What a fucking faggot

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Funny how he only chooses to say this in America. A country where hes legally allowed to say this with no repercussions

I agree, Dimiti, he's a fag.

Everyone knows you Snow-Slavs are a shitty nation of cyberwarriors, madlads, amateur AK engineers, bear-tamers and sick dancers. And we love you for it, you wonderful loons.

Nothing small about russia

Nobody cares what some irrelevant kike writes on social media and this shit isn't politics.

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anyone who uses twitter should kill themselves

The Jews really dislike Russia. I wonder why?

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he seems kinda bigoted and xenophobic

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The vernacular of a faggot.

Thia dude is pretty cool tho.

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I'm not white, you all know it.
But i can't understand why are you not killing them all, starting with this huge faggot

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tim wise is living prove that the nazi abyss stared back. an equal and opposite, although not opposite in a good way, reaction

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He's a faggot for sure but so are you for getting triggered by him borscht boi

He's not wrong

He's right. Russia died with the tsars.

You guys should put polonium in his tea. That guy is a faggot.

Jews run Russia. Most rich people there are Jews most of their media are kikes.


He has a psychotic hatred of white people. He is legitimately sick.

if it's such a shitty nation, why is he so triggered?

This WAS true, but they have managed to take back some control. This is why Jews have such a burning hatred for Russia.

Their hatred of Russia comes primarily from hearing horror stories about pogroms since their childhood.

>Revisiting the 19th-Century Russian Pogroms, Part 1: Russia’s Jewish Question
>Myth and the Russian Pogroms, Part 2: Inventing Atrocities
>Myth and the Russian Pogroms Part 3 – The Jewish Role

they deserve it

Exactly. Tim Wise one of the most openly and arrogant anti-white jews will be the first to get publicly culled in a civil war scenario (in minecraft).

because everyone has been pozzed by the (((public school system))) and have literally been brainwashed into thinking they are the problem and that brown people are better

kek none of these jews even look mad they are getting burned alive most of them are just like "aw bro srs?" or at most slightly disgruntled

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