Asian allies prepared for Chinese Invasion?

Alright anons, i'm interested in serious dicussion more than memes. I like memes as much as the next guy. but lately this question has vexed me.
How prepared are our allies (or whatever you want to call them) in Asia including Australia, Worst Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, and anyone else relevant. The Philippines for example, have almost nothing in the way of fighter jets. can older equipment like F-5 Northrups be retrofitted with modern electronics and internal equipment? What, if anything, should the US and allies do in preparation in the event China pulls a 1941 on us? Now is the best time for the Chicoms to attack with other countries vulnerable and them seeing their Chinese century dissapear.

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lmao, they fell for the scam
poor japs

> can older equipment like F-5 Northrups be retrofitted with modern electronics and internal equipment?
I think $o but it would require a lot of $trategic inve$tment$ in $ertain companie$ with the right experti$e. Of cour$e that's no problem for a country with deep printer$ like our$.

>no memes
>makes a thread about China invading literally anyone other than Taiwan and/or South Korea
How exactly is China going to ferry their troops and continuously supply them across an ocean that they do not control? Australia, Japan, Phillipines etc are not relevant at all.

Attached: china.png (658x1080, 133.98K)

> in Asia including Australia

Japan and India probably are. China is always treading on thin ice since a USA conflict is the nightmare scenario for them. But if countries get passive like the EU have, they'll go as far as they can.

You mean liberate them from zog? Doubt that will happen. You're just projecting your own foreign policy.

show flag you fucking loser

fucking retarded meme flaggot cunts fuck off.
dickless faggots.

Not really. The factory is in Japan. They're supplying for mutts too.

1 post by this dickless faggot calling himself a women.
trannies get the rope faggot.

All anti-CCP shills are Jewish neocon slaves.

Take a look at the people shilling against the CCP.

All controlled by Jews.

Sessions, a failure and a human disgrace, controlled by Rod “Mossad” Rosenstein (invoke the 25th against Trump). Sessions is the biggest fraud in this nations history.

Nikki, “Anyone but Trump”, Haley

Charlie, “promote global homosexuality”, Kirk.

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F35s arent that bad. everyone wants them. they are at least better than almost anything else available. yeah i know they could be better.
also i'm a dude why the fuckdid ausfag call me female

Japan is preparing to remitarize to fight China

>All anti-CCP shills are Jewish neocon slaves.
he means you meme flaggot
2 post shill hiding behind meme flag.
show location sub 100 iq nigger.

because you are a pussy hiding your location,
man up faggot.

It’s heavily modified. The Japs deliberated for months on which fighter they should pick, so they got Northrop and Lockheed to compete while Mitsubishi was doing their own thing. Every time each company would send them a prototype, they would tell them that their prototype didn’t match the needs of the JASDF and to bring back something better.
The Japs are pretty much the only nation to not get fucked over with the F-35.

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>how prepared are Australians
I'm prepared to bash a chink soldier and take his QBZ-95

>The Japs are pretty much the only nation to not get fucked over with the F-35
Don't forget your greatest ally.

The F-35 is cool desu.

Attached: f-35.jpg (3000x1993, 1.84M)

>hey guys no mememes
>worst korea
fucking kill yourself

Not as cool. At the J-20. 1 meme engine fighters are shit tier.

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it's also fucking based as an airplane
>b-b-b-but d-d-d-d-dogh fight capabilities
the fucking airplane is all about its avionics.

>including Australia
Yeah nah, we love China.

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My code is in the FCS on the 35. So sad my government is cucked. She's a killer.

Yeah with gen3 engines I would agree with you.

The F35 is a dissapointment.
The F22 does things very well, but its only task is air superiority. It's crap when it comes to dogfight and switching rapidly from a mission to another. So America developed the F35. Badly.
It's still better than the vast majority of planes out there, but as a multirole fighter it's not good. And it's OK, it's very hard to do a great multirole fighter. The french were able to pull it off, but they had to sacrifice VTOL and stealth for the Rafale to become the great airplane it currently is.
The F35 is the result of trying to build the plane of the 2040s with tech from the 90s.
Don't get me wrong, the F35 is a good plane. But it can't contend with the minmaxxed F22 or the true multirole Rafale.
Putting an F35 against an F22 is like putting a guy with an assault rifle against a sniper with a ghillie suit, two miles away.
Putting an F35 against a Rafale is like sending that same guy with the assault rifle against a drunk madman waiting for him inside a house with a loaded shotgun.

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To be fair, is it the a model? The b and c are the real main wastes of money. Mistubishi also has jack shit to compete.

>Mitsubishi has jack shit to compete
They have some interesting prototypes, but the thing is they don't have the infrastructure, skill or will to build one.


They could stop China at sea. On land, it's just Vietnam across all of Asia.

>them seeing their Chinese century dissapear.
What do you mean? China has more power than ever.

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The virgin F35 vs the Chad F22...

No, the Aussies got fucked over too.

U don’t know shit Mahmoud go back to fucking goats and sucking bbc creampies out of yo daughters asshole retard snaggletooth gunless fuckwit

i dont think you know anything about jet fighters, modern warfare is spamming aim120 and running away

It's really happening. Hitler-sama, please come back.

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China doesn't play geopolitics like the US. It's also super-duper Capitalistic now and doesn't feel threatened by the US or NATO. China won't do anything.

It would invade Taiwan before North Korea, and it's all but let Taiwan go. Hence only using soft power to shun it internationally rather than invade.