How many stories and moments in history are lies?

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I don't know but it's good that it's always the good guys who win the wars.

Everything is a lie

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Dude what if were the aliens?

Both of those are for sure.

Post webms of the planes hitting the towers. It's all bad cgi.

Attached: after.webm (540x360, 1.44M)


History is made by winners... .. . So about Half I guess.

9/11 was real. It was perpetrated by Osama bin Laden and other elements from Saudi Arabia. Incompetence and complacency from the United States' alphabet agencies are partially to blame.
Sandy Hook was real. Adam Lanza was the shooter. It wasn't staged. It wasn't faked. Only fringe schizos like Jones believe as such, and when legally confronted and asked to back up his claims, he recanted. Watch his deposition.

You people find shadowy conspiracies in everything, literally every major event. It's pathetic. There's something wrong with you. In conclusion, take your meds you fucking CHUD's. Or kill yourselves. The world will be improved either way.

>Incompetence and complacency from the United States' alphabet agencies are partially to blame.
Get lost fag. Alec Station knew of the hijackers for over a year and of the vital Yemen alqaeda communication hub, which EVERY intell agency had bugged. There were Israeli spy rings in close proximity following the hijackers too. Mark Rossini was within an inch of passing visa intell of the hijackers to the FBI until his CIA handlers stopped him. They let it happen to start an unprecedented invasion of the Middle East to keep China and Russia out while containing Iran and removing others threats to the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Forgot pic

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Bootlicker is a leftist insult and not a good look for you to use, makes you look like an even bigger faggot than you think.

Most of them.

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Got a real response, or are you gonna gag on some glowie cock more like the little authoritarian cuck you are?

is that david hogg?

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Almost all of them for 300 years or more.

Boston bombing

I'm just saying saying bootlicker makes you look like a whiny small-dicked nigger bitching about how they dindu nuffin and how all cops are bullies.
Seeing pathetic whiny people like that is what drove me most to fascism because I do not want humanity to be known for it's crybaby faggots.

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Lots of em here
It really does not hold up. Guess we have to remember TV resolution was crap back then, YouTube didn't exist, and not a lot of people had DVRs yet.

Nice truck attack fake as fuck

All of them

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>I'm just saying saying bootlicker makes you look like a whiny small-dicked nigger bitching about how they dindu nuffin and how all cops are bullies.
1.) You are the one bitching like a little faggot
2.) Never made single mention of cops or niggers, purely how the CIA allowed it to happen on purpose and people who deny this are traitor bootlickers
3.) Being offended by a single word while pretending to be a tough guy makes you look like the fag here. Teamed with your lack of a real response and ignoring the CIA killing Americans makes you look like fed bootlicker. As they say, if the shoe fits! No wonder why you’re offended like some purple haired dyke who got called fat.

Suicide is a worthwhile consideration for you.

Can i get enlightened on how Sandy Hook was staged and evidence? It seems plausible for a anti gun movement since after the incident guns and ammo got price gauged to shit but nothing happend anons right?

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Lanza at the most was MKULTRA’d. Everything else is schizo mania.

redpill me on pompeii

If you're asking that question, you already know the answer.

Ask questions, and always find out for yourself.

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>not hiTRUTH


Well you can start with the "founding" of your shit country and "conquering" the Indians. Then move on to everything else this shithole says about its history.

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kids still alive
photos from when they were younger

>It wasn't staged. It wasn't faked
lot of guys I know in proximity to that shit end up dead

That's a painting that was recovered from the ruins of Pompeii that was (as our history says) put under in 79 AD.
There's a pineapple in that painting. Pineapples are indigenous fruits to South America.
>The first European to encounter the pineapple was Columbus, in Guadeloupe on 4 November 1493

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All of them.

What we are living is humanity with amnesia.

The antediluvian war changed this world.
Human beings became primitive and had the restart everything

Humans have had civilization for over 50k years

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