Republican leadership will lead us to a second wave of the virus.
This is disgustingly deplorable!
Republican leadership will lead us to a second wave of the virus.
This is disgustingly deplorable!
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Oh there’s a plan, you’re just too retarded to see it.
I’m in a blue state and they’re also saying we will have a second wave. So that means liberal leadership is to blame too?
no this actually pretty funny
please continue
prove first wave of virus first.
Here's the breakdown in Georgia of deaths listed by race/age/gender
You already have the virus and you’re just asymptomatic
>100 more nigger deaths than whitey
Yes. Reopen it. Reopen it ALL.
It does not matter how many people have the virus. The only thing that matters it that people don't die because of unavailable health care resources.
Currently Georgia hasn't even come close to max capacity at their hospitals or ICU or ventilators (as if venitlators ever really mattered) long as they can tolerate the number of patients, they should be able to open up if they want and people should be free to do what they want.
After all this has never been about defeating the virus. You can't defeat it. From the beginning its been about maintaining health care resources to a manageable level. Georgia has done that.
its probably already infected 30% of GA and only 2% are showing symptoms. its like this everything. giant nothing burger.
no that would be trumps fault
Make dixie white again
Make segregation popular again
It's probably because they eat a lot of greasy food.
It's because they pass around weed and basketballs without ever thinking about washing their hands or ass for weeks.
Hol up! It’s just a bunch of niggers.
The second wave meme started when people started questioning the narrative.
Where was the brutal second wave of all the other chink flus?
That explains the 50% but not the 87%
They keep changing the narrative because things are cooling off too quickly and people aren't buying it.
Now it's managing the BIGGER UPCOMING 2ND WAVE
blacks are fragile as fuck. Every see how they chimp out over a word? All the bitching and complaining they do, they should start complaining that the retirement age is too high for them.
This is the wrong approach. Instead we say “the virus isnt that bad. I had it and it was just the sniffles. People are DYING from the closed economy.”
It kills a higher percentage of niggers than whites,
so all good things.
Hey I listened to the hour long smear piece on Georgia on MSNBC too!
And if you look at the age breakdown there are a massive amount of 70-100 year old deaths. Guaranteed those are majority white.
So if you exclude those extreme elderly with underlying health issues, the black/white ratio is probably closer to 4:1
Too bad getting infected doesn’t give you immunity or that would actually mean something
Spanish flu had 3 major waves.
Black plague had countless waves over the course of 4 years.
>all soros puppets will be held accountable
oh did you do a double blind peer reviewed study? or just repeating unscientific claims from china?
so new cases climb regardless of the lockdown? lol. fuck you
First wave was Trump's fault... second wave too.
It's the latest line everyone is parroting since the WHO made an announcement that they can't CONFIRM there is immunity because they haven't done a study on it.
Most the salt is from Democrats having to go back to working for a living, just when the golden age of gibs seemed so close.
8D underwater checkers to make it whiter?
Glad my parents live in Union county but worried a bunch of ATL shitbags might go there and cause more plague carrying trouble.
Laura Kelly (D) postponed closing kansas for like a week after pretty much every other state closed.
>makes claim
>confirms its chinese propaganda
well done faggot, well done
wtf I love corona virus now
>democrats shit all over the economy to win an election
How Fulton and its surrounding counties have fewer cases than southwest Georgia?