/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3451

► Detected: 2,912,262 (+83,436) ► Died: 202,937 (+5,838) ► Day: 107 (-03:51:40)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,604 strains have been sequenced —


8 patients in Hong Kong test positive after "recovery"

China wants to delete this:

Chinese activists detained after leaking information on GitHub

20,000 dead in the UK, beating projections by 8 months

Blood thickening associated to infection

The Lancet warns about incoming "second wave"

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

91 fully "recovered" cases test positive again in South Korea

"Recovered" in Japan sick again

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

21 million fewer cellphone users in China

China doctors pressured into discharging patients in mass

Beijing scientists: virus probably originated from Wuhan biolab

▶ 30259 new cases and 1928 new deaths in the United States
▶ 1466 new cases and 163 new deaths in Canada
▶ 42 new cases and 1 new death in Guinea
▶ 7 new cases in Andorra
▶ 7 new cases in Rwanda
▶ 1127 new cases and 86 new deaths in Germany
▶ 5621 new cases and 346 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 240 new cases and 5 new deaths in Israel
▶ 3 new cases in Grenada


Attached: CVG.jpg (797x1024, 272.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Built for BBC

Rate my PrEP boysssss

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Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

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i think that stop being a burger long ago

mass riots and chimp outs when i'm starting to think this is a non happening corona isn't causing civil disruption so it doesn't really count as a major happening

Mutt's Law, as always

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Datedanon from previous thread, give advice for emergency weaponry in societal collapse.

There is a light, and it never goes out.

Oh say you can see

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Does he have corona?
Post link pls

So what's the big news for today? Is Kim really gone?

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Proper lockdown would suck dick. Public places might be closed but at least i can go outside whenever i please.


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Torrent with the githubs an user posted earlier
Apparently they have things like pic related in it.

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Glad the phone is in there for comparison.

>12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions
How is this so different than the early studies in which 99% were older than 79 and had up to three conditions?
Do younger and healthier people die later or something?

Well, there are some differences in societ. E. G. in Germany you have unlimited days of paid sickness, though after some months it's paid by health insurance and only 2/3 of wage.
Also, if you think you got the normal flu or Corona, the government allowed to phone call some service number and you get a week off from work (paid).
That service number is new for Corona.

You can't get fired for being sick.

That's why my mind was flipping after remembering the confirmed buying of the urns. If they are those I one bought (+40000), the 1 person regular ur looks like to be 10 inches inches (25cms) 200 cubic inch to kilogram [water] = 3.27741 kilogram [water].

Each regular urn can have what, 3kg of ashes? if that's true taking that in mind with a 4 urns x 3 urns each big urn will mean 12 people per big urn. So 12 x 40,000 = 480,000 people DEAD IN URNS IN CHINA??????

if it's 35 urns per big urn as you said... IT'S 1,400,000 DEAD IN URNS IN CHINA!!!!!??????


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what happened to BNO?

it's just a normie

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I don't think so

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Ah yes, jars of vinaigrette.

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#1 United States 955,488 (54,120) #2 Spain 223,759 (22,902) #3 Italy 195,351 (26,384) #4 France 161,488 (22,614) #5 Germany 156,126 (5,846) #6 United Kingdom 148,377 (20,319) #7 Turkey 107,773 (2,706) #8 Iran 89,328 (5,650) #9 China 82,816 (4,632) #10 Russia 74,588 (681) #11 Brazil 58,616 (4,016) #12 Canada 45,354 (2,465) #13 Belgium 45,325 (6,917) #14 Netherlands 37,190 (4,409) #15 Switzerland 28,894 (1,599) #16 India 26,283 (825) #17 Peru 25,331 (700) #18 Portugal 23,392 (880) #19 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #20 Ireland 18,561 (1,063) #21 Sweden 18,177 (2,192) #22 Saudi Arabia 16,299 (136) #23 Israel 15,298 (199) #24 Austria 15,148 (536) #25 Mexico 12,872 (1,221) #26 Chile 12,858 (181) #27 Japan 12,829 (345) #28 Singapore 12,693 (12) #29 Pakistan 12,644 (268) #30 Poland 11,273 (524) #31 South Korea 10,718 (240) #32 Romania 10,635 (601) #33 United Arab Emirates 9,813 (71) #34 Belarus 9,590 (67) #35 Qatar 9,358 (10)…

#1 United States +30,259 (+1,928) #2 Russia +5,966 (+66) #3 Brazil +5,621 (+346) #4 United Kingdom +4,913 (+813) #5 Spain +3,995 (+378) #6 Peru +3,683 (+66) #7 Turkey +2,861 (+106) #8 Italy +2,357 (+415) #9 India +1,836 (+45) #10 France +1,660 (+369) #11 Canada +1,466 (+163) #12 Mexico +1,239 (+152) #13 Saudi Arabia +1,197 (+9) #14 Iran +1,134 (+76) #15 Germany +1,127 (+86) #16 Belgium +1,032 (+238) #17 Belarus +817 (+4) #18 Pakistan +704 (+15) #19 Netherlands +655 (+120) #20 Sweden +610 (+40) #21 Portugal +595 (+26) #22 Chile +552 (+7) #23 United Arab Emirates +532 (+7) #24 Ukraine +478 (+8) #25 Indonesia +396 (+31) #26 Poland +381 (+30) #27 Ireland +377 (+49) #28 Bangladesh +309 (+9) #29 Serbia +296 (+7) #30 Kuwait +278 (+4) #31 Israel +240 (+5) #32 Denmark +235 (+15) #33 Egypt +227 (+13) #34 Romania +218 (+34) #35 Switzerland +217 (+10)…

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i think the virus stopped being a burger long ago

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>2910298 infected
>202671 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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They're not urns you fucking mong

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What are the odds wuhan was completely wiped out?
How would it be possible to even survive this long?

Attached: 01_wuhan_1198372862.adapt.1900.1.jpg (1900x1266, 180.68K)

These people don't get crazy over lockdown though but social distancing and not being able to continue being a wage cuck.

Is it half a million overall or half a million in this garadge?

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>1050 strips of bacon
lol, still only 1050.
How many days has it been stuck at 1050? Four days? Five days?.

someone coofed on it

Well, rusanon from about 2k threads ago measured the extremely unusual heat or CO release in Wuhan and according to his cauculus, about +400k were burnt. Don't have the image with the correct explanations with me

To be fair Coronachan loves spreading among niggers according to the numbers.

Attached: Pump it up Corona-chan.webm (1920x1080, 1.78M)

Noo don't do this to me

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this really ,makes me sad. nigger africa was supposed to get wrecked

A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called "The Emergency Money for the People Act." H.R. 6496

If passed, the bill will pay Americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.

A petition for the bill is below. Pease sign/share it. Afterwards contact your representative and ask them to support this bill.



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Would Kim dying make a difference anywhere though? I always saw him as full of bark but no bite, i can't imagine anyone caring, what are they going to do anyways?

>about +400k were burnt
oh fuck I did my maths right fuck i'm gonna get kidnapped by the chinese spies here fu

I'm fine Everything fine China give us mask We safe thanks to China

just wine user

Attached: wine.png (1093x778, 734.96K)

>Corona cases hit 3M
>Corona cases hit 1M in the USA, 0.3% of the population infected
>Not slowing down, constantly infecting 50k+/day
>Boris Johnson reappears looking like shit
>Kim Jung Un dead, NK military starts shelling Seoul with 170,000 howitzers causing 2M+ dead South Koreans within an hour
>No treatment
>No Cure
>Reopening the economy is a meme, GDP is permanently fucked, nobody is going to stores in Germany and Italy
>World GDP set to drop 50%+

This can only mean one thing: Stocks will be up like no tomorrow on Monday.

Attached: coronachan.jpg (1280x720, 95.42K)

They are probably unironically already dead and killed long ago by Corona and the few surviving people by the enteral lockdown. There is a 0 chance China would ever admit it. Traveling to Wuhan will be prohibited for normal people for years from now regardless of the Corona situation, they have to relocate people first to make it seem as if Wuhan was never wiped out of existence to maintain the "few thousands died" narrative.

China makes vinaigrette out of human corpses?

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Kim, not really, he's just a figurehead.
The problem is what happens with what he left.

chinas been doing well for a long time

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-26 01.22.07.png (1531x690, 72.46K)

It's just the fucking flu bro, go drink some bleach if you're so scared...

glass lungs?

Attached: glassed out.jpg (512x384, 70.66K)


No, but that's probably how they make Sesame chicken.

How is Africa looking these days. Should be six weeks until saturation.

>30 thousand on a weekend

It's ok, you can slow down now America.

What else?

there is no fucking way that China is 84k cases and 5k deaths.

If you're going to lie about it, at least give me semi-reasonable numbers of some declining curve.

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Those are actually used to store gutter oil.

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▶ 261 new cases and 8 new deaths in Colombia
▶ 1419 new cases and 113 new deaths in Germany

Attached: CVG.png (720x480, 221.23K)

btw the folders are compressed in 7z so you better have 7zip installed

>Believing Chinese stock numbers
kek, you aren't allowed to sell stocks in China, if you short sell the secret police come and take you away

>How is Africa looking these days
Who knows, it isn't worth looking. Africa has worse sickness floating about on a good day anyway. Corona kills the fuck out of NYC niggers, we do know that much at least.

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You mean accelerate even more?

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Expect a rise in numbers in LA

You’re laughing. Hundreds of thousands of people are dying from a horrible disease and you’re laughing.

Do you think it is niggers or cucks who make these posts? I hope niggers.

Is this true?

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We are

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It's probably 84M cases and 5M deaths, which is a blip considering 1M people die in China every week.

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You're right, NYC has millions more to go before it becomes truly hilarious.


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>/cvg/ was right agein
I'm not even surprised st this point


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ITT FLU EARTHERS kvetch to the sound of CNN updates.

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Here user, this was posted way way way back fortunately svenanon reposted it again just recently. They've found out they were burning bodies and produced so much SO2 but the factories and other manufacturing plants were closed since Wuhan was on lockdown so what other reason could there be an abundance of SO2 being produced during that time?

Maybe death would be better user he might still be alive and being tortured

Reverseach does goes to a articlle pointing out that seems to be wine fermenting but ALL articles are literally the same, and i'm a full brainlet when it comes to wine and how its done so i wont give my word

It's like a coronavirus behaves like other coronanviruses.

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>the year is 2034
>the virus, famine, and the ensuing widespread civil unrest and conflict between nations has decimated 90% of all life on earth
>somewhere in the basement of a ruined skyscraper, a single solar powered UPC is running a server that continues to push the DJIA to new all time highs

Mexico bros, how are /we/ standing right now?

sounds about right

It pisses me off how media is still quoting China on anything and calling their lockdown successful. Not only is China's population dense as fuck with tons of millions of people in every bigger city, Corona started there, there were zero warnings that something was about to happen and by the time people realized there were a lot of sick with lung diseases around that shit must have already spread back and forth through the whole region and that is still before they even realized it was a new unknown virus and what type of virus it is.
There must be at least hundred thousand deaths, rather more.

Yawn, this was way back in Feb. Try to keep up you WHONiggers

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africa has almost no ability to test. and the locusts are still fucking up crops so thats something.

Its going to be worse by late may.
All the normies will flood out to party and events, they will cope and deny it exists untill their last strangled breaths
By mid june well see 10k deaths a day

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100% of Americans are obsessed with BBC. Even the people who hate nigs always talk about BBC


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youve been posting the same image over and over again for the past 2 months, stop it already

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