Biden proof he raped somebody are getting more conclusive

>Biden proof he raped somebody are getting more conclusive
>/pol is too busy to shitpost about disinfectant to talk about it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares if he raped someone? A man’s private affairs ought to stay private

>a man goes into a bar with a turtle under his arm
>goes to the bar and orders a drink
>another man at the bar asks him about the turtle
>"oh i use this turtle for tricks"
>the second man intrigued asks if he could see a trick
>he puts the turtle on the bar unzips his pants and pulls out his dick
>he waves his dick in front of the turtle and the turtle bites down on his dick
>the man stands there for 5 seconds pulls out a pencil from his pocket and pokes the turtle in the eye and the turtle let's go
>the man turns to the bar patron and goes
>"bet you 10 dollars you cant do that"
>the bar patron sits there
>"ok I'll do it, just dont poke me in the eye with that pencil"

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I don't much like Biden. If he did rape someone, then I would have a pretty solid reason to like him. So I'd rather not know about it.

>ignore this goyim look im edgy just like you i fit in well

>In March, Reade accused Biden of digitally penetrating her in 1993 without her consent.



Honestly we should just throw our full fledged support behind Biden at this point. Glad he raped that fucking whore.

the ones shitposting about disinfectant are doing it exactly for the reason of flooding the board to avoid topics of merit. mods are worthless.

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Digitally, meaning fingers. Your digits.

That's what fingers are called.

We need Biden to stay in. There’s a chance Trump is doomed because the media is controlling the narrative with the disinfectants smear. If Biden wins we get basic incompetence. If Biden is withdrawn as nominee and Sanders goes in we get tumblr authoritarianism

More evidence that Biden is a rapist than Kavanaugh.

In 2016, we decided as a country that it didn’t matter if a candidate was a rapist.

Fuck off you hypocrite

Not by anyone who's trying to be the slightest bit intelligible. They say "digitally" penetrated hoping to trick you into thinking it was something else. If they wrote "shoved his fingers in her vagina" people would understand instantly what was meant, but they don't want you to think about what he's actually accused of doing.

biden raped bitches and all i hear is lies about bleach somebody bleach bidens asshole hell bleach america white again kill all trannys faggots spics lefty commufags gooks niggers and that shitbird carl over there too, make it look like a freak cock sucking accident no one will question it

Liberals are doing mental gymnastics to excuse or disprove that Biden did this

>Oi Vey! Believe Women! All Women! Dr Ford Believe her goys!
hmmm.. Tara Reade?
>Oi Vey! What is this anoda shoah? theres no proof you cant take peoples word or anecdotal evidence goys! It feels like a rapid fire gas chamber in here! Help help !

pretty much every liberal out there..

> he doesn’t want to watch the world burn under a bernie presidency
Imagine the chinks nuking guam and president bernie can’t decide wether to cuck as usual or nuke peking.

Post in store prices

rapist vs rapist and both their families all the children are married to or dating jews except for Eric imagine my shock

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She says he creeped up on her, grabbed her by the poossy and fingered her.
That's what it means.
Funny how Kavanaugh was this sex-crazed monster, Trump too. But Joe is feeling up every woman of every age who comes within his reach, and the left, they just can't believe he would surprise finger-bang an assistant.

Do you realize what you're doing? Do you understand you're a foreign agent meddling in an American democratic election? I hope you get v& and tortured you Russian piece of shit.

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Certainly John McCain s campaign and Mit Romney's campaign would have found this out and used it to spare the country 8 years of Obama. It's not like they were controlled opposition

>A former Secret Service agent assigned to the Vice President Joe Biden residence claims that the Service often had to protect female agents from him.

>Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the agent asserted that, “We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.” The annual party was for agents and Navy personnel who were tasked with protecting the Biden family.

>“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said.

>According to the source, a Secret Service agent once got suspended for a week in 2009 for shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him. The situation got so heated, the source told Cassandra Fairbanks, that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President.

>He said that the men on duty would frequently stand in front of female agents and Navy women that were present “like a damn guardian.” On some occasions, they would make up reasons to get the women away from where he was.

Wait until October.

It’s obviously being slid by paid shills.

I don't doubt ulterior motives behind the phrasing by journalists but that's literally what it's called. Have you ever seen any of those true crime shows, it's common there.
>Vaginal fingering is legally and medically called digital penetration or digital penetration of the vagina.

Edgy af

Smells his own finger

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It doesnt matter, law only applies to you if you're right wing. No one will even humor bidens crimes same as before when he openly admitted to corruption

The population is too drugged to question or do a quick Google search

Public chastisement and being ostracized isn't the same as legal punishment. Trump hasn't been charged with shit so cry home to your mommy about lefties getting away with crime. The left being hypocrites about the metoo shit, that's real.

this tbqh

Damn, I kinda agree with this. Still want old Biden to lose shamefully

>literally spent months figthing russia gate and impeachment

he looks like he thinks semen is also a perfectly good substitute for coffee creamer


Was he removed from office?

I wonder who would want to slide threads