in the catalog. Stop spamming you fucking kikes.

Give it a while.
Do you want a civil war?

nigga i want him dead too but there is no reason to believe that he is. stop being delusional

If the pink news lady seems to be in mourning, we can assume Kim is dead.

WTF is that loud music??

i opened up the stream, and yep, fucking trees.

is NK a country of arborists?

>Random music

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Is it always all about fucking statues

The fuck is with the music?

Did Kim Un father any children?

It sounds like a whole bunch of hooey is you ask me. There is no way telling if this is legitimate.

Does this mean we get waifu Dear Leader?

Attached: kim+yo-jong.jpg (1200x791, 143.5K)

Three. He has an 8 y/o daughter and two other kids gender and name unknown

>no reason to believe he's dead
>hasn't been seen in weeks, skipped important events, US intel has said he's in grave danger and chinese and japanese media have both reported that he is either dead or a vegetable

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Now the marseillaise.
This is too bizarre

it's because the stream owner is playing it.

it is a documentary about the revolutionary samjiyon museum and they are talking about the art in the surrounding area.

Ugh, you can have that chink. With her gross hairy snatch leaking all sorts of gross mucus cheese.

Are their broadcasts usually cutting in and out like that..... thought that shit was supposed to be subliminal and shit

it is interesting as she rose to prominence after being put to the forefront to welcome Xi Jinping on his first visit to the country.

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Do they wear black for deaths

Dude. Youre cool.

Court her over her Onlyfans if she has one, then swoon in

He does this like once every five years or though. He just disappears for while and re-emerges with no explanation.

How much white cock do you think she took in Switzerland

Epstein island

Most likely scenario is that he's just recovering from surgery after he almost died. I'm not saying that he's in good condition, just that there is no indicator that hes actually dead by now. If he was still in grave danger we would know for sure.

look at that kid, that's before all the bienenstich and printen cookies made him a beetus.