Are sex and company really that important for some people?
Are sex and company really that important for some people?
>No human being can go through that
It will reduce the birth rate even more now, people will be having less sex
Written by a roastie.
Im sorry what?
>oh noes, noone is giving me compliments for a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR
>its not worth living
>must kill myself
wtf is wrong with woman
>No human being can go through that
Well that's where you are wrong, bitch.
Fucking hell
I need to get sex and my sex hormones raging so I feel like a boss maniac. Fucking sick of being around a bunch of nerdshits. I'm going back to PATTAYA.
LMAO at this roast
>No human being can go through that
Welp, guess I'm not human.
I've gone 33 years without any of these things.
Why are women so fucking pathetic?
>when you're a woman and a it's been over 10 seconds since a man offered be to your slave
Please guys, understand, this is true for most males too, they're called "simps".
If you're reading this, it means you've made it or you've survived this long without making it.
Does this mean we get state-provided gfs after the pandemic is over?
Most people arent beautiful.
>for an entire year
I've done three
lmao at all the virgins in this thread
British people certainly aren't.
A sad little meme flag
Post your face so we can vomit
f*moids literally need to be put down.
Nice cherrypicking.
>middle aged virgin
>that flag
Imagine calling yourself a sexologist and expecting anyone to take you seriously.
>stIck to sex with fewer partners than before until we can return to normality
Sex is so much say for women they have NO clue what it’s like for men
I live like that for years now and I’m married.
Ive done around 31 years. Get on my level and let the wizard powers overcome you ahahahah
>>middle aged virgin
Oh no. You hurt my feelings. How ever will I recover?
haha that would be horrible
Once you get a taste of the good life its hard to fo back.
Ask Yas Forums and Elliot Roger
>is no life worth living
BREHS. whos living a worthless life here
I havent had sex for 18 months
Im not mad, I actually feel FREE now
My money and time belongs to ME only
I can decorate my own place and nothing gets moved or changed on tje whim of some worthless squatter
One night stands>relationship
Once you get with a woman she will become a fat pig and insifferablw to be around
Let them die alone if they refuse to bend the knee
My sex drive has actually dropped since shelter in place started. My wife and I are having much less frequent sex. Probably because I’m not getting enough sunlight.
Ive already fathered kids and you havent
One time this older waitress called me honey and said she liked my shirt. Literally the only compliment I have ever received from a stranger, let alone a woman, in my entire life. I can not remember the last time I was touched in an affectionate way.
>no human can go through that
Oh yes, I was wondering what would break first, your spirit or your body?”
You cannot, you have failed at life.
>Is one of the most basic needs important to people
Having a brain and using it is obviously not important to you
Yes. Yours is obesina mccoalburn.