Yas Forums give me some good slogan ideas for a sign

Yas Forums give me some good slogan ideas for a sign.

Im going to a Rona protest tomorrow. Help me out.

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"Maybe it's time chinks stopped eating bats."

"freedom is more important than safety"

"All this for bat soup?"

"I'm a giant faggot, please cough in my mouth"

This is good, but I want something a bit more unique/esoteric.

I think there will be others with this sign.

"Lockdown, meet 2nd amendment."

>Im going to a Rona protest tomorrow. Help me out.

Hell yeah

I don't have much to help re: a slogan, but what you're committing to is bitchin

Have fun

"The prophet Muhammed had sex with a nine year old."

"Flu is better than starvation."

>Im going to a Rona protest tomorrow. Help me out.
Protest the Trillion dollar bailouts, not the lockdown.

Begging to go back to work for these failing (bailed out) companies is pure cuckery.

How are you so based and redpilled and in shitville pakistan?

Work trip gone wrong?

And he had 11 wives, countless slaves and sex slaves.

We come in all shades, bro.

>109 countries?

"Yes officer, I have my permit right here"

>scanned photo of the constitution

I'm exercising my liberty to protest so I can give you death by breathing COVID 19 on you

Based paki

"Where's my 24,000 Chocolate Stimulus, Pelosi?"

If kung flu is bad, why are boomers dying

"Vote with a bullet"

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can`t think about an alternative for you diabeetus ridden fat pigs, really, hahahaha
oink oink oink oink

Ohhhhh this is a good one

You fuck with my 1st
My 2nd fucks with you

God stays in heaven because he lives in fear of what he's created.

Bush did 9/11

BORN TO DIE / WORLD IS A FUCK / Kill Em All 1989 / I am trash man / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS

The economy is our lives

Fight and you may die. Run and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take our freedom!

Jews have been expelled from 109 nations throughout history

Jews control Media and the Banks

Drink bleach to own the libs

>Fear: Made in China, Bought by US

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The state governments did this to private businesses that weren't failing, for the most part.
If government is going to damage private property, they have a duty to mitigate the harm.
Faggot leaf.

why would you hold up a sign when you could just have a nice day
literally just take a nice walk in the sunshine and enjoy yourself you fag
the best way to protest the lockdown is just get on with your life buddy

>have a nice day
>literally just take a nice walk in the sunshine

This is literally what I will be doing you sperg.

Except I will be with frens and music instead.

like the good neutered little subject you are.

"Let me go to work or I'll start killing chinks and niggers"