Improve democracy with a few simple ideas

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IQ test for voting.

Only net contributers can vote.

Built for BBC

Expanding voter rights to children but also the criminals in jail

Only landed men can vote

Corporal Punishment.

My penis inside that girl. Degeneracy solved.

repeal the 19th amendment

who's the cutie?

Included in the test is the importance of economics, Sociology, History, and political structure.

End it all off with a license to vote. Voters drive the country.

Abolish democracy.

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Zionists banned from holding office at state or federal level country wide

add emperor
remove voting

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100% this

Hot. Even more fuckable now. Show feminine penis plz.

Over 25, land owning, male only voting. Female participation in politics denied. Dual citizens denied participation in government. Monetary lobbying forbidden. Country fixed.

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She will age like milk.

Rank choice voting
tie it into the IRS

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UBI for everyone
an amount decided by a factor of national profit
when you turn 18
every citizen
can't be taken away unless it is taken from everyone
decays if you try and save it
even if you're in prison for felonies
no matter what
every american citizen gets the same amount

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hmm good
but this is better

To sum it up, only male net contributors who pass the IQ test can vote.

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I want her to sit on my face

Only those that carry a sword may vote.

>Female participation in politics denied
wait what why

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remove voting

What an ugly ass spic
I make shits that look better than that.

Like the process of democracy?
I'd say remove the geographic focus and let people vote for parties rather than people. This way everyone that votes imparts the value of their vote. Assign voting power in the government to the number of votes a part gets.

No more first past the post nonsense.

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Suffrage (voting right) is granted only to land-owning males.

Make voting rights dependent on military service.

Read, repeat read not watch Starship Troopers.


purge degeneracy

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Its a spic single mother with a cholo boyfriend and fake tits on American soil.

+ Abolition of the IRS
+ Audit and Federalize the U.S. Federal Reserve
+ Abolition of Foreign or Private Interference of the U.S. Treasury and Currency
+ Congressional and Senate Term Limits
+ Congressional and Senate Insider Investment and Financial Gain Laws
+ Updated and Reformed Voting System.
+ Small Business Deregulation
+ Large Corporate Tax and Earnings Regulations

I could go on...

Reestablish the power of the crown.

Every citizen gets 1 free vote, and can buy additional votes for $1

Only white men can vote
Repeal the 17th Amendment
Expel all jews

the only correct answer in a 28 reply thread... sad
this has some potential though

only male net contributors with minimum 95 IQ can vote

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Add requirement to have served in the militia or military. Militia being national guard divorced from federal oversight.

so this leaves out all red States. good idea.

One vote per household

Ban the financing of any political campaign. Make history and nationalistic courses mandatory in schools and universities. Make voting obligatory and force people to take an exam yearly to prove knowledge of current geopolitical affairs to be able to vote.

Women make soft choices. Feminity is the heart of socialism.

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>Mandatory IQ tests prior to registering for voting
>Eliminate vote for minorities
>Eliminate vote for women
>Allow only white males, 30+ years of age who own "substantial" property to register for vote (above $80 000, basically any decent house)
>Allow only natural born citizens if they fit above criteria

We paint one guy red and one guy blue. Then there is a giant game of hide & seek/tag, but also its a man hunt. Whichever painted person survives longer has their party hold office for a number of years equal to the difference in days between the painted peoples' deaths.

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Democracy is a sham

Yes but leaves all the whites

Democracy never works long term, and this has been know for hundreds of years now. It's why the word democracy doesn't appear anywhere in the constitution.


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>improve democracy with a few simple ideas
1) Earn your own way or die from your own failure
2) See rule 1

Take women's rights away
Take women's rights away
Take women's rights away

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also, legalize drive-through handjob parlors

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this good. this is my political party from now on.

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Honestly looks better here.

Agreed. I would take it as far as making conscription a thing for all men again. 12 months if you choose branch of service, 18 months if we have to choose for you.

Who decides what ends up being on the test and who grades it? I bet you jews will work their way into it and ruin it

The left can't convince native people to vote for communism.

So they import brown people to vote for socialism and tax the system until it breaks under its own weight.

Democracy is always failure in diversity, it cannot be improved, it will always devolve into simple tribalism where great ideas no longer matter but only gibs me dat matters.

There is no improving these systems. We are already evolving into true homoglobo corporate oligarchy where only the useful people and useful ideas which serve this new order are allowed to exist, speak, influence, and soon vote.

And what if only land owners can vote? Then the US would become a Chinese state overnight. China funnels money to US citizens loyal to China to buy up huge amounts of land. Look up who is buying houses, apartments, land in general in your state, it's all fake companies ran by Chinese.

Only male, active net contributors, with a minimum iq of 120, who have done military service.

democracy sucks
fuck you


Fucking Virgin Yanks. Go full brothel or go home

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Change representatives to a sponsor system.
You need x sponsors for a seat in congress
Can only sponsor one person at a time
No more voting for the least worst pick pick who you actually want.

>Honestly looks better here.
yes she is still pretty, the problem of that pic for the racist scumbags here is the skin tone. It's clear she normally uses filters to appear whiter, while in that pic you can see her true skin color

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We get paid our IQ per hour, would solve all world economic problems and the resulting meritocratic hierarchy would encourage IQ growth. Our current system incentivizes stupidity, ineptitude and reverse-meritocracy (the easier your job is the more you get paid, who the fuck's idea was that?).

Bolt on tits are gross.

As in group preference is a thing, reimpose racial and geographic isolation. Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer!

Who controls the test controls the vote.
Rule by committee of whoever gets control of testing.

Whether this is a good or bad idea depends on the cut off. It skews Left until you get up to 115.
If you have less than 1/3 of the population voting, and almost totally block black people from voting, it's not really a democracy.

No electoral college
Mandatory vote
Paper ballots

This used to be the thing in Switzerland. Women didn't vote because they didn't serve.

25 minimum voting age unless you are a registered home-owning taxpayer in which case you can be eligible to vote earlier.

are you guys retarded?
she is a walking abomination.
Let me post a cute female

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She is so fucking cute looking. Such a shame to know how much if a whore she is

man imagine the smell of her poop. i'd love to watch her poop.. the texture of it would probably be amazing.

How long before she is showing titty on onlyfans.

Personally I'm in favor of a monarchy but here's some ideas
Higher age of voting, certain IQ or degrees (like economics or political science degree), 1 vote per household, landowners only, military service required.
Of course these will only slow down the eventual failure of democracy but better than nothing

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That's....the point

>shitskin incapable of actually blushing
>only white people can blush naturally
Why this bitch appropriating our genetic traits n' shiiiet?

One time only, one way only ticket to the destination country that will accept you.

Only landowners get to vote.

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Problem solved

She looks like an ageing thot regardless of how much grease she smears on her skin.

Jesus Christ, why do I even come to this godforsaken place anymore?

Neets will seethe over this.

But it's the most simple and effective measure of restoring genuine power to the people.

start here

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Blacks aren't people.

Voter id

What ever they teach in the school systems already. I'm pretty center, but I think political extremism on both sides should also be included.

Allow people or possibly regions to opt-out of "essential services" provided by the federal government like public education, healthcare, welfare, road repair, police, fire departments, etc and allow for private companies to replace them. If the government is so good and necessary than people will choose to use its services. Give people a choice instead of just saying you move to Somalia which is retarded.

I could get behind this
Kum n Go


It doesn't matter what criteria you use for democracy, those who can vote will vote for their short-term benefits only.

>Everyone can vote
More gibs

>Only those who pay income tax
Vote for even less taxes. Goverment goes bankrupt and military becomes weak

>Only men vote
Doesn't solve the "more gibs" problem

>Only women vote

It's a system doomed to fail. We always fall back again for a strong leader or monarchy.

>kill all kikes and jannies worldwide

You are here forever, just like the rest of the Damned.

very different type, both pretty

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Sounds like they fucked it all up in 1971 though.

every single time

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>She is so fucking cute looking
>How long before she is showing titty on onlyfans

Only white, straight, property owners can vote. No Jews.

get that fishy!

use the British ballot access system of "get a few people to sign your petition and pay a deposit"

If you win 5%, you get your deposit back. If you don't, you lose your deposit.

Means fewer unopposed elected officials and they can't coast on being incumbents.

I like the dancing cat better than this thot.

>pic related
w-why is so alluring?

>We get paid our IQ per hour
have you ever been at actual work lol?

>Abolish Democracy

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older women can be sexy as well

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Improve education steadily for those under 15 yo or maintain a good level globally

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>Improve education steadily for those under 15 yo or maintain a good level globally
that's always a good idea
btw who is that semen demon?

One vote per family. Voter ID laws. Death penalty for election fraud. Abolish the fed, government controls money again. Term limits for everyone.
Tiered voting (you get several choices, you put them in order of who you want to win, if they don't win your vote goes to your second choice, gets rid of strategic voting aka the lesser evil.) That would fix a lot. This cup of coffee got nudes?

I don't really respect any woman that wants to trend her self as a sexual object and not bending over for proper inspection of her body, basically bait and switch to keep checking on her whoring instagram for some bred crumbs. Those simps that support this retarded behavior created these media stars. Too many cuckolds that will settle with nothing and even spend money on her for looking all cute and thrist for her attention afterwards, even though there are hundreds of them. They are all fucking simping white knight retards.

most non-whites are.

End all immigration
Retract voting rights for women and
Block all trade with Asia, Africa and the Middle East
End all foreign aid
Throw all lefties in prison

Not with the government being responsible for it. LOL

>Retract voting rights for women
why the fuck would you do that. what's the reasoning behind that

the has at least 100g of makeup and at least several minutes of expirienced editing.
The other is without makeup without editing.

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Because they're emotional and slightly retarded.
Women vote with their emotions, why do you think they like immigration. There is no rational argument for immigration.

>Woman detected.
Question already answered.

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