Kim Jong-Un is reported to possibly either be in a vegetative state, or be dead. Sometime between 7:30PM-8:00PM EST...

Kim Jong-Un is reported to possibly either be in a vegetative state, or be dead. Sometime between 7:30PM-8:00PM EST, Korean Central TV will go live. If he is dead, it is likely it will be announced there, watch here to possibly watch the shitstorm unfold here:

If you see some bitch crying, that's probably the announcement!

Attached: DFbqoO_WsAEcSQv.jpg (1180x787, 150.24K)

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what are we doing? we HAVE to send are best medical experts to save Kim

fake news

What the fuck is this music

It's very possibly not.
Every time a DPRK leader has died they announced it on KCTV.

>7:30PM-8:00PM EST
whats that in real time zone?

7:30-8:00 PM

In the UK it's 00:30-01:00 (or if you're not a nonce, 12:30-1am)

If they’re gonna announce it I’m assuming it’ll come on the hour. If it doesn’t I can fuck off to bed for the night.

12:30 to 1:00 AM in Brown Teeth Time

They will probably announce it right after their shitty startup.

inb4 rocket man dies

Attached: maxresdefault.png (1280x720, 1.61M)


>Not using UTC

Holy shit this music is comfy north korea must be like real life final fantasy


What the fuck is this pre stream music.

Attached: 3f350632d0947b2acf425ff7d8965131.jpg (2159x1192, 592.91K)

> claiming a shit hole is comfy

Title screen music before you pick your fighter

gay propaganda music

its pretty comfy

Attached: kim-yo-jong-olympics-north-korea-gty-thg-180209_4x3_992.jpg (992x744, 71.42K)

I like this music but why does it sound like it's from a video game

The news anchors will have to cry when they announce his death or they will be punished

They must have hired Naoshi Mizuta and Nobuo Uematsu to do their TV soundtracks

i bet right now he died of corn virus

What time is it in brown skin time

Pretty sweet music if you ask me!

Now it’s just showing MASH reruns.


Attached: lovers-and-the-despot-01-magnolia-promo.jpg (620x350, 26.58K)

What to look for
>Speaking about his death without the above two

If they are not crying with the news of his death them some serious shit is happening

here is what the bitch should look like

Attached: _57403879_reader.jpg (640x360, 35.45K)

I already miss the cheeky lad

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I can’t fucking tell if it’s meant to be sombre in preparation for an announcement it’s just fucking weird

star spangled banner btfo

He’s fine

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Why am I getting local 58 vibes from this?
I have that spooky feeling that a message will be played

Yeah fuck never mind it’s turned into circus music

Fucking carnival level music

you were saying

Mario Kart Music is playing right now lmfao

are they fucking playing Isao Tomita music? lol

Based 8-bit polka

fucking kek

Attached: 1572918128797.gif (720x348, 1.33M)

Its fake news

wtf is this music? Is this the power of communism?

Attached: 1575963103067.gif (700x350, 1.43M)

Its not somber right now, lol sounds like mario kart


10/10 would march to

>80's OVA anime music playing

The news anchor will be wearing all black like in if Un is dead.