In the beginning there was nothing, and then everything appeared out of nothing

>In the beginning there was nothing, and then everything appeared out of nothing

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Yes, and science has proven it will go back to nothing...

At this point what difference does it make!

*inhales cock*

in the beginning (time) God created the heavens (3d space) and the earth (matter). they all have to happen at once.

There was no beginning you (((Abrahamic))) stooge

there was begining of this universe as we can see everything is conditioned by time. Other dimensions? Maybe not.

Genesis 1:1
>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
God exists. Then He created the heaven and the earth.
>And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Too much information to easily comprehend. Nothing, an empty space predates matter. You had to have an empty space in order to put the earth somewhere. God, while predating creation, works within it Himself.
Also, the earth is designed but not yet made with creations materials.
>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
God filled the empty space with His light. Matter came in to being at this time. The next few verses God created everything with no mention of another material.

Physicists say the creation is a wave/particle of light.

and there's literally no theory that explains where the initial stuff came from
>big bang: there's was a ball of stuff that exploded. no idea where the little ball came from
>religion: god was there and then made stuff. no idea where god came from

What about the repeating universe theory?

Not far off. The sun (light) creates all heavier elements.

this theory brought to you by

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The universe is still essentially nothing. Its net sum is zero. I always liked the following analogy:

0 is nothing. However, you can expand 0 into 0=1-1. Its still nothing, but 1-1 has a little more structure than just 0.

You can further write 0 as 0=1-1+2-2+3-3. Now it looks less like nothing, but its still nothing.

The universe is similar to this. It is a whole bunch of nothing, just expressed in a complex way.

Yeah, some jew said this. He also gave another version with a big metaphysical jew on it. Either way it appeared out of nowhere, nothing is being really explained and jews are involved.

>In the beginning there was nothing, and then a magic jew appeared out of nothing and made everything

That's beautiful bro. Pic related said said creation is like a stroke of paint from a brush. Yoga has five elements ranging in density, earth, water, fire, air and space. It starts thick and heavy and gets more refined to nothing.

God exists outside the realm of nothing/something. Jesus Christ is the Salvation found in a relationship with God.

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>1: go to archive
>2: hit CTRL+F
>3: search "pizzagate"
>4: don't be a dumb nigger and shit up the board with a slide thread like this
>5: remember to sage garbage threads, like this

Hope this helps. You're about to go down a hell of a rabbit hole, OP.

>P.S. You're a fucking nigger.

That's not really any stranger than religious explanations for creation.

Adding God to the mix does nothing to resolve the issue of causality, since God would have come into existence without a creator. If God could just appear out of nothing, why not the universe as well?

>something outside the universe went poof and made the universe
kek thats stupid
>something blew up and made the universe
Something? Something what?
>uhhhh... some... thing... outside the universe?
GTFO both of you

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There is no such thing as nothing.

Nothing is just potential something.

>In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

That's actually what happens on the quantum level.

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the very concept of "nothing" depends on "something" to exist

nothing has never been the default state of the universe and never will

Based and yinyangpilled

That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard and I’ve spent the entire lockdown on Yas Forums

see this lad gets it

This. We don't know and we can't make sense of it, because we have tiny little brains that are a few inches wide in a universe larger than we could even comprehend. Anyone who tells you they know the answer is delusional or trying to scam you.

>g-god did it, pls gib moneys for my church
>b-big bang did it, pls gib moneys for more research

>t. I have a dumb ape nigger brain

Time isn't a dimension. It's a measure of the perception of change.

And how are you going to verify that?

Christopher Langan is right. The universe is self-determining.

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Well think it like this. If there were nothing before the big bang, that nothing could have lasted an infinite amount of time, but since time cannot exist without space, that infinite amount of time amounts to zero. So yeah, there is a universe and there is nothing at the same time, it's just that nothing last no time at all according to our spacetime frame of reference.


Upvotes Sad Guru, then cucks for the demiurge. lel

Reality is forever nothingness and thus anything else is impermanent.

you mean from nothing.

Nothing doesn't mean empty space, dumb dumb. It means literal nothingness, which is actually infinity. We are reality itself, that is, we are infinity expressing itself simultaneously through infinitely many bodies at once.

see above

>time is not a dimension

Langan is part-nigger, a part-time troll, and full-time pseudointellectual whose "theory" (rebranded panpsychism) has 0 application and can thus be discarded.

I've always thought similarly, but I think there's no distinction between something and nothing. To have "nothing", you need a "something" by which to define a "something" and the two are therefore inseparable and, in fact, one and the same.

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