Brit/pol/ - Delete brit/pol/ edition

>Coronavirus: UK hospital deaths pass 20,000

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I just want the lying coward Jew t b h

Did Pube come back from the dead, or was he bantered off too hard?

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me greeting immigrants

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When are you and the coward snake Jew going to fuck?

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Who cares

New 'stirring up' hate crime legislation put forward.

Looks like Scotland has had too much to think.
Paki rape gangs:
English and British flags:

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All I asked for was a utility bill with address and timestamp. He's shit his kosher pants.


I miss the "Anglo BLOOD" Turk.

[Part 3/5] Debate: Peter Hitchens argues 'Great' Britain is a fantasy

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>Police Scotland has confirmed that it recorded 92 transgender hate crimes
So 92 cases of someone just questioning if they was trans then. Also "stirring up", fucking hell, so basically anything then, absolutely anything, even someone rolling their eyes.

Did any of you get shit from people for voting tory? or for voting leave in the referendum back in the day? I've heard some real horror stories of people being ostracised at work and stuff

>misery guts baby boomer
who gives a lemon-scented French fuck, honestly

He's nothing like Varg.

>voting tory
What did you go and do that for, retard? Did you think they were actually conservative or something?

>Did you know the modern suit is British.
Arguably so is the modern circus
e was from Newcastle-under-Lyme kek

Attached: ApuSuit.png (450x405, 118.83K)

multiple people here told me to play bannerlord and shit, what the fuck do you do in it? i'm apparently a criminal and i've done fuck all

>or for voting leave in the referendum back in the day?
yes, actually, my mum actually went "what the fuck is wrong with you, did i fuck up raising you or something?" when i said i voted leave
she's over it now though, even votes for boris kek

Where the degenerate coward Jew?

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>jew being jewish
Are there even 92 troons in scotland (ignoring sturgeon)?

Tom is a great fucking guy, and unlike Varg, he expressed sadness when Notre Dame got fucked, Varg found it quite amusing

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Huge steaming Big British Cock

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Imagine being this mad.

so this is a momentum copypasta? fucking hell these fannies are so lame.

i'm going to make it 93

noticed you still haven't turned up

>V*rg being anything other than a lying narcissist
>anything close to a likeable historian patriot

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You should go play on the motorway next time

>voting tory
what the fuck is wrong with you

>Did any of you get shit from people for voting tory?
If 'yes', you fucking deserved it.

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Tom has fucked Jews, blacks and all kinds, so there’s that.

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Why can't the Jew just post a utility bill with address and time stamp?

you've already been told

literally who cares

Catholics are disgusting as you dirty fucking pirate, I bet your father has crooked teeth I hope Mohamed rapes your mother.

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Why does the coward Jew try to claim the fights of Eddie as his?
Thought Eddie didn't turn up.

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Being a patriot is fucking cringe when your state is authoritarian, anti-white shit and your country has made so many poor choices. Being a nationalist is the only way.

Why does the snake Jew keep assuming different names and trips?

why are you so new that you've never heard of bramley moore or me and eddie?

What the fuck's got you so upset, Pedro?

ecelebs are all spiritually gay

i'm naked on all fours in outerspace not even wearing a helmet

do these people really think by correcting grammar and playing dumb they can win an argument? kek. give up youre chasing windmills and preaching to people who see through you like glass.

Based colonising Anglo.

Nothing like Varg.

because you keep reporting me you little police boy lmfao

We don't have much a culture of our own. It is all imported.

you should be so lucky

what's there to be optimistic about?

As if there's a ball-hair's difference. Nationalism is pretty gay anyway, far too left wing.
t. nativist

How does one 'import culture'?

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Why does the coward Jew imply he was even involved in the two fights arranged in Liverpool when he wasn't?

But what is even English DNA user? No such thing. You’ve made it up. All humans have the same DNA silly.

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He's had more trips than a fucking hitch hiker.
Amazing how many don't know the difference between the two.

Why does Pube the Jew live in the shadow of Eddie?

>survive the jewish

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