Just why


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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Rupert Anderson and wife Harriet


In 30 years he will be ready to kill again

>murder is no longer a life sentence in detroit
we must burn the city to the ground and start over.

you can tell he's 68IQ.

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He clearly dindu nuffin

>fights to stop nazis
>survives for the entirety of the war
>celebrated when he comes back home
>60 years later killed by nigger

Imagine fighting in ww2 just to die like this

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At least he wasn't forced to speak German.

Dios mio

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niggers gonna nig
You know the routine

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Murder being committed by guys like this is just a part of diversity.
Like Sadiq Khan said that Londoners must learn to accept Islamic Terrorism as part of daily life, so must burgers accept the murder of decent people by cunts like this as part and parcel of a diverse and inclusive society!

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Last thing that vet did in his life is ruining nigger's life. Based.

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I think you're being awfully generous

That’s what the ww2 veteran gets for fighting for team Jew and killing is fellow white brothers


imagine if you had no reasoning abilities, no impulse control and easy access to highly destructive weapons

this is what we subject black people to every day, its cruel really

God damn i'm gratefull we don't have nigger plague

You are right, we should just light that nigger on fire and be done with it.

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friendly reminder: the ones without a picture of the victim means the victim was also black.

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>black people
You'll pay for this folly

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germans were never white.

Imagine surviving the nazis just to die by a nigga in your home. America fought on the wrong side.

this. i don't understand why we incarcerate people like them and subsidize their living for 60 years. straight to the rope with people who do this kind of shit.


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so says la creatura

>It is hard to make them feel that the shedding of human blood is a great crime ; they must be conscious that it is wrong, but, having been accustomed to bloodshed from infancy, they are remarkably callous to the enormity of the crime of destroying human life.
--- Livingstones Africa, page 217

they were like this when we found them.

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There's ONE article in that collage without a photo of the victim
>black ww2 veteran
Pick one.

>Investigators said Makuey used a metal spatula to kill 97-year-old Rupert Anderson and also beat his wife Harriet in their Des Moines home in July 2014.


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Cause he murdered someone


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aussies are brits.
brits came from germans.
you're not white.

Yeah, but it was a sheboon.

America is truly a doomed country

there is two.

Niggers,like the Corona virus,need to be wiped out !

niggers gonna nig.

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skibbity bibbity skoo scappa rooo, a wing ting ding. Oh and ching chong the ping pong.

He fought for faggot storytime and mass third world immigration. Fuck him.

There's 5 separate articles in that image, only the bottom left doesn't have a photo of the victim. Check again.

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watch out guys he's having a vietnam flashback

Niggers are a plague !

He could have at least finished the job.

When i was a kid i worked in a gas station. blonde chick comes in, two black eyes. Mumbles about falling down stairs. Buys pack of newports. kek.

NOW,Keely is a good nigger !

i stand corrected on the number.
i don't stand corrected on the fact that when the victim is not shown that the victim is also black.

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I fuckin hate niggers. They are like terrorists without a motive, as in they’re just fucking chimps.

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I already demonstrated that the victim in that case was white.

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More like 20-25 years if the nigger manages to halfway behave himself

He fought for it anyways


Based. At least whitey learned something.

Thing is, he didn't know what would come out of result. So you can't really blame him for fighting against what he was made to believe was evil. If he truly believed he was against evil, he cannot be blamed. However I'm sure he saw he was mislead before his demise, and that is his lesson learned.
I could say the same about my grandfather, except he loved the CBC and diversity. Truly brainwashed, and he thinks he's gonna wait for in the afterlife to punish me for not believing in what he believed. He's going to have another thing coming when I get there. I have a few tricks up my sleeve if I indeed deduce that he seeks to hurt me.

>demonstrated that the victim in that case was white
with anecdotal nothingness.
rupert is a black man's name.

This subhuman spritual shitskin finally got to join his fellow mutts in hell.
1945 payback.

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Just execute him.

Have a seat, user. We need to talk about ifunny

Niggers are mostly "undducated" too.
Fuck these pieces of dogshits.
Fought for kikes, burn in hell with kikes.

70 years too late mane, but a lesson no less.

fuckin gooks 'll be zipperhead by the time I'm done, just lemme at em!

Based and worstgenerationpilled.


>Investigators said Makuey used a metal spatula to kill 97-year-old Rupert Anderson and also beat his wife Harriet in their Des Moines home in July 2014.


lmgtfy.com/?q=Rupert Anderson and wife Harriet


Fucking brits can't even speak their own language, it's the most pathetic shit.
>Teenager charged with murdering woman, 20, found dead in stream

This is stating that the TEENAGER was found dead in a stream.
Fucking hell, I never used to believe the memes about this cucked faggot dystopian prison island, but they're all true. Brits are even more cucked that swedes in many ways, and are fucking retards that legitimately can't even speak their native language.
>inb4 paki
Amerimutt stuck here between destinations.

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Niggers are the ugliest creatures on earth

not even close to white.

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ayo, chu say wyboi?

>b-b-b-but you're not white if you don't have blue eyes

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>why did this happen?
ill tell yo uwhy it happened. you can see it in that guys face, he's a cuck. faggot. the nigger told him gib me yo money. he said, just do what they want theyll leave us alone. this continued. take me to the atm now gib me yo money. he said just do what they want theyll leave us alone. kids wife follows to watch dad do the heroic thing he's talking about. nigger gets the atm money then goes, im gonna fuck her pussy. he goes just go along with it, theyll leave alone after h'es got what he wants. then he shoots him.
thats how he got pussy in front of the man in front of the kids then got shot. being a cuck. he looked like it. teh nigger had more brains that the guy did even if he had a gunm, the woman married him knowing this would happen.

What is the teens name you stupid fucking leaf?

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divide and conquer "italians/irish/scottish/slavs/etc/etc/etc/etc. are not white" disgusting kikes will not be spared, filthy spic.

Germans are truly the most based posters imo.