Burgers will defend this
Crazy Mutt cop kills innocent driver
Other urls found in this thread:
>100 mph
that was clearly about 60.
That was based as fuck. Retarded subhuman rat with no regard for others just executed for being trash on the spot. This is the golden standard for police that they should aim for.
Speed was too high for tactical contact, hence the ridiculous crash. Why the fuck can't burgers learn Tactical Pursuit and Containment.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Burgers gon burger
Bad assery!
>innocent driver
Then he should have pulled over long before it came to this.
I just imagine when the trooper went airborne he screamed like R2D2
Dukes of Hazzard the Dodge.
Shut it you slag
Speeding deserves a death sentence now? Fucking bootlickers.
"Pure murder" as opposed to...???
I only see a State Trooper that risked his life to stop an idiot hell bent on harming other innocent motorists. Good fuck'n riddance!
Fail to stop and being involved in a dangerous pursuit in which you deliberately drive at other cars is an invasion of their right to travel in safety.
No..... that, my friend is justice.
Just two boys being rowdy
shouldve just lived in california
Dumbass didn't even wait for backup and didn't know how to pit maneuver properly. American cops= shit-tier
>Speeding deserves a death sentence now?
Thanks for bringing up something that happened over a week ago, faggot.
They didn't PIT him because he was speeding or running from the cops. They made the decision to end the chase any way possible after he repeatedly swerved into oncoming traffic. I guess you would have preferred the criminal crash into a truly innocent bystander and kill them as well as himself? A vehicle is a deadly weapon. If you were pointing a gun at innocent civilians the cops would shoot you. This is the same thing in my opinion. Only thing the cop did wrong was he is supposed to brake after successful PIT
That was some Bad Boys 2 shit..Awesome.
The driver was obviously in a bad mental state. But his death, while tragic, probably saved lives.
Fuck that's awesome.
It's not bumper cars, that cop knew there was a 100% chance of getting fucked up doing that, way more respectable than drawing on some unarmed drunk fuck and executing them.
>Speed was too high for tactical contact
True, poorly executed.
Officer should have pressed the brake after the truck was sideways.
He could have died too.
Based as fuck you mean
Finally asian driving pays off
Yes, he did his job wtf are you on about? What is your gripe?
>there are libtards ITT that think cops shouldn't be allowed to do this
doing a pit at high speed is completely retarded, what the fuck was that guy thinking
New meaning to When pigs fly eh
No but seriously fuck that Truck driving dickhead he was endangering lives by swerving into on coming traffic and got instant karma’d
I thought this would make me mad but that was bad ass. Good job
The cop is a hero who risked his own life to stop that deranged fuck before he smashed head on into someone who was ACTUALLY innocent.
Kill yourself OP
>criminal executed
>totaled pickup
>police officer easily could have died
>police car totaled
>property damaged
Overall not based at all
Risked his life by being a retard
ill never know what it feels like to merk a nigger while flying through the air at one hundred and thirty miles an hour in a police cruiser. my life sucks.
car go weeee
go be a nigger in europe
what’s the problem here??
So cops in gta 5 were not over buffed.
because america
fuck yeah!
>bong calling others bootlickers
>Speeds should be obeyed and you should not question your government as it knows better. >Also, my wife's boyfriend is out and I can have a few minutes to ask my government to ram me harder.
Speed is just a number set by the gov to pretends it protects people most life threatening accidents happen at or bellow the speed limit. Boot-licker
Meanwhile they'll let a known murderer out early cause he has sucked enough dick in jail to be considered a good boy.
Bootlickers are the most disgusting of all.
PIT is considered a tactic of Lethal Force. It went as planned.
t. Cop.