Was he wrong though?

Was he wrong though?

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Sort of. He was wrong when it came to the idea of approaching women though
I'd say 50/50. Though his plan was a shitfest

>half jew
>half asian
ticking time bomb

He should have gymmaxed

Define wrong. Animals on a rock being animals. What could go wrong?

Was it just because he was acting autistic and socially recluse that he couldn't get a grill? Since US women fuck niggers and all sorts of bums, how could this guy with a BM and tons of money not get a grill?

No. I’m he was a beta but he wasn’t wrong

The ultimate redpill he could have taken would have been for his pistols to jam on those last rounds, get taken alive, convicted, then gotten some sweet hybistrophelic conjugal sex in prison.

He wasn't asocial enough.

>he killed all those people cause he had nothing to BBQ on

Will we see more Elliot Rodgers type incidents in the future?


He wasn't invited to the cook out lmao

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His massacre was pointless but he was a manlet and hapa, even worse with jewish mixture, in the "law of the jungle" west where young girls only have sex with men they find thrilling he was never going to get laid unless he got really rich and even then it would be girls who weren't virgins

His rage was understandable but he went way too far - but the Jew/Hapa combo is a dangerous timebomb really

He did actually grasp how feminism has destroyed the underpinnigns of society and that balance between men and women that had been achieved by controlling young women and making sure all men had access to a virgin bride

It's a hars irony that it was the jews above all other groups who had destroyed the balance and condemned one of their own to oblivion

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>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>Now that the dust has settled...
>mic drop
>change my mind. Protip: you can't
>here's why onions is good for you
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
>uses memeflag
>not all niggers
>Miss me yet?
>How can Yas Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Yas Forums BTFO
>not all jews
>hello fellow white peoole
>BERNIE 2020
>why is x like this?
>am I white
>whats his/her problem?
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>I am forgotten
>what did he mean by this?
>will x be allowed into the ethnostate?

He should have become a trap.

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He didn’t fit into wonderful “society”

Was it just his surroundings in Cali that fucked with him? Stuck with whitoid women who chase clout or BBC. Asians that don't see him as Asian enough (thats why he murdered his asian room mates before the rampage), and too many chads to compete with. If he was in some middle America state would he be rolling in pussy you think?

He could've been a star


Nope, would be just as bad as far as hot white girls go.

>Asians that don't see him as Asian enough (thats why he murdered his asian room mates before the rampage),

Asian women in the west virtually always only want white men, the point was he wasn't the tall white stud they had been told they should go for

white women either want a white man or the degenerate ones let negors fuck them

other groups tend to either go for tall whtie men or stick to their own race

a hapa/jew? no chance with anyone

You think so? I mean lets be honest women are easy, even though they can be complex at times with what they want. But how could he not get laid super easy driving a new BMW, having tons of money in some flyover state? Women want to escape their mundane boring lives in the midwest all the time. I don't see how that wouldn't help him. Maybe I need to live there to understand it more, hopefully you or some other ameribro can elaborate

Yes, more violent though

Yeah but he wasn't ever interested with Asian women to start with. He wanted to have asian guy friends and make some success but eventually they alienated him and he came to resent Asians as a race and could only go for white women. Being jew/asian isn't a good help to him tbf

If the 80/20 rule keeps persisting and the betas catch on that being a sociopathic killer turns girls on, I'd expect an almost Megacity 1 level amount of shit to go down.

Why are femoids so into killers? The amount of thristy comments from women after Elliot did his thing is unreal. The amount of women complementing him and saying they'd fuck him was insane.

Parents spoiled him and didnt prepare him for the real life

I think it was hearing his sister getting plowed by Chad through the door that made him snap

I read his manifesto. He was batshit insane

Lack of a masculine presence in his life and the betacuck tragedy of treating women how they say they want to be treated.

Bought heavily into the failure of inductice reasoning. She could have almost any man she asks if she wanted them. She doesn't ask me. She doesn't want me.

Yes but he was also mentally ill and an eunuch, we cant blame him.

That would be blackpilling for any guy lets be honest.

a poor mans brexit bitch.

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>Will we see more Elliot Rodgers type incidents in the future?
Yes. Like the other anons say. Single mothers. All school teachers are female. Pareto 80/20. Women are Onlyfans skanks. Women are tatoo'd poor cumrags with no skills. Men will come out retarded and want to kill something. As we all see, women don't give a shit either. The 'caring motherly equality' female is entire bullshit. Some MF's gonna machine gun these ho's.

>half jew
>half asian
>ticking time bomb
Always a recipe for disaster. Jew autism plus hapa asian incel autism. Mega faggotry.

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Women want men that have money and/or fame. Also, women should have no right and only be property.

It started with college.
>his rommate calms over a nigger
>nigger tells him he fucks girls
> elliot wnt to his room crying, how can a nigger fuck girls and he, as white (!!!) person can't score

>he went to starbucks for a coffee
>on his way to his car he saw a couple holding hands
>he threw his coffee on them and ran away

He saw his sister getting fucked

>he got into a depression
>aomehow he was thinking he is destined to win the lottery
>he bought shitton of tickets
>the news announced that the winner is from the same state as him
>he started to celebrate
>then he checked the numbers and he realized it wasn't him
That was when he snapped

unironically is sharia needed at this point for the west

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>half jew
Proof? Do you have any proof that Peter Rodger is jewish. He made a holohoax documentary but problem is literally everyone in Hollywood is a zionist

based jose

>Was it just because he was acting autistic and socially recluse that he couldn't get a grill?
he was an upper middle class dude expecting all the hotties to swoon automatically. if only he fucked some fatties he would still be with us.

I have no idea how we haven't. Men are getting more and more isolated, hypergamy more and more a thing for the top percent of men. Soon the bottom 50 percent of men might not fuck but once every 5 years or so. As an average guy even now, it's nearly impossible to find reasonable and attractive women in online dating.

On top of all this, the media and social media in general are demonizing white men (the majority) of males in the west. I think we're going to see bombings, shootings, and the like in the next few years. Especially if an economic depression is coming.

Imaging being persecuted, having no love, and being poor on top of that.

I predict a very dark future for incels.

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He was on his way to enlightenment but fucked up on both his conclusions and his response. Reasonably intelligent but inept as all fuck.

No, he wasn't. He was entirely correct. If you have to try, it's over. Chad never had to try and has hot women randomly approach him and ask for sex.

I see a few ways to fix this. Either they try harder, work out, get money etc. even though its an uphill fight with jew media against you. Pack up and move to Asia to get a loyal Jap or chinese waifu that'd treat you like a god compared to white femoids or like you said just snap and fucking kill as many as you can in some bombing or some shit. I wouldn't blame them, white women have too much power.

more like Elliot GODgers, amirite???

because Elliot GODgers in an GOD

Stopped by a fucking door.

thanks fatass

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I don't think packing up and moving to asia is an option. It has upfront expenses and even when you're there you're not going to be making much to live on and retire on. Especially if you want to come back to western society, the money you save in the east won't translate well.

Unless you're a tech god and can remotely work from places without having to wake up for 3 AM meetings with your western bosses

>T Incel