Uh, based department? And yes, Goldblum gets a pass because of his role in Jurassic Park.
Uh, based department? And yes, Goldblum gets a pass because of his role in Jurassic Park
Other urls found in this thread:
Jeff Goldblum is my favorite Jew
goldblum is ok.
the fact that atheists will call Christianity terrible and then go through the ringer to defend Islam shows that it's not about hating religion, it's about hating white people
Go back to re ddit
everyone who responds here sage this thread
>As if America hasn’t been anti-gay and anti-woman from the outset, or killed and displaced millions of Muslims, including women and queers,’ one critic retorted
Yeah but where do you feel safer as a homo or a woman though, lmao. These people have no idea.
America deserves a nuke just for allowing something like the Drag Race to exist.
when I was in college the chic thing to say was Islam was a feminist religion
Based jew. Literally needs an injection to get an erection and Viagra to boot. Fucks teens all the time and is so fucked out he's a faggot too. Still, based new tho.
>Hollywood pedophile Jew taking a jab at Muslims.
Lurk more.
He's definitely up there
>On RuPauls Drag Race
Appearing on a show run by a pedo isn't based.
>RuPaul's drag race has naked men press against young boys in dresses
>anti-islam comments are the problem
fucking what lol
You can’t just post things that I don’t agree with
That’s shilling
He's jewish and as such the same rules that apply to the goyim don't apply to him---if that were a white person who made those exact comments, the mass media would be kvetching up a storm about "muh white nationalism" and "bigot racist" and try to get the guy fired from his job.
There's nothing "based" about this---just another example of jewish privilege in America.
Have you checked your privilege today, Rabbi?
That’s literally the point of the OP you fucking retard
People are bitching about what he said
How brainwashed are you?
no such thing as a based jew hes still an anti-white faggot that just wants to fill your country with niggers or normal pajeets instead of muslim pakis
The spirit of the Jew is definitively feminine, which is why they are so virulently in favor of homosexualism and gynocracy.
kys faggot jew
Jeff Goldblum is jewish though?
Based Hollywood Jew child rapist
>uh, based department?
yeah! lets go faggots, feminists and kikes
I like Larry David because he produced two critically acclaimed multi-season video courses on typical Jewish behavior. And Stephen Miller.
At least for them it’s a dirty secret, Muslims are proud of what they do to children, it brings them closer to living the life of Muhammad.
as a jew he is pretty based, even netflix couldnt fuck up his new show.
But aren't those questions?
They're not even statements.
What was the actual quote?
he got married at 65 and made replacement children
This is nothing more than a little manufactured outrage. Nothing will come of it.
Whereas if that were a white person who said what he said, they would be immediately crucified upon the (((mass media cross))) and lose their job etc.
Most Christians are Blacks and Latinos m8
This jew criticised the only good thing about Islam - its stance on faggots. Yet, nu pol calls this le based. This place fucking stinks now.
If this guy truly was based then he'd criticise orthodox Jews for having the exact same views.
Well is there?
the entire left defends islams when it comes to raping kids, woman and shooting up a gay nightclub. why you surprised again?
>Based Hollywood Pedo Jew Promoting Transfaggotry
Gas yourself.
>Jew gets a pass because I like this piece of Hollywood propaganda
You all need the rope
Jeff Goldblum is such an egoist that he's literally up his own ass. Mfer might as well let everyone know that Speilberg's dick is his umbilical cord.
Cause they're finally reaching the stage in evolution where religion is an advanced social construct.
Oh of course
What a convenient rationalization
Hurr durr yes he’s being called out but if he wasn’t Jewish he would totally be called our more hurr durr
Kek confirms, fuck normies
white peope hate themselves, always have, always will. 2020. Still no love for themselves. None.
Judaism and islam have literally the same views regarding homosexuality and women.
>Hurr durr yes he’s being called out but if he wasn’t Jewish he would totally be called our more hurr durr
Is that the best you got, Rabbi?
Might want to step inside an air-conditioned house...the hot heat in Tel Aviv must be getting to your head.
What a dumb question. It is obviously, unapologetically and blatantly both of those things.
Missing the "This is a slide thread" square
Lol shut the fuck up nigger
fuck off homo
Except people are shitting on him and calling him a racist bigot for saying that you fucking idiot.
Cleanse us with fire please Joan.
cope, not an argument beta cuck monkey nigger. You are cucked by your own foul stinky hubris into hating and forsaking your own ancestors. Pathetic and cowardly. All for false, hollow, worthless and fictitious hubris.