What food have they been lying to us all along

I will start :

Growing up, (((they))) said don't eat eggs everyday, because that will give you bad cholesterol. I have been eating a boiled egg everyday for the last 5 months now, and I feel more energetic than ever. I had a full checkup a month ago just before the lockdown. I told the doctor about me eating boiled eggs everyday because I was worried about it, and the doctor told me I had no issues at all with bad cholesterol. Which got me wondering, is there any other food they are lying to us about ?

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>(((they))) said don't eat eggs everyday, because that will give you bad cholesterol
the incredible edible egg has good cholesterol.

Dietary cholesterol is good. This has been known for almost a decade now. A high presence of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) is the result and not cause of inflamed or damaged arteries because those are the proteins the body uses to deposit cholesterol into inflamed and damaged tissue. If it builds up into a plaque it's because your arteries are being damaged faster than your body can make any meaningful repair. Most likely because you've fallen for "meat is bad" meme. Not only that but cholesterol is essential for the regulation of your hormones which affect not just your mood but your physiological wellbeing as well.

Thanks for the answer user
>This has been known for almost a decade
yes, that's what I meant. It was (((common knowledge))) growing up that eating eggs everyday are bad. I'm just wondering if there is anything else that theyre telling us not to eat too much, when in fact its OK to do so.
>Most likely because you've fallen for "meat is bad" meme
I have to admit I kind of did. (Not to the point of becoming vegetarian, but like eating meat only once or twice a week)

does anyone have any other dietary redpills that the jews don't want us to know?

>any other food they are lying to us about
the body needing milk or any dairy product. also 99% of vegetables are worthless and provide nothing *breaks mug

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>the body needing milk or any dairy product. also 99% of vegetables are worthless and provide nothing *breaks mug
This is very interesting user, thanks for that. I dont know how it is in the US, but here they are promoting the fact that only kids should drink milk. I do have milk at home right now, but I don't drink it a lot. Should I drink more of it ? This is exactly the kind of suggestions I was looking for by making this post.
also this

>Should I drink more of it ?
i drink a gallon a week but am skinnyfag and its one of the only things i consume(its not good for you, like liquid fat). and no, in the US milk is shilled for everyone. protip: aging is not caused by time but eating

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ok good to know. I drink like maybe 2 liters a week. (almost half a gallon) and i'm an averagefag (bmi = 26).

Pork. Since ancient times pork has been given to warriors and nobles and forbidden to eat for the lower classes of society. Pork made warriors stronger and nobles/rulers smarter. This is why many religions and ancient empires have restrictions on the meat.

Drink a gallon a day and I'm skinny hehe and feel like shit all the time but am beautiful

i lived off pic related and almost nothing else for a year and a half. felt great but shrank down to muscle,bone, and skin. nothing else. am currently back on food going hog looking to gain 40lbs this year

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>Pork. Since ancient times pork has been given to warriors and nobles and forbidden to eat for the lower classes
Fucking this. Pork is verboten to the Jew for a reason.

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If I eat meat everyday, is it a problem (not just pork, but all meats, beef, chicken, etc...), or is it OK ? (because I could live on a mostly eggs + meats diet , with a bit of milk and veggies here and there + lots of water).
I think this is obvious also, but should I stop eating french fries (im belgian, its like a religion here, and this is a hard one for me, is it that bad to eat french fries? it is fucking delicious)

Vegetable oils are terrible for you. Use lard.

They constantly change advice to keep you confused and thinking about shit instead of why you live under control

hmm... why did you eat only this for a year and a half ? This sounds extreme. Were you trying to lose weight or something. As you can see im a total noob when it comes to dietary advise, but this sounds even to me like a bad idea in the first place. Also, did you not miss the taste of actual food ? Regardless, I admire the dedication. That must have required a lot of mental strength

it is kind of hard to buy lard here unfortunately and even when you find it, it costs a fortune for just a small amount.
I 100% believe this.

eat fruit on most days, avoid foods containing fats not found in nature

>That must have required a lot of mental strength
thanks but its really a defect(ptsd). i dont really get hungry but my pic in my last post really breaks down what a person needs no more

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I eat two or three hard boiled eggs a day for breakfast, not dead yet but the egg farts are killer.

>French fries
Theyre fine so long as you make sure they arent too greasy. this goes for other processed stuff to actually. The rule i follow is that i dont eat unhealthy very often and when i do i make sure to balance it out with something more healthy plus cardio.
>Meat everyday
Yes. assuming you workout almost everyday meat and eggs (Natural proteins) are essential to gains and long term health

wrong pic

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Butter is healthier than margarine.

thank you all for great responses so far really.

Hard to buy lard in Belgium? Fuck off.

fukken huelbro

shit is amazing isn't it

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it changed. was a 2.0 fan

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Yas Forums is good for cooking threads and /ck/ is good for political threads.

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We all know what onions does to us. Creates Estrogen in men. Hops does the same thing once it's digested. Notice IPA drinkers get bitch titties and they get moody drunk over time.
(((Vegetable Oil))) is a scam. I use only butter and lard and dropped weight even though I've increased my fat intake.
Also most health problems come from sugar. Look at how many old timers (Over 80 in US) eat McDonalds and smoke non filter cigarettes and they are doing reasonably well.

Fiber makes your asshole bleed.

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"Plant based" diets lower IQ (((all part of the plan)))

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Fresh dairy.
Milk & Butter.
(((They))) will treat you like a criminal if you dare to sell or drink fresh milk.

Im nordic white phenotype and most people like me cobsume lots of dairy daily. Milk is good for white people.

this. Also meat in general is vital to long term health. The ability to hunt and cook meat is part of what made humans a successful species.

eat the (((s o y)))

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An ideal score for this test is zero. This patient hasn't eaten meat in 25 years, yet his score is 2060.

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(((They))) want to feed us like cattle (or in this case, dogs).

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Sugar. It's addictive and def not harmless.

Eggs aren't bad for you, theoretically,
but they murder the soul.

That the food information game is insanely complex.
There is High and Low Biological Value foods.
Meats, Dairy. Are easily digested by the human body, protein and nutrients are seized very easily from these products.
Seeds, legumes, fruits, etc. Are considered Low biological Value Foods.

However, you can have low grade chicken, exceeded by high Nutrient saturation foods like Chia Seeds. You also need the Anti-Oxidants present in Vegetables and fruits/seeds. To help clean out your blood stream. So although the biological value is low. The value overall remains high.
So a good mixed plate is very important.
If you are more active in life. High Grade meat diet is important for you.
If you have a more sedentary life. More Fruits and Vegetables will be crucial for you. As you will need more anti-oxidants in your bloodstream with a weaker pulse.

OVerall though. The best diet. Is to go all in on everything. With lots of meat though. While also staying as active as possible. Always straining your brain, muscles, etc.