I'm trying to put together a timeline of shit that's happened this year because there were a lot of happenings that got sidelined in all the chaos.
What happened with Israel and Iran starting WW3?
What happened with the Event 201 plan?
What happened with the US military spending a billion dollars to train soldiers underground?
What happened with the mexican cartels and italian mafia leaders getting arrested en mass during the early stages of the outbreak?
What happened with Israel's vaccine plans?
What happened with Charles Lieber?
What happened to Harvey Weinstein?
What happened to Ng Lap Seng?
What happened to Assange's extradition hearing?
What happened to Ghislane Maxwell?
Instead we have 20 threads about drinking bleach and coffee.
Memory hole/forgotten topics thread
Other urls found in this thread:
hes probably some high level freemason. they dont get in trouble
>Instead we have 20 threads about drinking bleach and coffee.
Way to understimate the shills
There are AT LEAST 150 slide threads
>nooo only my speech is permitted on my free speech website
It’s your problem, make a thread that isn’t shit and this will be culled, stop responding to them you fat fucking Samoan
well sure, but is it possible he named any names? It's been over a month, surely something happened since then?
Same with pic related
excuse me, yes you're right
that's what i'm trying to do, negroid
Panama Papers.
Dancing Israelis.
Testimonial about jews behind JFK's assassination.
>What happened to Harvey Weinstein?
He went to prison, right?
supposedly, yes but the last i heard was a request for transfer or whatever due to the virus outbreak.
Same with Ng Seng, been in prison for about 2 years for money laundering with the dnc and recently his lawyers were trying to get him out due to health concerns.
dude that tried to ram a train into the comfort or mercy. that disappeared real quick...
yeah when even was that?
dude was clearly a qtard that went nuts or knew something
I haven't heard any updates on mercy or comfort since then as a matter of fact.
supposedly that was where they were sending rescued kids, or that was the theory for a long time
His interview couldn't have made him look more guilty if he made a full confession.
that theory was bs made up to muddy the waters. 3.31 is when it happened. doubt it was a "qtard", the sheep that fell for that wouldn't have wanted to crash a train into a ship full of children.
that article with all those unrelated pics was weird shit. got the link?
yeah so he fucked a 17yo big deal atleast he's not bumming men
I only say qtard because i remember the guy was quoted as saying "people don't know what's going on but they will"
So either a case of that guy who shot up comet ping pong and just so happened to hit their computer's harddrive with one single bullet through a wall OR someone who didn't understand the q shit and thought they were using the mercy or comfort to get pedophiles out or something.
was it all just psyops for government control or are there actual arrests being made?
Weren't there a ton of sealed indictments?
yeah it's in this screenshot I took.
being 100% real, I make documentaries on this subject and am trying to put together a timeline of events that have happened leading up to this shit and have been saving a lot of info over the past month or so.
That webpage on nbc was shown in this screenshot according to the wayback machine that it simply didn't exist before that date despite the article being dated in 2018.
This is just like last year's Sol Pais thing.
that massive refinery fire in houston, weren't there multiple pretty big fires at industrial sites around the same time?
Jews own england. Check it out.
explain, anons
Hasn’t Andrew been claiming that he’s cooperating then every time an article like this comes out the NYPD come out to refute he’s cooperating or even contacted them at all? He keeps getting away with it and he clearly retarded. It feels like an episode of looney toons.
that guy might be a case of mkultra if you want to be 100% real. meant to take down the qanon movement, keep people from talking to their friends and neighbors about all of the shit they've learned. problem with qanon is the multifaceted hijacking of weak minded individuals that literally believe fusca is jfk and steinfuck is q. classic cointelpro. children are being rescued if you go look at justice.gov and look into how much trafficking enforcement has taken place, theyre not being brought up from tunnels en masse like some tards bloviated. expect exoneration of General Flynn and await the indictments from Durham. the shit is real, but not if you listen to hitpiece media or famefagging twitter personalities shilling books or fuckin patreons. i've observed insane theories and obvious misdirection, but never saw anyone put forth the wrong assumption that the ships were for anything other than rescuing children. why would a q follower attack a rescue ship? was he being seen by a psychiatrist? was he on meds? what did he say when he was questioned and where is he now? the real questions.
There isn't enough discussion about Andrew's connection to Epstein.
there were massive fires in Pittsburgh a week ago
SR/CL and NX|VM's relation too
100% agree, that's what I was hinting at in my post, I figured he was a similar case of the manchurian candidate assassin they sent to shoot up comet ping pong to discredit the movement.
I believe the 5G scare is similar to take away from actual critical thinking and opposing theories about the virus.
I've saved a ton of screenshots about the arrests, that whole thing in Venezuela, all of those are things I want to cover and get a clearer understanding of to present and get a better picture of what's going on. There are so many theories abounding that I feel like that's all part of the misdirection.
Flynn posted on his twitter with his official statement, I haven't read the entire thing but I get the gist of it as being he was innocent but I didn't see anything like a smoking gun of evidence or even a claim.
I'd look into the hong kong protests right before the insane lockdown by ccp too. they were taking down the facial recognition towers not 5g towers. if hillary were president we'd legit all be in fema camps by now. honestly think the 5g towers causing wuhan flu thing is a red herring, 5g may be bad, microwaving humans can't be good, but if they can make it a silly notion to distrust 5g only based on spreading the virus, then when the virus is gone, do people just allow it to move forward unobstructed? anything and everything to distract blame from china, which had biden in its pocket, and feinstein and whoever else. or ive fallen for a yeah war with china mindfuck. i dont know anymore... good luck with the doc. got any you already made?
>dude was clearly a qtard that went nuts or knew something
What's hilarious is their fellow qtards took it as proof that "the deepstate" was counterattacking.
I think you have one of the most level headed takes I've seen on here about this whole thing and I appreciate you taking the time to discuss it a bit.
I think you're right and that might be a good angle to take, confusion for more government control was always obvious but the precise method was hard to pinpoint, but having everything relate to china and the WHO basically licking china's ass throughout this whole thing makes sense they just outright want that surveillance state here.
>got any you already made?
I do, yeah, here's my small shitty channel, I'm not ewhoring here, I never show my face or even use my own voice in my videos, It's all compilations of information that form a cohesive narrative.
great video
Good thread, OP. Glad someone is talking legit politics and news here.
I'm trying to make sense of it as well and don't even know where to start without starting a conspiracy thread of thought. It's easy to point and blame, especially when many groups have enemies to point fingers at. For sure the current situation is being taken advantage of, the virus being fake or real is irrelevant.
The subversion of any truth is working at 100% where views are being completely gaslighted on every side to cause even more confusion. But why?
exactly, I have a portion of a video just showcasing the constant stream of contradictory information I'm gonna upload soon but I want to tie it into that confusion being specifically related to a divide and conquer sort of situation.
Get people scared, afraid of one another, and desperate for the state's help
But surely the state realizes they are not trusted by many? Not saying all, or even half, but many.
In this era it's all about egocentrism and the individual's immediate world and comforts. The one's who are being told to be scared will freely give up liberties, their nations, everything they have to not loose what they have. Will people actually resist this at all? Whatever "it" is?
Is there even an attack on our liberties? Is it not just the selfish few taking as much from the many because those are the types who succeed in the first place?
I just have no fucking clue how to approach anything any more. Is everyone just letting pedogate happen and are willingly ignoring it? How is the chain of command structured because it sure as hell isn't about giving orders but withdrawing funding. Who are the good guys and is there anyone to trust at all?