OFFICIAL: Study Shows Direct Correlation between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks

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so the virus just materializes inside of me? how does this work,

No, there Is no new virus. Only new Tests. Simply the 5 g starve your ability to oxygen your tissues

They zap you, you drop dead. No virus involved, damage controlling kike.
At least according to Benjamin Fulford who is most times full of shit In a Ford.

>5g gets placed in high density areas
>virus spreads faster in high density areas
what a fucking shock that these areas overlap

kill yourself retard

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5G is not killing humans

Q told me so.

well a family member just died of it and we don't have 5g rolled out even remotely yet

so you are full of shit

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>open link
this is your definition of "official" in Italy?

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>5g radiation from satellites

kek, I had missed that one

They beam 5g from space. Thats why elon si launching satellites into the space. Why so crowded cities in India and Africa dont have corona?

What? Do you even know how oxygen is used by our cells?

Somebody said Starlink uses the same frequency range as 5G, so...

News Bulletins in Italy use the equivalent in sound of that Pic. So yes.


i live directly under a new 5g tower and have been having the most insane orgasms you can imagine, and i literally do not stop having erections 90% of the time i'm awake. i've resorted to taking xanax and percocets just to kill my erections but the tolerance is building and i think it will stop working soon. i'm just constantly compelled to masturbate because of this 5g tower and i don't know what to do.

This. I bet high car traffic also correlates with the virus.

It came from AFURIKA-KA-KA-KA-KA


The “virus” is not a living organism like bacteria. It is a combination of genes and RNA and genetic junk. Your body sheds it as a toxin. And your immune system attacks it.

Yes, I'll DEFINITELY believe a site called ""

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>High-band 5G uses frequencies of 25 - 39 GHz

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A little known side effect of 5G is it turns already brain-damaged conspiracy theorists into even more brain-damaged conspiracy theorists.

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>has a 1 in his last name
Do Americans actually...?

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Rolled out in 35 countries....

People dying in the 10s of thousands in the other 175 countries dont have 5G and where quite a few don't even have 3G

Funny how satellite TV has been using that band for 30+ years at a higher dBm and firing right at our bodies everywhere we go even miles away from civilization!

Or airport radar system operating @100s of gigahertz with 100s of watts of power!

What a load of tinfoil hat wearing schizophrenic mom's house dwelling bullshit!

>Or airport radar system operating @100s of gigahertz with 100s of watts of power
Is it bait?
