Is the La Li Lu Le Lo a pseudonym for the Jews?
Is the La Li Lu Le Lo a pseudonym for the Jews?
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It's a vocal warm up. The entirety of the MetalGear saga is a highly veiled musical. Kojima truly is a genius.
You can't say the name
MGS2 was one big red pill on how (((they))) would use manipulation of information to control people.
It predicted the social media obsesed world we live in all the way back in 2001.
MGS2 is unironically the most prophetic plot of the millenium so far, despite Kojima himself being a complete hack. Just read pic related. How does this not perfectly embody the way the world has turned since it finished development almost two decades ago?
No, it's code-speak for The Patriots ... I think. I don't know. I never understood the story or plot of these fucking games, they're entirely too confusing. All I know is you never actually get to play as Snake in any of the games. Or if you do, it turns out it was really Snake.
wasn't really***
therein lies the rub
I unironically enjoy mgs Yas Forums threads, contributing my newfag image
nvm got it already
They're pretty much all Snake, just different clones of the original.
Nanomachines, jack the ripper. Foxdie and codec. You're pretty good, damn!, Brother and remember this pain. Don't forget to save snake, huh? it's just a box
You mean the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo?
it's just vowels with an "L" in front of them
there is no way that pic was actually articulated inside a game
Weebanon here, the Japanese writing system is a syllabary built almost exclusively on vowels. Whereas we assemble sounds through letters, each symbol in their language is itself a contained sound. Remember how we class our vowels? A, E, I, O, U (and sometimes Y). Well, the same is true of Japanese, except ALL of the language end in A, I (pronounced "ee"), U (pronounced "ooh"), E (pronounced "ay") and O. And it continues on for each consonant, ending with those syllables. So, KA, KI, KU, KE, KO, SA, SHI, SU, SE, SO, etc.
The La li lu le lo is just a series of nonsensical phonemes used, and in the game is the result of nanomachines physically censoring the speaker to say that instead of "the Patriots." It would be the equivalent of if he were to say "The LMNOP???"
It was, unironically while raiden is naked
Games were a lot better back then before they became mainstream. Now they are as shitty as the modern movie industry
FFIX was unironically my favorite FF game. It was a very refreshing departure from that steampunk futuristic horseshit in VII and VIII.
back to forknife phaggot
No. Hideo Kojima is obsessed with Hollywood movies and all that jew propaganda. He is a globalist, liberal faggot that got famous because of other people with actual talent. He's the worst Japan has to offer.
Some of it seems ok but I have extremely strong radar spotting this certain mentality claims like "people are living poverty yet some people give money to protect the nature". Why? Why is that wrong? Humans make their bed and animals are left at their mercy. There is no cosmological rule that I have to help people outside my family. I make the decision whether I buy junkies new needles or buy deathsquads to murdertorture nigger poachers.
Haven't touched a video game since the early 2000s, friend.
>stick fingers in ears
>pretend to ignore
Kojima knows things.
That guy is such a Jewish mindset it hurts.
that was the point of his character, and he did it well.
>nanomachines physically censoring the speaker to say that instead of "the Patriots."
God, we all have nanomachines in us!
holy fuck, its real
it does everything except name them
I see. You must have spent that time touching penises among other things
That's because Kojima didn't write it. The game is predictive programming developed by glowniggers.
You should try playing Deus Ex m8
It took you a few years, huh?
He's the only good thing about Japan though.
Does this apply only to English? Finns can't see it that way because we automatically form sensible words from any letter combinations. LMNOP would be Ällämnop.
Games used to cater to nerds and autistic weirdos so you couldn't just shovel out pure garbage and make money. Ever since call of duty 4 came out gaming slowly shifted from intellectual art and experiences to pew pew mind cancer. Valve games are the exception since those require a bit of skill to play.
Another masterpiece of a game besides MGS2 is the original Deus Ex. That game is just chock full of redpills and gameplay its practically normie repellent
this, japanese cant say it
I propose we call the kikes the klmno's and pronounce it real fast so it sounds like you are saying the kill em alls
Let's not forget Kojima co-wrote MGS2 with Tomokazu Fukushima.
The ayy lmaos?
Metal Gear is pretty based at times. The US is controlled by a secret organization that manipulates information to rig elections. American cultural hegemony is used to spread that control internationally. The global economy is driven by an ever-expanding military industrial complex that uses unending wars to drive eternal demand for goods and services. Ultimately the concept of nation and belief breaks down, geopolitics itself is a game to keep (((them))) in power, and we're all fucked. And it all starts because we let some blonde woman spew some quasi-commie bullshit about there "being no borders from space"
Same thing
but in mgs2 they claim they are against the rampart media age. so how does it fit?
I don't know the specifics of the Finnish language, so I can't comment. However in English our language operates through the construction of a number of letters which themselves formulate either a syllable on their own, or do when combined with another. It is possible to form words which cannot be pronounced, due to the word lacking vowels, for example "kjmpfct." Japanese is different in that all of the symbols in their writing system consist of complete sounds, and as a result cannot construct a word that cannot be pronounced (with one notable exception). So in that regard it may be similar to your language.
This game fucked my brain up even more than it did Eva. Kojima was a co-writer btw.
>there is no way that pic was actually articulated inside a game
It's a word for word transcript.
>You should try playing Deus Ex m8
Excuse me, I should have said 'except for Deus "That's Terror" Ex
>"I hope people enjoy this game in their own way."
Why are Japanese people so goddamned boring? They always give answers like "I hope players will find our game to be interesting" or "We worked very hard on this game and we hope the players will enjoy it"
I guess endless screeds against white men would be better, right?
do you think they should have contained it?
I need to bust out Deus Ex again.
>The whole project of world government, going back to the League of Nations, has been funded and manipulated mainly by wealthy bankers.
Remember that the UN was built on land donated by John D. Rockefeller.
In mgs2 they WANT to stop all this shit getting shoveled online. ykw wants pure shit all over online