Nordschleswig is rightfully German you fucking Danish thieves. Give it back

Nordschleswig is rightfully German you fucking Danish thieves. Give it back

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Other urls found in this thread:

south-west schleswig is rightfully their own.

Shut up and give back Flensborg. Denmark to Ejderen.

No. They are fucking thieves

No, I mean, they're rightfully their own little fucked up state that was demolished by the joint actions of the lords of Denmark, Schleswig and Holstein.
After quite a few very unsuccessful battles, with one involving less than a thousand mud dwellers defeating the black guard
and joint forces of the three mentioned, numbering 16.000 and killing over 7.000 and over 360 nobles
What's more jewish than those three forces banding together to take rightful mod of mudpeople well after the fifteenth century?

Not even the Nazis tried to claim it. It was the one territorial change from WW1 they were ok with.

They were WRONG and anti-german

Also the people were allowed to decide on their own to which extent they wanted to be denmark or not.
It established more or less along the cultural border.


kraut autism:

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Anglo kike, this is an obvious false flag thread also learn to sage

he's a tranny from the discord tho, don't worry
living in Berlin

Jose ngumbu O'paddy pls

You all should just band together. It would serve you well.

imo they can keep it i like the däns

Wtf no its not yall the fucking thieves and i would know cuz my family is from there and thats fucking danish

Flensburg is full of old drunk people collecting empty bottles and hanging out outside ALDI

Indeed the Danes and Germans are brethren

wtf theres actually other danes on here thats rare

do the belgium thread too OP

How is it like to be beer-drinking subhumans?

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Lose the war, lose the land
That simple kraut

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Cringe thread. If it were by me the Danes should have Schleswig (exactly the way its in OPs pic). Should make up for what we have done to them in the war. Hitler marched into it just to secure the Atlantikwall even though the Nords wanted nothing to do with his conquest. That was not cool. I'd be ok if Germany gets parts of the east or the west back but Schleswig belongs to the nords. They need some Lebensraum too.

I like you Danes. Don't let this retard troll you.

anti-german traitor. Who do you serve?

This. Whites fighting whites is fucking retarded. Who could be behind this?

>Dane: "I am not afraid of germans:"
>German: "War di gar de Bur de kümt."
>Dane: *pic related*

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You should be focused on getting rid of Merkel and securing what land you have before anything.

>Lose the war, lose the land
>That simple kraut
FDR: We're going to war to liberate Europe.
Also FDR: (to Stalin) Okay, you can have Poland, the Balkans, etc, after this is over with.
>What was several generations of tyrannical collectivism under the USSR thanks to FDR?
You're a national embarrassment.
Please shut the fuck up.

>Who could be behind this?

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Hab doch angedeutet dass ich schon gerne den Elsass, Eupen-Malmedy und/oder das Sudetenland und die östlichen Territorien zurückhätte im Falle dass Deutschland diese Gebiete zuerlangen könnte. Damit das fair bleibt würde ich den Dänen ein klein bisschen Land geben und es ist mir absolut scheißegal was du davon hälst. Hitler hat immer davon schwadroniert die geil die Nordische Rasse ist, zu denen die Dänen und Norweger nun mal gehören. Die wurden einfach so ohne Gegenwehr von uns eingenommen. Ist doch klar dass die stinkig auf uns sind. Er hat unser Verhältnis mit den anderen Germanen für immer versäuert. Klar ging es darum den Atlantikwall zu sichern. Ohne den wäre der Krieg schon früher verloren.

>Dänen ein klein bisschen Land gebe
Du bist antideutsch, jawohl, antideutsch! Das sind rechtmäßige deutsche Gebiete. Die können wir nicht aufgeben, das können wir nicht! Das ist wie freiwillig die eigene Hanf abschneiden. Dämlich!

>fighting eachother is jewish, this is why we have to erase their borders, shackle their economies together and make their races disappear

This is why you never let an american do the thinking for you.

>You should form a union together regardless of cultural, political, and historical differences cuz ur both pale
Daily reminder that wignat burgers are retarded and have no real concept of ethnocentric nationalism. Also fuck pedophiles.

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Uh hello, based department?

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Is this a meme now? I've been seeing threads like this with germanon posting so and so land is rightfully German. It's always a different land, sometimes having nothing to do with Germany. Hopefully if I analyze it I'll single-handedly kill this meme.

To his spergery defense: a lot of land in many different nations has been taken from our glorious land.

Could we also undo the Treaty of Trianon? So much has been taken from the Hungarians, it's ridiculous.

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Do you want to make this a meme germanon?