/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3454

► Detected: 2,918,934 (+90,108) ► Died: 203,139 (+6,040) ► Day: 107 (-01:37:13)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,604 strains have been sequenced —


China wants to delete this:

8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

Chinese activists detained after leaking information on GitHub

20,000 dead in the UK, beating projections by 8 months

For coronaviruses, antibodies don't guarantee immunity

13% of cases with pneumonia died, 76% still on ICU

Virus spreads before symptoms and up to 12 days after "recovery"

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

Children die from corona, WHO confirms

Courts determine Spain omits deaths, real toll 3 times higher

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

▶ 6201 new cases and 375 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 35293 new cases and 2055 new deaths in the United States
▶ 48 new cases in Maldives
▶ 783 new cases and 16 new deaths in Pakistan
▶ 5 new cases in Martinique
▶ 173 new cases and 9 new deaths in Argentina
▶ 5 new cases in Venezuela
▶ 26 new cases in Mayotte
▶ 87 new cases and 3 new deaths in Nigeria


Attached: CVG.jpg (640x640, 55.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I have a samurai sword will I make it

>UPDATED CHARTS @ 25 Apr 2020
UPDATED CHARTS @ 25 Apr 2020

>Reworked exponential approximation with proper formula
>Added Cases/death grow + weekends comparison

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

What's in the chinese githib files?

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this is your waifu

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What is everyone up right now during quarantine? I just made dinner for my little brother.

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bringing back delicious red pill from last thread

>Coronavirus updates: Santa Clara woman's heart 'burst open' from coronavirus, autopsy shows

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Unironically quitting my job when the lockdown lifts. Just milking the last of the covidbux.

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I'm learning how to sell out our country in the stock market like a jew

Make it? Make what? The team? The chick? Make good? Make do? Make out? Make sense? Make money? Make time? Define your terms. The Latin for 'make' is facere, which always reminds me of fuckere, which is Latin for 'to fuck, and I have been getting jack shit in that department as of late.

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Grow a chin.

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I'm going to the store to get ice cream

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Every post beneath this one is disinfected. You're good senpai.

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That's Corona-chan?

>on a Saturday
Next week is gonna be crazy.

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Yas Forums and watching Crank

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>A pandemic is ravaging worldwide, it's better to preserve and ensure humanity be lowering the number of further infected cases
based retards

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Rate my prep

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supposedly its a backup for censored data from wechat and weibo , but i dunno rick
plenty of changs in here

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Why are you staying inside and posting this?? What are you, a fucking shill who does not believe his own agenda?

I just ripped up the constitution! No need for that when you have SAFETY!

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Imagine not being a NEET

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the absolute state.

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who are you

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>being home all day
>no big deal to be inside and alone online
>no dull commuting and responsibilities
>this general

please . . . I don't want to go back

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I'm joining the boyscouts.


getting drunk

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Did you had sex with him? Seems like you did.

Comfy so far

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Rollin for corona-chan to reach 3M

3 millons tomorrow

Do you really think that if they caught it they would die?


do you obey speed limits?

#1 United States 960,525 (54,248) #2 Spain 223,759 (22,902) #3 Italy 195,351 (26,384) #4 France 161,488 (22,614) #5 Germany 156,418 (5,873) #6 United Kingdom 148,377 (20,319) #7 Turkey 107,773 (2,706) #8 Iran 89,328 (5,650) #9 China 82,816 (4,632) #10 Russia 74,588 (681) #11 Brazil 59,196 (4,045) #12 Canada 45,354 (2,465) #13 Belgium 45,325 (6,917) #14 Netherlands 37,190 (4,409) #15 Switzerland 28,894 (1,599) #16 India 26,283 (825) #17 Peru 25,331 (700) #18 Portugal 23,392 (880) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 18,561 (1,063) #21 Sweden 18,177 (2,192) #22 Saudi Arabia 16,299 (136) #23 Israel 15,298 (199) #24 Austria 15,148 (536) #25 Mexico 12,872 (1,221) #26 Chile 12,858 (181) #27 Japan 12,829 (345) #28 Pakistan 12,723 (269) #29 Singapore 12,693 (12) #30 Poland 11,273 (524) #31 South Korea 10,718 (240) #32 Romania 10,635 (601) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,813 (71) #34 Belarus 9,590 (67) #35 Qatar 9,358 (10)…

#1 United States +35,293 (+2,055) #2 Brazil +6,201 (+375) #3 Russia +5,966 (+66) #4 United Kingdom +4,913 (+813) #5 Spain +3,995 (+378) #6 Peru +3,683 (+66) #7 Turkey +2,861 (+106) #8 Italy +2,357 (+415) #9 India +1,836 (+45) #10 France +1,660 (+369) #11 Canada +1,466 (+163) #12 Germany +1,419 (+113) #13 Mexico +1,239 (+152) #14 Saudi Arabia +1,197 (+9) #15 Iran +1,134 (+76) #16 Belgium +1,032 (+238) #17 Belarus +817 (+4) #18 Pakistan +783 (+16) #19 Netherlands +655 (+120) #20 Sweden +610 (+40) #21 Portugal +595 (+26) #22 Chile +552 (+7) #23 United Arab Emirates +532 (+7) #24 Ukraine +478 (+8) #25 Indonesia +396 (+31) #26 Poland +381 (+30) #27 Ireland +377 (+49) #28 Bangladesh +309 (+9) #29 Serbia +296 (+7) #30 Kuwait +278 (+4) #31 Colombia +261 (+8) #32 Israel +240 (+5) #33 Denmark +235 (+15) #34 Egypt +227 (+13) #35 Romania +218 (+34)…

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Baking bread, getting drunk.

Any data on if the strokes that are happening to youngish people are after they have been hospitalised?
Or did they never have to enter the hospital yet still got a clot?

We're fucked aren't we? Humanity has about 10 years left at this rate

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why dont the nothing posters go to their own thread
you're embarrassing yourselves.

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About death rates: how does the assumed reinfection and increased severity factor in over time? If (and I mean IF) /cvg/ is correct about no immunity and the virus not going away the numbers will get very ugly very soon. Death rate would go up as people go through their second, third, fourth etc. infections.
This would probably be difficult to model but with the virus spreading freely in the population (like in Sweden for instance) deaths would pile up pretty quickly.
Pulling some numbers from ass and assuming Sweden with its 10 million citizens, 0,5% initial death rate, reinfection in two months and a modest doubling of death rate per each reinfection, there would be a million dead by the end of the year. That's 10% of the whole population of Sweden. It would mathematically only accelerate from there, even before factoring in medical system collapse, panic and unrest.
I'd very much like a big empty nothingburger now, please.

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i like how you capture a proper " fallout new vegas " feel , the chair brings the whole room

just ate, about to binge anime with the occasional /CVG/ break

Have fun running backwards in a corn field

I see asking the true questions


>Brazil +6,201

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user c’mon

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Making a few OC but only edits. Learning to draw but it's not going well.

Do you wanna take the risk?
>Nah, just let some other faggot take it instead of me

getting high will probably fap afterwards

>Spain open tomorrow.

does your heart feel funny? Feel a little "light headed" user?

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Post your comfy quarantine vidya:
>mini metro

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Fumbling with excel tables, coding macros and laughing at nothingurgerfags seething on /cvg/.

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why'd ya do it?

It's just a flu bro. You'll be alright. Probably.

Do people really want to mork?

death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch.

threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .

reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable lives with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless doomer idiots and nobody loves them.

also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.
cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.

these threads should be on bant. cvg is a little autistic cult at this point screeching at each other.

OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i run cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud

>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh
reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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>China wants to delete this
Along with this
Mirrored everything in a torrent and magnet, add it to the sticky OP

What is their secret?

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Working out, building my animation skills and portfolio, learning a language.

>people are being discharged from hospitals with ravaged lungs
>doctors recommend all discharged be monitored because virus is still not understood and people are coming back worse and reinfected

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why are your eggs so expensive ? post instore prices plz

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It is already over, stop worrying.

Go back to work, start earning morning and spend that shit on whatever pleasures you. It's already too late. Surf the Kali Yuga

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You can't slice, stab or shoot a virus, user.

Only if there's a latent rabies payload, would you be worried about weapons.

Your organs can't fail if they explode first.

Hope you enjoyed the last 20 years

Why would they get ugly? It’s like saying the second time you get a flu it’ll kill you.

No. There was an ADE meme a while ago but that’s turned it to be rubbish.

Just helped my sis fix the TV and watched the latest presidential briefing.
Places with less than 500k pops will open up a bit, not so much for the rest.

don't care doesn't matter i'm still under lockdown

>Portugal +595

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Bill Gates - Rubbing his hands together – Thinks he is God over the entire Earth


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All we can really do is wait and see what happens. While /cvg/ has been correct about many things, that doesn't necessarily mean everything speculated about here would be true.
If this thing is the supposed escaped bioweapon that some here claim it to be, then what you've said there may be the effect its creators were aiming towards, but I don't see how they could legitimise making it if it would also kill off their own population.
Western media can't be taken at face value the same as eastern media considering the severe downplaying narrative being driven.

So yeah its time to buckle up because the coming year could either be just fine or a complete disaster. No way to really see until it happens. Personally, some of the stuff about blood clotting worries me because that would cause strokes that we wouldn't see for a considerable amount of time, means that recovered number could still drop to a death count.

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Drinking cheap beer and making sling shots to shoot the cans with

Marbles are good ammo

Wow look at all these gook countries
They are the pinacle of modern medicine

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The nurses from Finland will carry the next wave from Sweden to back home and the story ends there. Im sorry bro, but we are totally fucked.

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Oh it's you again, missed ya
Deus Ex
You guys should give Texhonlyze a watch. Really fits into the whole "trying times" theme

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is this what's it's really like living in Australia ?

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Lmao fake and gay

Bois I'm worried that it's a nothing burger after all. My country is starting to open everything up again. Please tell me how I am wrong.

i give it three before it all goes to shit.

Attached: Good Times.gif (200x200, 155.01K)

COVID-19 text on red pill side should be read SARS-CoV-2 instead

no, its small business owners, social butterflies who cant handle not being able to club every other night, landlords and other people who are losing money due to shutdowns. Its the right wings version of BLM (funded by george soros) The majority of the US is totally fine with the shutdowns during a pandemic according to any poll you look up on the topic.

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Why would you be worried?

How soon until we have complete global saturation?

is that fat fuck dead yet?

▶ 970 new cases and 84 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 200 new cases and 5 new deaths in Panama
▶ 11 new cases in China
▶ 11 new cases in China
▶ 11 new cases in China

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lol oh yeah!?! What about THIS

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Eatings montreal beef on bread with water.

They were testing like crazy in those crucial first few weeks.

I heard this morning on the msm that the United states has 25% of all the corona deaths around the world.
And this is why they’re called fake news.

A long time ago I was in London, my friends and I were working for the NHS. We were trying to get stock for the supermarkets by bribing corona preppers with toilet paper. But the Tesco household aisles were being raided by a boomer. So we went looking for some toilet rolls. But in six weeks, we never found a single pack. One day, I saw a child playing with a roll the size of a PLENTY kitchen maxi. The boomer had been throwing them away.

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They just hacked into chinese servers and saw how fucked everything was so they shut down their borders inmediatly

>the messenger
>DCS ( f-14 module)

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Thank you for your concern fren here is your source: itnonline.com/content/study-looks-ct-findings-covid-19-through-recovery
>if 94 percent all left with damaged lungs my theory is the remaining 6 percent that were unharmed are either in a very early stage of the virus or false positives the thought they were infected.

Even better, at that rally a guy showed up with his hummer and gave a speech about how people don't want welfare, and that they want to go back to work and how it's time to make money.

For me:
>any C&C
>M&B Warband
>Borderlands 2

>We should shut down the entire world to keep the weak from dying.

Fuck this gay earth.

Looks like they're going with the rabies jab
Oh boy

Wasnt there a fuck up with the original ebola version of this?

And I thought that British American Tobacco were growing one already?

Who ordered the doble cheeseburger with a side of zombies?

that is ridiculously expensive

>best 2019
Fake and Gay

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I make jerky nowadays get a dehydrator !! It's fun and easy


they're lock-down protesting in Canada too lmao.

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not officially yet but there's a surprisingly convincing picture of him sleeping in a state grave

You would let a Thailand hospital treat you right? Just look at these figures user

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>$24.11 for a dozen eggs

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being under constant threat of war

The lab doing research for the sars vaccine was using rabies viruses to make that and the ebola vaccines. All the mice that were transgenic human ace2 died.
They were using aids viruses in the sars vaccine research

The same lab was researching aerosolized rabies transmission in bats and mice.

Labs in china are known for taking the mice home as pets or selling them for food. Or the lab workers get pissed on or bitten by the bats
Some of the mice in the aerosolized rabies tests did not show symptoms until 6 months later.it has been shown to lie dormant for 2 years

Ticking time bomb

Failed vaccines, mentions ace2 and aids pseudo viruses

Immunogenicity difference between the SARS coronavirus and the bat SARS-like coronavirus spike (S) proteins

Peng Zhou, Zhenggang Han, [...], and
All about SARs

Rabies attenuated, makes sars antibodies

A ruthless killer may soon help brain cancer patients. The rabies virus, whichkills tens of thousands of people a year, has a rare ability to enter nerve cells and use them as a conduit to infect brain tissue. Now, scientists are trying to mimic this strategy to ferry tumor-killing nanoparticles into brain tumors.
*nano connection*
To get around this problem, scientists are looking to the virus for inspiration. Already, researchers havepackaged cancer-fighting drugsinto nanoparticles coated with part of a rabies surface protein that lets the virus slip into the central nervous system


Soros wuxiapptech lab in wuhan studies nano cancer medicine

Little on the expensive side but not outrageous

we're just playing around it's not real lol


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I want this to be a happening

My father sells eggs for business
Price went from 120 to 220, shits fucked I hope he's making good dough from it but I don't think so

>Careful goy, it's asymptomatic
>Careful, it kills everyone
>Wear a mask and stay six feet away
>Don't run or it travels up to 60 feet
>Disinfect everything you buy
>It lives in the AC, don't turn on your AC goy
>Burn your clothes after wearing them even if you don't contact anyone
>Don't even live, kill yourself now goy, do it, make it happen

>tfw you love kicking /ptg/ nest

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user, a common flu doesn't leave permanent damage.

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Hahahahah, the cope.

I just want it to end, bros.

[spoiler]The world, that is[/spoiler]

>deus ex
>binding of isaac
>faster than light
>risk of rain 2
>don't starve together and terraria with frens


Attached: Cheems.jpg (451x518, 27.65K)

You know why the death toll of spanish flu is often describe as between 50 and 100 million people?

Because 50 million people died from the disease. 50 million other people died due to complications, such as shitty vaccines.

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Uhhhh, lads?

archive.is/wip/Ax8Lo (being processedfor archival)

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no but it would be very painful

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Thanks, I’d credit it to fung shui, but I think I’d get run off this thread.

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At least change the spelling in your shitty copypasta

The virus is bio-engineered, it was an experiment in creating a vaccine for HIV hence the four proteins from the HIV virus inserted into the areas of the virus where transfer to human cells occurs. Therefore we’re dealing with something never seen before hence the nomenclature “novel” in the virus’ name and everyone is conveniently refusing to address this issue which will only make matters worse.

>What the fuck is an "innate resistance to HIV"?
Chad mutated CCR5-delta 32 SNP

It's the biggest scandal in 100 years. That's a happening, just not the one you wanted. China has effectively tricked the world into killing their economies.

How do they keep doing it?

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Someone needs to make a corona-chan edit of these memes

>98F heatwave
>gf goes swimming at cousin's house
>wants to drink beers with friends in drive way later
what do

Attached: canwerun.gif (560x315, 594.31K)

What program do you use, so that I might have non-ugly charts, as well?

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lockdown is stupid, just look at the data

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It was designed to mutate and cause long term chronic health problems

>a common flu doesn’t cause permanent damage
Proofs or it didn’t happen

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>Burn your clothes after wearing them even if you don't contact anyone
>Don't even live, kill yourself now goy, do it, make it happen
You're glowing pretty hard, so you promote suicide now? That's freedom alright. It's not communistic to order someone to kill themselves to promote freedom though so you're alright

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Only if you leave your door open and don't live in the inner-city

Though a 'roo doesn't do much damage. I'm guessing deer do it in NA.

What animes does /CVG/ like? I noticed most of the posters post Evangelion and Lain. good taste

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and the world will kill china, as soon as the weather stops beign so coofy

You’re worrying about what to do with the 2000 rolls of toilet paper and the 2 pallets of ramen you bought, aren’t you user.

In a scenario where these women have a gun to their head with the guy holding the gun asking them "if they would be his slave for a year or get a bullet to the head" which would they choose?

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LA fag here, the damage has been done. businesses that were not even affected by this are using it as an excuse to lay people off, they did it at our factory and we manufacture medical equipment. if they are doing that to "essential" workers who create "Essential" stuff then you can kiss goodbye gig work/screw turning jobs forever, they are not coming back. Even if they open up again. These guys at the top are planning for this shit to last until May. They are going to get a rude awakening when May comes and goes and this shit is still continuing on. They will literally force the government to pay for people then, they will just write checks, its either writing checks for them or losing complete control. Slavoj Zizek was right, the guy is a self proclaimed communist but this is the perfect storm in favor of Karl Marx.

It's a nothingburger after all.

listening to this stupid hapa
he's made 3 videos about trump telling everyone to huff bleach, I really am starting to believe he's a paid shill

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You’re not taking into account for the population density of both places.

That will just make it so cases start rising again. It will never be truly over until a vaccine is made.

Why do ALL protestor look like this guy?

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No thanks fapping is for losers

>Doom (old and new)
>dungeon crawl stone soup
>final fantasy 9
>dungeon keeper

Need to get going on Blasphemous. Keep intending to but get distracted.

>$31.91 USD
>for a box of bran flakes

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> must wagecuck

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Plain and simple excel:

I think the people who made it designed it to do more specific things but it mutated into doing things they might had not intended it to do since it seems to be a combination of various viruses

talk her about the risk , propose alternative netflix and chill , go thru all kamasutra to spice things up so she doesnt get bored

what's your setup for DCS?

I can't wait to shove a UV-C light deep inside my throat to cure the Corona virus. Thanks Trump, I can never question your decisions ever again

which would YOU choose?

based death rate poster

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Sweden has significant restrictions fkwit.
Just because they don’t have “total lock down” doesn’t mean they’re not working from home etc

Have we steered you wrong in any way so far?

Change the locks and throw her stuff out before she comes back.
And get yourself a waifu.

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listen faggots
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
Total nothing burger

Give Texhnolyze a watch. It's great

Lol if the government told people to start killing themselves, /cvg/ would be first to do it willingly.
These guys are cucks.

Wait what. I suppose extracting pure CO2 is difficult?



Western vs Anime

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>laughing at nothingurgerfags seething on /cvg/.
Does this mean the restaurant won't be open?

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Why is everyone so hell bent on developing a vaccine?
I thought those were pretty much useless againg coronaviruses unless you get stinged for every strain that exists so far


I'm trying out Armor Hunter Mellowlink and Future Boy Conan right now. The former is basically one-off battles of man vs. machine. The later took me about 10 minutes to get in to but it's fun; basically shows what Miyazaki can do with a low budget.

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A common flu can kill you. That’s pretty permanent.

she hates being home, even before all this bullshit. We rarely spent a day home on weekends unless there was a family thing going on; she's been itching to go out and found a perfect day/excuse.

worries me more because that particular cousin's mom is a pastor and I'm not sure if she's gone out to hold mass.


interview with head of Korea University's Guro hospital (old news but it will answer your question... net - testing, tracing, and everyone wears a mask)


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does spaniard user even contribute to the discourse or just spam his restaurant memes

I started an ironman muscovy WC run. My bengal ironman run failed, too big a noob.


I just feel sick and miserable all the time

Why was Shinichi still a little bitch even though he had Migi’s cells in him?!

Global warming narratives were always a lie to tax people and invest in inefficient green energy solutions when the only real reliable with good cost to yield ratio green energy is nuclear.


Ok skychang.

The majority of people in my neigborhood are layed off. I've never seen so many cars in the drive ways or in the streets parked

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