Brazil is suffering a masonic coup and Bolsonaro is 100% to blame. >Trust Hamilton Mourão, a 23rd degree freemason, to be his vice-president >Bring Sergio Moro, another freemason, to be his Justice Minister and give him powers over the Federal Police, just because he was a very popular judge who arrested Lula. >Give Moro carte blanche to do whatever he wants with the Federal Police >Fill his cabinet with lunatic useful idiots, who insult everyone in the Congress, making the country ungovernable. >Now Moro imploded the popular support of the government using insider info, an impeachment is 100% coming in the next months, and Mourão will take over.
Bolsonaro trusted the freemasons and basically sold his soul to them. Now they're coming to get the payment, which is the country. Mourão will be the new president, and he's going to legalize abortion, destroy what's left of the brazilian social security and transform all brazilians into peasants of the jews, and Moro will transform Brazil into a police state.
tu é tããão burro e alucinado assim de acreditar que isso é coisa da maçonaria em vez de ser simplesmente um cara que é levemente inteligente caindo fora dessa merda de governo vendo que a coisa vai implodir?
isso tudo é vontade de defender o Bozo em vez de aceitar que ele é um desastre e a escolha foi errada?
Olha só, eu votei no Lula em 2002, depois me arrependi, não fiquei criando bichinhos imaginários para lidar com isso, apenas aceitei que não foi a melhor escolha.
Faça o mesmo.
Gavin Walker
The 33 degrees are in New York, London and Paris.
Christopher Martinez
We'll only be saved when Kim is old enough to run for president. He'll be the first virgin otaku single Brazilian president in history. Such a pure soul is bound to make things better, right?
Likelihood for Commiefags to make a comeback amid all this political instability?
Matthew King
I'm not defending Bolsonaro. I didn't even want him to be president. I didn't even want Brazil to exist as a republic. We either should have been an empire, to take in account that multiple different people live here, or several smaller republics.
But you have to be blind to not see what's going on. Currently there are no good guys in the politics of this country. Bolsonaro would've sold our asses to american jews anyway. But ask Mexico what happens when an open freemason government takes over. In Mexico they wanted to wipe off the catholics, which resulted in the Cristeros rebellion.
I agree with you by the way. But being realistic, nothing like that will ever happen. We should maybe be something like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, multiple countries united under one emperor that respected that he commanded over different countries. Fascism was already tried in Brazil, under Getulio Vargas, and all it did was try to homogenize the superior european cultures here, with the barely civilized niggers. It obviously didn't work, and the average IQ of Brazil has dropped considerably since his time
Liam Kelly
Bolsonaro is a freemason, Paulo Guedes is (was?) a member of Soros' Open Society Foundation and a banking jew, his campaign was run by the same (((people))) who managed Trump's campaign (at least in the beginning), ...
Mason Brooks
>pure soul He will be too busy gobbling on Doria's dick to ever think about running for president. He's a sheltered kid. He doesn' know anything about life in this country. Wait more 20 years, until he's like 40-something, to start thinking and looking if he matured a bit
Very likely. The left is going to be united during the next elections. As for the right, there is no other candidate strong enough to win and unite the right. There is no hope for Brazil. Only a reboot can save the land itself.
Ethan Garcia
This shithole has no hope, balcanization it's the only way.
Many latinoamerican countries are failed states, I don't know if you want to do the same.
Julian Barnes
OP is gado and unable to see the larger picture. Mourao is by far the best option Brazil had since Figueiredo.
The public now has indisputable evidence that Bolsonaro actively sought to subvert the courts solely to protect his misfit sons and MPs from his former party. Still, the masses can't even grasp the seriousness of Moro's revelations. Based Moro will bring about the downfall of that idiocratic government and the rise of the first ACTUAL military president since 1988.
A culpa não é 100% do Bolsonaro. O Bolsonaro é culpado, mas o maior culpado é o bruxo esotérico da Virgínia. Foi ele quem fundou a (((neo-direita))) trotsquista brasileira.
Brazil. Isn't that where the giant temple of Solomon replica is?
How could you guys not see this coming
Carson Garcia
>destroy what's left of the brazilian social security
That's a good thing, social security is a ponzi scheme that should be abolished. People should save their own money
Lincoln Reed
Best case scenario would be Bolsonaro refusing to step down. This could trigger a military coup' if the right isn't too retarded to recognize a prolonged impeachment would lead to leftist victory. After this, an interim junta will be formed (Mourao doesn't seem to favor a prolonged regime) and a center-right figure gains power.
>People should save their own money Don't worry, the next finance minister will make sure the money in your bank account is worthless after they print billions of reais for the new keynesian economic plan.
Jace Wilson
not if i buy some Schiff gold
David Bell
>Moro will bring about the downfall He won't. Congress now loves Bolsonaro for standing up to Moro, their greatest enemy. They'll never impeach him now. >left >united Have you even been paying attention lately? Roberto Jefferson just sided with Bolsonaro. >social security is a ponzi scheme that should be abolished. People should save their own money You're absolutely insane and economically illiterate if you think Brazil won't devolve to pre-industrial underdevelopment if that happens. Also, you don't know what a Ponzi scheme is. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Social security is basic civilization. Read some Friedrich List. Oh wait, I forget: you're probably one of those faggots who follow the retarded new wave of libertarianism in Brazil and thinks you know economics just because you read something about video game prices. Go jerk off to Paulo Kogos or something.
John Hughes
Olavo foi útil para quebrar um pouco a dominância intelectual da esquerda no Brasil, mas os olavistas são um bando de retardados que não conseguem raciocinar por conta própria
Grayson Powell
>Olavo foi útil para quebrar um pouco a dominância intelectual da esquerda no Brasil Ele intensificou a dominância intelectual da esquerda. Trotsquismo é esquerdismo também. A neo-direita é tão comunista quanto o PT. Bolsonaro é comunista sem saber. A intelectualidade que o Olavo promove é totalmente revolucionária.
Jayden Ross
What exactly is he getting impeached for?
Joshua Morales
He is not getting impeached, but he lost a lot of popular support, now he is very vulnerable
Lucas Baker
Unfortunately, he's not getting impeached. His (former) justice minister just resigned accusing him of interfering in federal police investigations for his own benefit. Bolsonaro came back calling him a liar. Thing is, this hits his popularity, and he probably did commit a crime, but this guy is hated by the bulk of congress for his fight against corruption. So, basically, Bolsonaro just blew up congress' greatest enemy and they would never impeach him now.