Who do the Jews hate most?

Jesus, Hitler, or Trump?

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All of them are jewish

Uncircumcised men

But they all preach messages the jews spend sheckles to shill against.


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Jesus has been helping Jews control the goyim for centuries. They love him. Trump is doing just what the Jews tell him to do. They probably are far more satisfied with Trumps cucking than they were with Obamas. Hitler was totally red pilled and willing to act on his knowledge. Of course it would be Hitler the Jews hate the most.

Jews hate everyone ..

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They hate OP for being such a faggot.

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Yeah, they hate themselves.


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Jesus called them out for being of the synagogue of Satan. We ‘goyim’ are the ones not listening to what he said.


I've noticed that most shill slide threads attack these 3 people.

Source on picture?


Those three are jewish too

>Jesus was a jew!
>Trump is a Zionist!
>Hitler was a Jew!
>Hitler had 1 testicle!
>Hitler was a pedophile!
>Hitler was a freemason!
>Hitler was a tranny!
>Hitler was a meth addict!
>Hitler was a Zionist!
>Hitler hated Slavs!
>Hitler had a micropenis!
>Hitler was a secret communist!
I wonder who they hate more.

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Jesus loved Jews. He loves everyone.

Trump kisses the jews feet, he loves them

Hitler just needed blood sacrifices, he was a jew. He probably loved them

Why would they hate Trump, the king of jews?

Jesus and his followers.

Jesus, therefore whites because we are the children of God. They are satans minions.


Jesus, easily. Hitler got btfo by them extremely hard, and Trump is just a puppet.

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No one knows the true origins of Hitlers family three.
Its very probably that he was a Rothschild bastard.

Pic related is a Leaf that wanted to hang out with one of my mates.

> Everyone who hated jews was a jew.
Okay, jew.

I think it's in exactly the order you posted.

Can I hang out with the leaf instead then

Please I'm single and desperate for white women who like 90s aesthetics, I'm falling in love the more I look at this picture

He moved on.

Nobody thinks it's a tranny??

why would you bump this shitty thread faggot? it's one thing to make a post, but you only wanted to bump like some air head fuck face