"Officials" (read: DEMS) worried about the optics of widespread testing results due to the fact that small test samples have shown that most people are INFECTED but UNAFFECTED (symptomless). This is going to show everyone how big of a NOTHINGBURGER it all was and they're scared shitless.
UPS driver here. Kinda thought this was the case when a lot of us were experiencing rona like symptoms back around Christmas time. Very few to none of us have been getting sick since then and I don't see how that's possible seeing as we interact with packages from all over the world daily.
Levi Lopez
no they havent. the bosses do but the workers dont. I live there.
Jayden Moore
Because it's a fake virus. Just read the Wikipedia article about Tuberculosis and you will understand what is really going on.
Noah Miller
Shit is already starting to get buried in NY >dem cuck says "2.7 million infected!!" >it plummets the mortality rate significantly >people start realizing birthcontrol is less effective at preventing pregnancy than Corona's ability to kill you.
Entire thing was massive nothingburger
Jose Moore
Yeah, 26% of the inhabitants in Stockholm metropolitan area alone have already been infected (around 500,000 people), and all of Sweden has only seen 2000 dead. Most people aren't affected whatsoever.
Zachary Morris
I thought everyone knew this and is just playing along for Reddit gold.
We shut down the economy and put tens of millions of people out of work over the goddamn flu
Hudson Ross
hiv positive guy here, whats the deal? i got hiv and i thought aids was supposed to kill me? still waiting...
Gavin Sullivan
God I hope so im going to sue the shit out of my company if im infected. Give me home test kits now
Logan Brown
eh. it was weird. back on January 1 a lot of people were getting a strong flu. I caught something in february and actually went to a doctor the doctor asked if I got the flu shot - I said no - she said it wouldnt matter because there were two strains. End of Feb I got sick again and was diagnosed with flu like symptoms.
Colton Ross
Covid 19 is sexually transmitted
Elijah Williams
it doesn't matter there is no long term immunity everyone in the country could have had it and in three months everything will start again
Jeremiah Cruz
Part of the plan. That way everybody is a potential carrier even if you're not sick. It's an invisible enemy that is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. youtu.be/jARp24AJWLk
>50k people ded >320m person population >unemployment spikes to 27million in a month
Good thing the world relies on our currency. We can just print more
Landon Price
It is all part of the Warhammer 40D chess that Trump is playing. He wants the "deaths" to be high so then he can monetarliy quantify it and charge China for it by wiping out all of the treasury bonds they hold.
The worry here is that anyone takes them seriously and your country opens up more and you get BTFO so hard that it's not funny.
Xavier Ortiz
So 100% of Yas Forums users are safe then
Michael Edwards
Pretty sure it'll all fall under force majeure, making all claims for negligence or whatever unupholdable in court.
Jayden Sanchez
Benjamin Adams
>swab tests >Accurate
we can do this all day Mate
Jose Ross
fake screenshot, no tweet or article exist
Carson Jenkins
Thank god, that means i'm immune!
Justin Gutierrez
>INFECTED but UNAFFECTED so far. we don't know what this virus is capable of.
Oliver Jones
Duh because you dont show symptoms until a week after the virus has already infected you, sometimes longer. The fuck... we've been over this already. Are these retards not capable of remembering things from the span of a few months ago? >hurr durr I don't show any symptoms YET so I'm fine! >hurr durr people aren't even dying that much haha s-so what that it leaves the survivors with lost of taste and liver damage haha libtards owned xD
Easton Sullivan
Casual britbong seething that american paper can be printed and wont devalue
I've wondered this too. You think we would start hearing about delivery guys dropping like flies or a huge crisis of no deliveries because y'all got sick recently, but nope. It's a nothingburger.
Chase Fisher
Kek, fake tweet and everyone here is eating it up.
Levi Robinson
Somebody accidentally swapped the tests for homosexuality ones.
Nicholas Bennett
this tweet and story literally dont exist
Eli Turner
Topkek this explains New York
Joseph Hughes
just checked, sadly this is true either that or the tweet was deleted
Colton Morales
so like 17 people at least
Noah Jones
Isn't it sad how many posts this thread got before someone checked?
Nolan Cruz
Force majeure is a Continental thing but judges here will probably find some other Talmudic excuse to throw that kind of suit out.
David Stewart
read the studies nigger, antibodies tests are literally made in the worst provinces of China as not even the chinese take them seriously
Also all the false positives. Widespread testing will do more harm than good. The only real utility is to give the panicky a temporary security blanket.
Liam Richardson
>checking twitter What are you gay?
Elijah Davis
Eh, it was only up for 10 minute and I'm pretty sure we all already believe this to be true. Pro-tip for screenshot faking, Politico would never be using "breaking news" here let alone twice
Owen Brown
Trump brings socialism to USA? Who would've guessed
Logan Kelly
>J-j-just t-two more weeks, I promise it'll happen this time!
Twitter is unironically more based than this glowsite
James Allen
I work at a fedex hub and there have been 2 cases. Both from outside it was from new hires. With the amount of boxes were getting from New York mass and Jersey we should be swimming in dead package handlers.
This tweet is fake, you fucking idiots. It does not exist. How do you hate niggers while you're just as stupid as they are? You should try drinking malt liquor together.
Jordan Roberts
I checked politico.com actually. You know, to get as close to a primary source as possible.
Delivery drivers, doctors, nurses, emt’s, and cops should be dropping hard.
Juan Butler
Majority is people who trusted something they read on Yas Forums.
Owen James
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Bill Gates lab, and I've been involved in numerous secret tests on chinamen, and I have over 2.4 million confirmed kills. I am trained in nationwide quarantine measures and I'm the greatest hoax in the entire US glownigger history. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this #OneWorld, mark my fucking words. You think you can #flattenmycuve by sharing data over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your ID2020 is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The cytokine storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 6 gorillion ways, and that's just with my media induced panic. I’m the invisible enemy. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the NIH and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. T-the second wave will be EVEN WORSE, j-just wait 2 WEEKS t-then you’ll see. I will sneeze all over you and you will drown in viral loads. You're fucking dead(if you don’t give me your dna), kiddo.
William Hughes
>most workers don't have a functioning brain kek
Josiah Martinez
Thanks for the fake news jerk, got my hopes up
Hudson Hall
>article nowhere on Politico’s twitter feed Fake news?
Antibody tests suggest that many people simply didn’t know they had it.
Jose Ross
Something you couldn't grasp nor imagine devastated China. Everything else is cover up. Same thing happened with The Towers, hence the dustification.
Julian Smith
Anyone who can read and do simple math can figure out this is a hoax. It started with the hot mic leak the other day. Doctors in LA give press conference that shutdown counterproductive to states health. Expect more of these in the next coming days. It's why he left it to the states to shutdown or not.