/NSG/ + /SIG/

ᛋᛋ Welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ

BE INSPRIRED: bitchute.com/video/aBBsBVZ6hLg9/

This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·NatSoc Ideology
·Active Movements
·NatSoc History
·Physical and Mental Improvements
·General Plans

What are you waiting for? Take the pledge!
> For the good of my people:
> I must IMPROVE my will, body, and mind
> I must BUILD our culture and communities
> I must STRUGGLE for the future of my race
> We will endure forever!

>But what really is National Socialism?
National Socialism is NOT about killing blacks, blowing up buildings, or hating other races as Siege-fags would have you believe but rather is about bettering your own folk.

National Socialism also does NOT d&c based on religion. Be wary of those who try and ostracize potential allies with needless gatekeeping.

Would you like to know more? Check out the Pastebin & learn the truth!

Security first! Follow this guide to stop your ISP from spying on your browser traffic, & to view blocked sites.

These are your allies. They fight for your freedom:
- gab.com/ProjectWhite
- bitchute.com/channel/projectwhite/
- t.me/project_white
- gab.com/Der_Sieg
- NEW WEBSITE IS UP: projectwhite.org
- NEW MANIFESTO IS WRITTEN: projectwhite.org/our-struggle

Attached: hitler-fren.png (250x250, 64.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

korea-dpr.com/lib/Kim Jong Il - 4/ON THE JUCHE IDEA.pdf

White women like black men more than white men and there is nothing you Nazis can do about it

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>lose millions of jobs
Capitalism, or at least the job system, is breaking down anyway
>dollars in welfare
Economy 101 says that doesn't matter
>Racial tensions
is what happens when you don't interract with anyone of the other race. i think it's the opposite
>grind society's progress.
Too general
>Using as an example the biggest global superpower
Wow that was fast

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The older JIDF guys we had coming here years ago were much more fun, you are like a downs syndrome jdif lol

Did you theorize jidf too?

they were actually a little bit more intellectual than any of your pathetic efforts. We had to actually exert some thought into breaking their arguments.

I already won. Wanna see?

Come on, user. You said you can break my argument, right?

Putting Jewish media propaganda aside the DPRK (North Korea) is the country most close to National Socialism. It literally is a National Socialist safe haven and sometimes I get tempted to move there especially because of how well they treat defectors.
Long live Kim and were he to pass I hope his sister does well.

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Posting some motivationals & aesthetics

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Attached: Eternity.jpg (838x960, 121.93K)

fucking hell u are retarded North Korea does nothing for their people and let them all die they are faggy commies

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National Socialism (NSDAP):

>Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
There are many editions of this book, of course. The best are Thomas Dalton’s new translation and of course Stalag. I’ve also read Manheim and didn’t think it was too bad, but it’s a little too wordy and is translated by a Jew
>Zweites Buch by Adolf Hitler
>The Program of the NSDAP by Gottfried Feder
>The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery by Gottfried Feder

Black Front / Strasserism:
>German Tomorrow by Dr. Otto Strasser
>Deutschlands Erneuerung by Dr. Otto Strasser (in German only)

Iron Guard / Romanian Fascism:
>For my Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

British Union of Fascists (BUF):
>Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley
>Tomorrow We Live by Oswald Mosley
>My Life by Oswald Mosley
>Fascism v. Jewry by William Joyce
>National Socialism Now by William Joyce
>The Coming Corporate State by A. Raven Thompson

Italian Fascism:
>Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

JSTOR Articles I've read on more obscure groups with little available material in English:
>Ação Integralista Brasileira: Fascism in Brazil, 1932-1938 by Stanley E. Hilton
>Integralism and the Brazilian Catholic Church by Margaret Todaro Williams
>The Chilean Movimiento Nacional Socialista, the German-Chilean Community, and the Third Reich, 1932-1939: Myth and Reality by Marcus Klein
>Nazism in Chile: A Particular Type of Fascism in South America by Jaime Antonio Etchepare and Hamish L. Stewart
>A Case of Non-European Fascism: Chilean National Socialism in the 1930s by Mario Sznajder
>Fascism and Sinarquismo: Popular Nationalisms Against the Mexican Revolution by Albert L. Michaels

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Why natsocs love BBC?

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Also, a quick reminder to IGNORE trolls and HIDE their comments.

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Nice to see there are pretend nazis that've been fucked over by jewish media.
korea-dpr.com/lib/Kim Jong Il - 4/ON THE JUCHE IDEA.pdf

North Korean education and media constantly installs these 3 ideas in it's peoples heads:
These three ideas are all distilled into Koreans they bond over and love them. The Kim dynasty is constantly working towards autarky because all nations even china recognize that the DPRK is National Socialist so they try to economically destroy it. The fact they've made this much progress is incredible and shows the endurance of the National Socialist North Korean regime.


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Mein Kampfy Room

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Ignore the trolls, user.

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Attached: Patron Spirits of Fascism.png (1500x2702, 3.24M)

btw yes, I am aware that fascism is not national socialism

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