Why are American soldiers always going on about “muh Valhalla” and shit like that...

Why are American soldiers always going on about “muh Valhalla” and shit like that? Do you think there’s anything honorable about what you do, mutt? You sold your soul to kikes for gibs

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Gotta die in battle some how, bitch.

Lol chill, OP is almost 100% a fat piece of greasey neckbearded no gf having shit, trying to project his bitterness and sexual frustration on American soldiers.
This is nothing new.

I’m glad so many of you are suicidal disasters

I'm a combat vet and I agree with the sentiment. It's disgusting seeing a bunch of mutts serving the interests of international jewry wear t-shirts and repeat faux nordic paganism. It's disgusting.

Dear niggerOP, honor has nothing to do with getting into Valhalla. would have been impossible for those Vikings who slaughtered defenseless women and children. Drown in shit, nigger.

how is that not based?

So many of those captains (pic related) acted so tough but only ever lived vicariously through their pathetic enlisted troops.

t. enlisted troop in Afghanistan...5th group. I saw it over and over and over again.

yes it does you dumb mutt now hurry up and kys like all your buddies were honorable enough to do

His well- worn magazine was a nice touch. Lmao

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Retarded larping /thread

I would eat his ass gladly

What's wrong with the sheperd's ass? Does it have broken spine or something?

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So serving jews for money is based but taking the combat routes to die in battle for Odin irregardless of international interests is cucked?

>Why are American soldiers always going on about “muh Valhalla” and shit like that? Do you think there’s anything honorable about what you do, mutt? You sold your soul to kikes for gibs

What is honorable then, faggot? I got to kill some subhuman trash in the middle east, and now got my college paid for, bought a house at 25, got my future kids colleges paid for, get 100% disability because lmaotinnitis and lmaoplantarfascitis, and am now making over 6 figures working 3 days a week max.

I scammed the system and won, hahahaha

bait harder nigger

>I scammed the system and won, hahahaha
and that's "honorable"?

>I'm baiting
How ignorant are you to military benefits that any part of this seems false

What's honorable even mean? I'm setting up my future family for a debt free existence. Honorable, no?

Fuck off with your buzzwords.

lol you think warriors throughout history had perfectly moral and upright causes?

some men are drawn to a fight and like the art of war. Some others are bitches who sit around and wonder their whole life whether they'd be man enough to handle the tribulation of armed combat.

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Yeah whatever, I said extra pickles and extra onions, go get your manager you little shit

The only non-cuck way to live is start an under the table business like the mexicans do. They don't pay any taxes, they are the true alphas

What you fight doesn't matter. As long as you die with a weapon in hand against an enemy that is also trying to kill you, you get in.

Nice slide thread, Chiam. Hope you get plenty of (you)s.

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Stop romanticizing war user there's nothing honorable about making mr. Goldberg more powerful

GI Bill doesn’t go to you and your kids, you don’t get 100% for lmaoplantarfasciitis

Vikings gave up their culture for christianity.

Reminder that taxi drivers have a higher casualty rate than American military.

Americans have never had a real war in their history so I guess they're bitches in your definition.

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droning women and children has nothing to do with manhood

this is why kings liked hiring north men. Their religion tells them they have to die in combat. Unlike the christians who wanted to go home eventually. The barbarians were loyal as long as they were paid. Kind of surprised the government doesn't push that religion to get more soldiers

Fucking hotttttttttttt, why American men so sexi

Its German. Siberian dogs are bred to kill fucking bears.

Gutless Cunts like you couldn't even get in !