I can understand if these stupid monkeys don't possess the skills to farm and live a self sustaining life style, but they really have to do this stupid shit?
Why are leftists so keen on labeling everything they don't like as a problem?
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These kikes really have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "authoritarian" means.
Anything that disrupts their conditioning induces cognitive dissonance. They're programmed to react to this by trying to silence the source while calling it "problematic". Then they take xanax and watch netflix. Also, gas the fucking kikes if you want this to end.
Your denial of reality is problematic, you fucking homophobic nazi bigot.
Sarah needs to admit she doesn't want anyone or anything to be successful
>why do people who make productive use of their land have any wish to defend it?
This was why the French would park their tractors across highways going in and out of Paris.
you cant control someone that is self sufficient. simple as
B-but that just sounds comfy?
Drink bleach
Press G to gas
Jews hate white people is all you need to know.
i fucking hate kikes so much. They have a DNA level paranoia about farmers.
>U.S agriculture is intertwined with white nationalism
and another G to be sure it's gone
I swore this was fake until I googled it, the fuck. how do you even begin to make this fucking argument without it immediately sounding like bullshit. "homeschooling is authoritarian, so we should use the authority of the state to get rid of it" fucking what??? this reads like satire
Can you imagine the screeching if you said US banking was intertwined with Jewish Supremacy.
They are biting the hand that literally feeds them. Maybe they should learn from Zimbabwe.
I work in agriculture. I dunno about the US, but in Canada, a lot of the staff at ag processing plants are diversity hires. And to be fair there are some competent East Indians etc. that work high up in these companies. So I dunno how agriculture is white nationalist
>We can't have people supporting themselves, they should be totally dependent on the state to provide everything they "need"
What the fuck does "Them's the breaks" mean? Opinion discarded
Does anybody remember what the communists did to the kulaks back in russia?
>we need illegal spics to pick crops because whites won't do it
>all farmers are white nazi bigots
akin to "the science is settled"
>Living off the grid and being independent is an authoritarians dream
Do they not fucking think before they post?
Americans need a real authoritarian regime for a few decades. Amybe then they'll learn not to say such bullshit.
It means “full stop”
How can she prevent "white nationalists" from respecting the people that grow their food? She isn't just attacking white nationalists, she is attacking the entire nationalistic ideal, namely to produce your food stuffs domestically. Why would you want to import stuff and become dependent on outsiders to survive? Jesus Christ almighty. What does she want? Dairy farmers to make a scathing public denouncement of white people? I bet her ideal solution would be to starve all white people since feeding those people of European descent who love their nation would be enabling "white supremacy" or in other words, the existence of white people.
Fuck these Jew cunts. They hate nature and beauty. They are hell spawns.
It’s you that isn’t thinking
She means the white male patriarch is being an authoritarian. She just has a plain old pathology
Well you're just a nazi fren.
I'm going to assume you're arguing in good faith here, her argument is that if a child's home environment is especially restrictive, abusive, domineering, etc then homeschooling represents the removal of an escape from that - it brings 99% of the child's time into the complete control of the parents, which means that abusive households are potentially more abusive.
At that point the argument boils down to determining if the potential benefits of allowing homeschooling (freedom to parent / autonomy to parent how you like, better support of alternative learning styles, etc) outweigh the potential negatives (abusive households, poor quality schooling, etc).
i hope Sarah doesn't eat anything and i mean anything at all
understanding the meaning of words is a general problem for the left
So, what about orthodox jews? Should they have their own schools for men only? Seems, problematic.
The left is the new moralists, and the right is the new zero fucks given.
Cool, lets cut them off from the food supply and create a white nationalist state around all the farms in the mid-west
Whites are still the group in power and to fully subvert them the Jew has to fully destroy the family but unlike with blacks, rural whites are mostly immune to the tricks of the jew.
Escape from being an obedient child who follows the rules and has respect for their parents? Wow! Chores, good manners and following a curfew are so restrictive! Not giving into a petulant brats every demand is so abusive! Not letting your child be indoctrinated by LGBT filth is so cruel! Children must have the freedom to overrule the decisions of their parents, specifically in regards to their genitals remaining intact and functional.
Back to plebbit you go.
leftists are scum
You can't reason with people trapped in her level of illogic. The slow burn will pick up
50% of the people you see online are bots.
The Left doesn't exist in the real world except on the fringes of society, and Jews.
movies are shit and news media is shit. What exactly do jews contribute to America anymore. They do more harm than anybody else why don't we deport these people.
I don't know what yer smoking. Have you been to Portland, Seattle, L.A., San Francisco, Austin, Houston, Detroit and so on? Its a fucking plague that basically has already destroyed the U.S.. Its just been a slow death. We were infected a while ago
>thems the breaks
These fuckers have been trying to get rid of small farmers since the 1930's. they only want government and huge mega farm companies to provide food.
it would not surprise me at all if they one day try to make it illegal to grow your own food at home.
Fucking communists.
they need the rope
and to be drug down a road with it until there is nothing left of them but the smear.
impeccable digits, user, but this is untrue
i lived in a rich satellite town near boston and you wouldn't believe the kinds of conversations people have
i was called naive for believing megacorps were motivated by profit rather than morals (re/doing woke stuff like rainbow logos)
>50% of the people you see online are bots.
I think people didn't read what you said. Emphasis on online.