Name one thing you disagree with Yas Forums on

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whites are too weak and deserve to be replaced at this point and I would fug that negress

That abortion should be illegal, but prostitution legal.

Hitler wuz a good boi

I disagree that Yas Forums is a single minded entity, but I agree that this is a data mining slide thread.

Abortion should be legal in shit holes like Brazil and the US.


I'm not gay just because I have a different opinion

Hmm, I'd say it's probably somewhat race related.
I dont hate certain races I just hate certain cultures.

If it was the right place and the right time I'd probably settle down with a black woman.
Even though I'm as white as you can get genetically


Isn't prostitution legal in Germany? It is in Finland, last I heard, a year ago. I heard also about a year ago that there were some problems where brothels in Germany had open spots for prostitutes and women on government unemployment gibs were told to go work at a brother or no more government gibs because you refused a valid job offer. I'm not German though, so what do I know.

>Yas Forums agrees on anything

Jews are bad

god dayum those are some big chocolate milkbags

Why? Abortion reduces the black population. Why do you think black nationalists like Malcolm X opposed abortion?

I love jews although they chop cocks

Hitler was a good boy though


Maybe if you were the last white human on Earth that'd be acceptable. Otherwise, reconsider being a race traitor.

>Iam white
>I fuck niggers.

Pick one.

I fully support trans people, especially early access to puberty blockers and HRT.
The earlier trans kids start on hormones, the more likely they'll end up passing as cis and looking near-indistinguishable from them.
I just want less ugly, mannish, disgusting hons walking around ruining the good name of trannies everywhere.

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Yas Forumstards dive head first into the shallow end of any edgy ideology you throw their way, nothing really to disagree with you just watch and laugh.

T.cheese kike.

Hitler was an alright boy. He could have been better. But wasnt bad

>Good name of trannys.


i disagree with pol on pretty much everything

The Native Americans being less advanced than Europeans can be explained largely by their surroundings.

Pick one

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youre obviously a /lgbt/ poster and not a pol poster but still, based



niggers should be allowed to roam free

The problem with trans shit isn't how good they could look, it's that normal people are being compelled to pretend via social pressure from communists to believe something everyone knows isn't true. Trans women are men. Trans men are women. There is nothing but man, woman, and the tiny percentage of biologically intersex people. Trans posting is marxism, fuck communists to death.

cake boy!

It's pointless

I could have named about 10

Stick around long enough and you realise that the saddest and truest words are simply:

Pol is always right

Jews, women, race-mixing whatever for various reasons I wanted to cling on to a few blue pills but pol is always right

My biggest gripe with a lot of Yas Forums anons is how fucking dumb they are with regards to actual scientific discussion. It’s not even the point they’re arguing that’s retarded but rather how a lot of people here take up a position without even understanding it just because they believe its politically motivated and want to take the contrarian opinion.

I said right place right time, meaning the right conditions.
Not that I WOULD get with a black person.

I fully support you joining the 40% club.

I'm not transphobic, but unless you find some way to DEFINITIVELY prove children at a young age have gender dysphoria. I'm not going to support children being given hormone blockers for a 80% chance they won't need them.

>black person
Say it with me, nigger.

He was too good of a boy, he should have used chemical weapons on England and the Eastern Front.

I don't really know if this is necessarily Yas Forums, but every person I have met who called themselves a neo-nazi has always been room-temperature white trash knuckledragger or a full-fledged mutt.
>covered in tattoos and piercings. (Bonus points for German Eagle or Iron Cross)
>obsessed with nazis but down know actual nazi ideology.
>Obsessed with germany, but does not know german history or have even tried to learn the language.
>Obsessed with racial purity, but doesn't even know their own heritage past "I have a german ancestor".
>doesn't even understand the politics or systems of National Socialism.
Without fucking fail.

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Vladimir Putin is the last hope of the white race.
Khomeini did nothing wrong.
Soleimani was a hero.
Kim Jong Un is/was based.
Free market capitalism is incompatible with nationalism.
Monarchism is better than a fascist dictatorship, but the two work well together if that is possible.

Socially if you look like a woman, behave like a woman, talk like one youre pretty much a woman. Like, would you really call Blaire White 'he'? you could but it would just be cringe and you'd have to force yourself into it. The natural inclination is to call her she because human use pronouns based on physical tells, not the chromosomes

Biologically its another story but its not really important in everyday's life unless you want to have kids

I reserve the word nigger for filthy degenerate blacks who partake in savage cultures.
Most blacks I've met are ok, but I have met a bunch of gang members before and I will say they were outright niggers

Can't argue with that. You win this time Australia man.

>you would call Blaire White he?
Furthermore, America was, in fact, founded on an idea and that idea is globohomo.
You must reject Americanism and the American Empire. That is the final red pill.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the white, Christian majority of Americans, but the American government is inherently degenerative and morally corrupt and has been for a quarter of a millennium. The American government is the final boss of globohomo.

i don't hate all asians and i love their subservient women

i disagree on nuking china but instead force them into slavery and keep them as virgins but harvest their semen so that more asian women can be produced to be fucked in front of their faces

i want asian males to become a dedicated cuck race