Pony memes are too powerful for (((them))) to handle. That's why they have a 3 day cool down

Pony memes are too powerful for (((them))) to handle. That's why they have a 3 day cool down.

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Lee in 3....’2

never forget /mlpol/

Slide thread

Never forget our frens.

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Hang yourself you fucking freak

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maybe the real riech was the friends we made along the way

there he is

You tried to tell them but they didn't want to listen.

frens is magic

die out

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The whitepill too hard for Yas Forums to swallow.

Why weeb trash permitted but horses cartoons not so much

Slit your throat

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>Being this mad over best board

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I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.

I love ponies.

I truly miss mlpol, it was a really fun time, it got rid off all the shills and redditor of this board

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>Cartoons that promote traditional family values are somehow degenerate and upsetting.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

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I just don’t get it my fren, how is weeb stuff any different from kids pony cartoon

I want you fucking dead

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Has it ever occurred to you that the majority of the world feels that way about you? The reason everybody upsets you so much is because YOU are the problem?

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Reported for extreme faggotry and being a manchild

>I want you fucking dead
Then do it faggot.
You wont.


glowniggers revenge

Mlp was less effective at turning boys gay and transgender so sadly the Jews had to ban it

Less effective than anime I meant to say

I guess we're both rebel outlaws now.
But at least I stand against unjust laws.

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stay mad, leaf poster

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Aryanne was the only good pony
>mlpol was bestpol


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This and pandas in WoW is why I had to leave the internet

They Married Yas Forums to /poni/ once.... It was the funniest shit

55% of Yas Forums are old zionist boomers trying to trick young people into voting against their best interests

Degenerates like you get the rope

Brave words fren

We know... I like humoring them sometimes.

Funny how much hate the pony fandom got when it became popular, they even called them pedos. Its not the best cartoon by any means, but its pretty good at story telling and character development as well as teaching basic important life lessons, a lot better than other degenerate shit that's considered child's cartoons. I wonder why so much hatred towards people that just fell in love with a cartoon series, I mean anime is the same shit

mlpol was surprisingly based


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weebs were heartbroken their light was stolen

Those were good times

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Big mouth isn't a children's cartoon though