Career Help General

This thread is dedicated to help other Yas Forumsacks out in life. Whether you want to become a doctor, fireman, soldier, scientist, business man, or less of neet this thread is for you.

Offer your experiences for your path in life that has made you successful (or utter garbage that you want others to avoid). Let's help each other for once.

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Shut up bitch I hope all you phags are unemployed scraping for food

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I wanna blast nigz.

How to make the transition from stem? Taking calc 3 atm and I just realized I have no aptitude for mathematics at all.

STEM-based worker here. With an essential job.
In my country all highschools can get you to college, assuming that you have grades that are high enough to meet the standards of th colleges you want to enter.
The best colleges here have special and separate admission exams that add more difficulty to your academic life.
12th grade is a bitch here and only 50% of young Romanians pass it.
I have smart parents both with STEM diplomas that are children of farmers. I have very little farming experience.
Went to a tough highschool and just on being an ADHD numbskull with hardened underpants.
Nowadays you have to take a tutor to give you extra chances to get into college, most teachers are bored, depressed or drenched in apathy during normal school hours, but will work harder for some more money in private.
Through smarts and tutoring ended up in one of the most prestigious Uni's in Europe.
Semi-kited it.
Now I have a good-ass job near my hometown.
Quit fapping and talk to girls more before college.
Start practicing a sport, even fucking ping-pong.
Stay out more and learn how to work your crops.

Now with my job- went from being a nerdozoid fuck to someone with a good grasp on life.
Former jocks now behave better with me.
Neighbors and their kids are saluting me on the streets.
We're all gonna make it if we try, but he have to try what can work for us.

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>be 23 year old goy who was pretty successful academically
>decide to pursue childhood dream by becoming a scientist who solves the worlds toughest natural problems
>get accepted into a PhD program where my thesis would be on zika and dengue viruses
>get to grad school and work my ass off
>start talking to other PhD’s and Post-Docs for the first time of my life
>they’re all incredibly unhappy, overworked, or bragging about how they’re now making $115,000.00/year after 8 years of post-undergrad education/post-doc’ing
>realize being a “scientist” is an unproductive idea if your goal is to be a breadwinner that works a regular 9-5 and raises a family
>drop out of my PhD program after 5 semesters and graduate with just my MS, thesis and some publications
>decide to change careers
>now poised to start a PA program this coming Fall and couldn’t be more excited to leave academia and pursue healthcare as a career path
What no one tells you is that college really does matter. It’s not just an extension of highschool. When it comes to deciding what career you want, of course you should consider what kinds of work you enjoy doing, but I strongly suggest you also List out what you want your life to be like in your late 20s/30s/40s and then choose a career that will let that happen. Don’t just put all your career eggs in the “whatever profession I find rewarding” basket. As much as it sucks to say, you HAVE to be pragmatic about your career

Didn't know universities were shit easy in Romania.

PhD polymer chemist. Pretty fun stuff. I sort of fell into it.

they aren't even if it seemed like it might be interpreted like so.
Getting in a good one is hard - like from grades 9-12 perfect 10 out of 10 hard.
And good colleges that are certified by EU standards will eat your youth and even health.

Being a productive scientist really depends on what kind of scientist and where you work even down to your project and who it's with. There a lot of variables to it.

I'm a professional writer and all my jobs have been about one year in length. I get a higher wage every time but I'm starting to get anxious about my lack of development, and I want to get into a comfy career. Managing research, for example. I actually graduated in English so it's good to use my degree, but I've grown up a bit now and have more boring priorities.

My current job is actually sweet but I live really far away from it and I don't think they will be able to afford renewing my contract. So I don't want to move closer.

I'm a 30 years old neet user.
I have a bachelor degree in computer science and worked for more than 5 years in the indusry.
Then my brain crashed and burned and I become a neet.
I started again in university for a master in computer science.

The question is.
Can somebody rebuild his life after age 30 when he have a hole in his curriculum of more than 5 years?
Or I would be never be able to fix my life? Should kill myself?

Please no bully.

The economy is fucked, everyone is bleeding money and companies seem to be doing more layoffs than hires. How to find a career job (not essential worker at a grocery store) during the pandemic?

>Then my brain crashed and burned
What do you mean by this? Have you experienced permanent brain damage? If so, why do you try to get a master in cs?

>What do you mean by this? Have you experienced permanent brain damage? If so, why do you try to get a master in cs?

No, I started to hate my job as a programmer and started to develop really big concentration problems.
My mental fog was completely unmanageable.
I develop a severe depression and ended up having panic attacks.

I wasn't always a neet, I had girlfriends, friends, job, a career, then I become a reclusive.

My best guess is that was a combination of stress, bad habits and bad food.
A combination of enviromental mold + candida ovegrowth due to bad nutrition. I was basically high and intoxicated.

I want a master un computer science because I always worked with computers as a programmers, is relatively easy / intuitive to me and also because is probably the area with most job opportunities / stability (probably this will change in the upcoming decade).

How do I pick the career that's good for me? I'm just plain average in every aspect, and I can't for the life of me make a decision. I don't even know what industry I like.


I want to work in tech, or something like that.
My parents ran network service provider in my childhood but they retired.

I want to do something similiar where I could set up a server for a business or something,but everything tends to be moving towards cloud services.

im just a wage cuck right now probably going to go into business or something in college

what do

That's a sad story man.
I wish you the best.

When it comes to health, you can look into ray peat's work. It's a bit hard to get into but he is one of the most intelligent men alive today. He is decades ahead of his time and I benefited tremendously from his wisdom.

what do you enjoy, user?
btw almost nobody uses calculus in real life. It's good to understand the concept so you can apply it but rarely will you have to derive anything.

how do i become king of romania?

Under 30yo in supply chain for a large multi national. Studied Poli Sci and Economics in undergrad.

The single most influential role I have had in my career was a 6 month stint at a call center doing tech support. Learning how to effectively communicate and lead the other party to the desired outcome will take you far.

How do I get a job in IT as a web dev? (inb4 muh not real programmer)
Every fucker wants you to have 2 years of experience and all suggestions online are 'just apply to all jobs and get a portfolio' bro. Is nepotism the only way?

lol just say youre a jew

Gotta impale some mudslims.

Got an interview for a couple of biological lab tech jobs right before shut down as I have a masters in biology, and naturally only heard back from them now saying that they can't hire due to the Kung flu situation. So now I am stocking shelves at supermarket. I kinda like it. Easy but physical work with more pay than government bux. Will the economy ever recover to the point I can get a lab job? Who knows.

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no problem, i got 2 million just waiting in their homes not eating anything

I am intimidated socially though. I have Aspergers and am socially awkward. Does social awkwardness affect reputation much in supermarket work? Supervisor said to me they like how I work and they want to give me a permanent role (currently on contract) but I constantly feel fear that my retarded stuttering and not knowing how to accept compliments will affect things.

You want to focus on 2 of the 3 things. Healthcare sector, finance, and tech.

You put any of those 2 together, you got a job for life.

Your job will improve your ability to communicate with others and your confidence. That is a fact, user.

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I hope so, thanks for the reassurance.

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