I am North Korean

Hello and salutations from Pyongyang. Furthermore to my conversations last night on four channel; I would like to continue. Please ask any questions you wish.

Thanks and Peace be upon you

Attached: 679BC75C-FBBB-4BE8-A1AA-A8B0BF03B9A9.jpg (678x381, 48.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Reservations lol

Why did you kill Dear Leader?

It's Kim Jong-Un already dead?

Show real flag

show flag gook

Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un 김정은 is alive and well. He is very busy with upcoming planting of crops planning.

I am North Korean also, how do you do brother

Show us new leaders tits or gtfo

Is north Korea a paradise?
Is it anything like Hitler's national socialism?
Is Kim Jung un in critical condition?
What do you think about international jewry?

Attached: Deutsche Arbeitsfront.jpg (6144x8190, 3.13M)

>i am North Korean

Fat American imperialist devil. I am the internet through the peoples republic of china. So you just see chinese flag.

Attached: DeutschLand Sieg EUROPAS FREIHEIT.jpg (6582x9541, 3.88M)

This is a meme flag son, not the PRC flag

mr jong un sir i am hungry can i please have some of your food?

We are not fascist. DPRK is a workers paradise, no jews. You don’t pay insurance or mortgage or anything. State looks after you. We are world leader in medicine and science and education.

Say something in North Korean dialect so we know you're not full of shit.

What's the best movie you've seen?

Oi! Faggot! Try harder

당신은 당신의 사랑하는 지도자 음경을 빨아야합니다

조선민주주의인민공화국 국무위원회 위원장이신 경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 22일 수리아아랍공화국 대통령 바샤르 알 아싸드에게 답전을 보내시였다.

답전의 전문은 다음과 같다.

나는 당신이 우리 인민과 세계 진보적인류의 마음속에 영생하고계시는 위대한 김일성동지의 탄생 108돐에 즈음하여 그이에 대한 뜨거운 경모의 정이 담긴 진심어린 축전을 보내준데 대하여 깊은 사의를 표합니다.

나는 두 나라 선대수령들의 숭고한 뜻과 인민들의 념원에 맞게 조선-수리아친선협조관계가 더욱 강화발전되리라고 확신하면서 당신이 건강하여 책임적인 사업에서 보다 큰 성과를 거둘것을 축원합니다.(끝)

민족과 운명

I'm gonna stretch little kimmie's sisters tiny yellow pussy with my big white demi god cock and give her a hapa baby that will take over after Kim dies.

Attached: 1586952316732.jpg (680x699, 72.51K)

Why the fuck would you speak to some fucking lowlife bukhan like that? Gtfo Translatenigger

Nice translator - you’re not NK. American devil with dotard as leader.

북한을 망할. 핵 화재로 사망 할 수 있습니다.

Post link to NK TV News.

Yeah we don't understand chink runes around here

Remove your meme flag and I'll 100% believe you

Stupid poster posting stupid stupidity.


Nice copy and paste.

Attached: Die Spinne.jpg (2400x2304, 2.74M)

Pic related is what I'm gonna do to her

Attached: 1581311564802.jpg (2048x1365, 613.36K)

Your leader spreads a thousand tears.

Why such joke for leader Canada? He is like little boy who likes other boys. Stupid.

What's your favourite part and why?

What operating system are you running?

Yes, you're not an communist Utopia, you're a state sanctioned (national)
Workers paradise (socialism)

Attached: Deutscher Essen.jpg (3737x5337, 3.56M)

Red Star OS

Yes we are #1


show us proof of his death

Post a time stamp of you using it, and I will surrender myself to the DPRK for forced labor.

All parts are excellent.

Thanks, but I was hoping for a TV News so we can watch their news transmission, even tho not understanding the language we can 'sense' the mood,
listen to what kind of music they play.
Maybe they will even announce if Kim is really dead or not.

We do no forced labour.

We are a free country with no corruption unlike yours.

based if true

Register. And you can see videos.

Not clicking on your stupid image. You are stupid and you act stupid thinking that you are funny.
No, you are not funny, you are just pure lame boring stupid.

Attached: Is your ass jealous?..jpg (483x600, 48.19K)

You know what I mean zipper head.

>Register. And you can see videos.
No, thanks. Not registering. Not giving any of my infos.

Cool story bro. We used to stack fucks like you 5 feet high in Korea as sand bags.

Welcome back fren

Show the Chinese flag then. I’ve never seen a PRC flag on Yas Forums