/sg/ Syria General - People's Front for the Liberation of Libya Edition



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>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21

Devs Apr 23
SAA forces targeted with heavy weapons, the towns of Kansfra and Al-Barah in the southern Idlib countryside
SDF on Euphrates targeting a number of ferries and confiscating large quantities of steel and smuggled cement
Protesters have returned to Beirut's Martyr's Square, in a "car march" although not all are staying in their cars. Most, but also not all, are wearing masks
Seven people, including five Syrians, were killed in a shooting in the Harakiyeh area in the Lebanese town of Baakline
Four brigades split from Iraq's PMF in sign of internal rift - Loyal to Shiite cleric Ali Al Sistani, the brigades are now under the direction of the prime minister's office
Iraqi Prime Minister-designate @MAKadhimi reveals his government ministers: Adnan Al-Zarfi included
LNA repels the attack of the GNA in the Ain Zara area and the Casirma area, and the clashes are still ongoing
LNA claims 15 GNA fighters arrested, including Syria nationals
Al Jufra military camp has been captured, as Houthis continue to approach Marib
TOLO reported 19 ANDSF personnel killed in Taliban attack in Logar. Afghanistan
Taliban also claimed operations in Garmsir, Helmand
Joint Forces Operation Press Center: yesterday Russian forces opened fire 8 times.
Ex-President of Georgia Saakashvili confirmed that he has received proposal from Zelensky to become a vice-PM of Ukraine


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Feeling our historical and national responsibility to maintain the homeland and the dignity of its people and to work on passing it to the future generations free, dignified and prestigious as we inherited it from our parents and grandparents who had sacrificed themselves and their wealth in heroic, immortal epics for its sake;

Aware of the conspiracy and the perils that inflicted the country and brought about the collapse of its institutions, leading to the domination of terrorism on the joints of the State and its spread all over the country undermining its security and social peace turning it into a yard of regional and international conflict that damaged its unity, fortune and safety; produced a failed state and a feuding society; uprooted its people into dislodged and displaced persons; looted its wealth and savings; laid the foundations for sowing the seeds of discord among its towns and tribes and; disseminated the discourse of hatred that hit the social fabric in a mortal spot;

And keen to cross with the homeland to safety, growth, and construction, away from the language of infighting, marginalization, and exclusion;

We announce the launch of the organized popular work, at home and abroad, of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, a national framework of struggle that combines all Libyan activists to liberate the country from the control of terrorist organizations that use religion as a cover and are bonded by being agents for the foreigner, and the tampering of criminal militias; and to work on building a national sovereign state and maintaining its independence, security, and prestige by means of legitimate institutions.

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It is a state whose citizens are linked with the bond of citizenship, respects differences and diversity and, maintains rights and duties. It is the state of the judiciary and the rule of law where the Libyan people alone has the right to choose its political system freely and to build a modern advanced economy that depends on its latent potential through developing its natural, material and human resources per a comprehensive development plan that bypasses the miserable reality to open prospects and hopes for a prosperous economy that achieves happiness and prosperity to our great people.

O patient freedom-fighting Sons of our people. Forget your grudges. Unite your ranks. Transcend your wounds. Let us band together with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Libya, the inclusive national framework of struggle where all sincere national energies melt… Together for Libya’s welfare, prosperity, freedom and, social justice.


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Some recent activity in Mar 2 during a campaign event for Saif for President of Libya

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just a thanks to all the bakers
you save us from the hunger of ignorance

may /sg/ live a thousand years

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This one is in Ghat, celebrating the Mar 2 anniversary

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They will not have to wait forever.
>Freedom of expression ,only found in territories under the authority of the democratically elected parliament #HoR,were people have the constitutional right the support any political view.

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Muammar Gaddafi Interviewed Just Before the Invasion of Libya

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Some of Muammar Gaddafi's official visits to Greece

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Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr
was the Libyan Minister of Defence during the period of Muammar Gaddafi. His official position was Secretary of the Libyan General Interim Committee for Defence.
One of the few army commanders to Died with his commander in chief in the Battle of Sirte 2011

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Dreamlike if he wins

One of the young Libyan rebels credited with capturing Muammar Gaddafi in a drainage ditch nearly a year ago has died of injuries after being kidnapped, beaten and slashed by the slain leader's supporters.

A private jet flew the corpse of the 22-year-old Omran Shaaban to the coastal city of Misrata on Tuesday where his family, friends and well-wishers were waiting.

He had shot to fame last year with several photographs and videos showing him grabbing Gaddafi at the moment of his capture on October 20, 2011, in Sirte, before he was killed.

Gaddafi was killed later that day by revolutionary fighters.

The death of Shaaban, who had been hospitalised in France, raises the prospect of even more violence and score-settling.

The newly elected National Congress has authorised police and the army to use force if necessary to apprehend those who abducted Shaaban and three companions in July near the town of Bani Walid.

Libya is battling lingering pockets of support for the old regime, and its government has been unable to rein in armed militias in a country rife with weapons..

Shaaban was praised as a "dutiful martyr" by the National Congress, although his family says he never received a promised reward of 1 million Libyan dinars ($800,000) for capturing Gaddafi.

The Libyan government has said it will honour Shaaban with a funeral befitting a hero.

"All the accusations are that Gaddafi loyalists were behind his kidnapping and torture," Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid reported from Benghazi on Wednesday.

"His funeral procession on Tuesday night was an impressive affair. The coffin, wrapped in the national flag, was taken to a sports stadium in Misrata where thousands of people paid their last respects."

Photos on social media websites showed a wooden coffin with a glass window that revealed Shaaban's face, with white gauze covering his head.

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In the capital, Tripoli, several hundred protesters gathered outside the headquarters of the Congress..

Shaaban's family said that he and three friends had been en route home to Misrata from a vacation in July when they were attacked by armed men in an area called el-Shimekh, near Bani Walid.

Shaaban and his friends, who like many Libyans were armed, fired back, the family said.

Two bullets hit Shaaban, and he was paralysed from the waist down, his relatives said.

The men were captured by militia members from Bani Walid, a town of about 100,000 people that remains a stronghold of Gaddafi loyalists and is isolated from the rest of Libya.

President Mohamed al-Magarief visited Bani Walid this month and secured the release of Shaaban and two of his companions. A fourth is still being held.

When Shaaban was finally brought home, he was "skin and bones" - still paralysed, frail and slipping in and out of consciousness, according to his brother, Abdullah Shaaban.

"It was clear he was beaten a lot," Abdullah Shaaban said. "His entire chest was sliced with razors. His face had changed. It wasn't my brother that I knew."

Omran Shaaban later was flown to France for medical treatment.

Shaaban, the second youngest in a family of nine children, was a member of Libya Shield, a loose coalition of the country's largest militias relied on by the defence ministry.

Khalifa al-Zawawi, the former head of Misrata's local council, said the government reneged on paying the reward to Shaaban.

Abdullah Shaaban said his brother did not mind, saying he considered capturing Gaddafi to be his national duty.

Magarief released a statement on Tuesday pledging that those responsible for the violence against Omran Shaaban would be punished.

However, apprehending and disarming the fighters in Bani Walid are among the most daunting tasks facing the government.

The town is heavily armed with rocket-propelled grenades, automatic weapons and artillery left over from last year's civil war.

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Just now there was shooting in Sirte because LNA people dispersed a Gaddafi rally.

Post a picture of it.

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Pic related

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via al jazeeera


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Last topek updates

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>One of the young Libyan rebels credited with capturing Muammar Gaddafi in a drainage ditch nearly a year ago has died of injuries after being kidnapped, beaten and slashed by the slain leader's supporters.

there is hope yet

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>a world where Kim Jong Un's sister and Muammar Gaddafi's daughter can hang out

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As for Kim himself, Chinese, Russian, and French medical teams are trying to gain access to Kim to find out his status and/or help

Reports claiming death/vegitation are from Japan/NK defectors/Hong Kong Satellite TV and are dubious a.f.

I would wait for an official statement from the government; it's unlikely to be announced in any other way what is actually going on.

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Kim Yo Jong is her name

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And she's late for class!

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Kim seems to still be alive but no one outside of NK really knows

There are also rumors he is in Wosan, where the Kim Jong Un train is also

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The national NK TV didn't announce anything today

Any Houthi gains recently besides Al Jufra?

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good thing no one caught that man eyeing the royal booty

That was the last one I think; but there is major STC news

The war in # Yemen # Aden
The southern / supported UAE transitional council announces self-administration for southern Yemeni provinces since midnight tonight Is it a declaration of secession and rejection of the Riyadh agreement? Questions to be answered in the coming hours

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fuckin saved

here as a token of my gratitude
some shitty OC

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The governor of Al-Mahra, the governor of Hadramawt and the governor of Shabwa reject the Emirati transitional statement and renew loyalty to the President of the Republic of Yemen, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi. The declaration of autonomy for the south will end once the Yemeni Central Bank has been looted

A based w*man, how is this possible?

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[Hadiist] #Socotra governor [Ramzi Mahrous] rejects #STC statement as it is a coup against the #Yemeni government and Riyadh agreement.

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