Burgers about to eat a nothing burger

How will the survive?

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Dear god

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Eat the niggers.
Would fix many many problems.

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Fuck off. I'll eat tofu. That shit tastes good and it's litterally made with cow's food.

How does the USA having a meat shortage cause the meat supply in New Zealand to fail? And anyway I can still hunt wild game any time.

We'll be taking your meat. All of it.

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You WILL eat the bugs goyim

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Yes I see now
The only solution is kiwi burger

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Hi, Mr. Swift

Here comes the drunken abo pretending to be crocodile Dundee.

Well sieze your meat along the world's, except China you can eat their rat infested shit.
Only Americans matter, the rest get nukes to save America


you will become



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tofu doesn't taste remotely good, you are just a weeb who forced himself to like it because it was on one of your animes

We will live off our body fat reserves. I have at least 3 months worth.

Killed a deer last week. I got 3 months of venison for my family

NOOO... Not the fat...m not the fat

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We'll burn it and buy more with our oilbux ain't nuthing you can do, whitoid.

>And the world may be next.

Enjoy your weiner schnitzel while you can.

it makes no sense. The meat exporters US/NZ/AU/Brazil/Canada/ect will simply stop exporting.

It'd be smart to point out to voters that this IS what the green new deal would be like. No job, no food, complete control of your daily life and death all around. It'd be glorious.

No, you stupid bong, you just don't know how to cook it. Use google, see some tofu recipes and start to eat real, wealthy food.

Yes goy, eat the (((tofu))).

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"world may be next" but what are you gonna do when you have no more weinerschnitzel or other dick shaped meat Hanz?

Can't get beef in my area without paying an arm and leg, Pork supply is dwindling down, not much in terms of selection, chicken is starting to look sad, like the retarded handicapped chickens which they usually threw out are being packaged and charged double. It's a shit show, I don't want to eat the bugs.

There’s more deer in my state than people..

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oh fuck no
>if the bacon stops there will be blood in the streets! politicians on poles! I'm not even fucking playing!

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stocked up on shitloads of meat back in early February, if you're reading this, YOU SHOULD HAVE PREPPED.

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Hi jon!